
1.A chip or counter used in gambling.筹码赌博中用的筹码
2.He has lost all his chips.他赌输掉所有的筹码
3.Vending machine tokens exchange.此处兑换售货机筹码
4.counter (e.g., tokens discs etc)for games游戏用的筹码(例如代币、圆板等等)
5.a blue poker chip with the highest value.最有价值的蓝色扑克筹码
6.When the chips were laid out, Hurstwood met the raise.等筹码摆到面前,赫斯渥照加了赌注。
7."Make it five," said Hurstwood, pushing out his chips.“我加5块,"赫斯渥说,推出他的筹码
8.a small disk-shaped counter used to represent money when gambling.赌博时用来代表钱的小的圆盘形筹码
9.Competitive Intelligence (CI): a Counter of Enterprise to Win Victory of Competition竞争情报:企业竞争致胜的一个筹码
10.We hold all the chips.我们掌握所有筹码。我们占尽优势。
11.The mechanical structure design of the contactless smart token vending module非接触式智能筹码发售模块机构设计
12.(Japanese) a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters.日本的一种在格子上放筹码的游戏;目的是包围以至获取对方的筹码
13."Come again," said the youth, pushing out a small pile of reds.“照样加倍,"那个青年说,推出一小摞红色筹码
14.A piece, as of wood or ivory, used for keeping a count or a place.筹码木或象牙作的一小块,用来计数或位数
15.To put up chips or money as one's bet in poker and other games.下赌注在扑克和其它游戏中用筹码或钱下赌注
16.Come on!” said the big white, pushing a small pike of reds.开始吧!”大个子白人说,推出了一小堆红色筹码
17.a small disk or counter used in poker and other games to represent money.扑克和其它游戏中用来代替钱的小圆片或筹码.
18.a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips.赌博时使用的桌子;可以装赌台或筹码投币口。

the strategic card战略筹码
3)patent counters专利筹码
4)tally sticks理货筹码
5)counter tally筹码机
6)bargain chip谈判的筹码
