1.Emperor Han-wu took a great measure named "Gao-Min" against the tax dodgers and confiscated a large number of slaves.汉武帝发动大规模的告缗运动,没入了大批奴婢。
2)Bull of currency《缗钱令》
3)To tie myriads of strings of cash around the waist-a wealthy man腰缠万缗
4)a string of coins钱一缗

1.advertising rates广费, 广价格
2.the accuseed【律】被, 刑事被
3.bring [lay] an accusation against...发 [起诉] …,控
4.He went to pin the ad on the advertisement Board.他把广钉在广板上。
5.a word/a few words of advice,sympathy,warning一些劝、同情、警的话.
6.The act or an instance of exhorting.劝的行为或事例
7.admiralty notices to mariners航行通《英版航海通
8.There were lots of notices on the notice-board.布栏上有许多布
9.Departure Report出口报书离港报
10.alarms and alarm clear messages警和警清除消息
11.The act of advertising.做广做广的行为
12.printed notice (excl. advertisements)印刷的布(不包括广
13.Declarations of Missing Persons and Death宣失踪和宣死亡
14.paste up an advertisement, a notice, a poster, etc张贴广示、 海报等.
15.manuscript report稿件审查报,初审报
16.Regional Monitoring Report区域监测报(莫内报
17.The accused was confronted with his accusers那个被传和原对质。
18.Tell the manager I want to lodge a complaint.诉经理我要提出控

Bull of currency《缗钱令》
3)To tie myriads of strings of cash around the waist-a wealthy man腰缠万缗
4)a string of coins钱一缗
6)erythrocyte rouleaux formation红细胞缗钱状形成;红细胞钱串形成
