
1.Application of "the Basic Norms of Enterprise Internal control" in Colleges and Universities《企业内部控制基本规范》在高校内部控制中的应用
2.Suggestions on How to Perfect Internal Control of Insurance Companies;完善保险公司内部控制的若干建议——基于《企业内部控制基本规范》的思考
3.On State-Owned Commercial Banks’ Internal Audit Assisting Management to Implement Basic Standard for Enterprise’s Internal Control国有商业银行内部审计协助管理层实施《企业内部控制基本规范》探讨
4.New Opportunities for Deepening of Enterprise Accounting Archive Management深化企业会计档案管理的新机遇——试论落实《企业内部控制基本规范》的措施
5.The Recognition of <the Fundamental Norms of Internal Accounting Control>;对《内部会计控制基本规范》规定的认识
6.Internal Accounting Control Rule-Basic Rule:Assessment and Suggestions;再论我国内部会计控制基本规范的不足及改进
7.Reflections on the General Principles of the Internal Accounting Control Based on the Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks;企业风险管理框架下对企业内部会计控制基本规范的思考
8.The Establishment of the Standard of Our Country s Internal Accounting Control and the Foundation of Its Operation;我国内部会计控制规范建立及其运行的基础
9.Thoughts About Internal Control Disclosure of Information Based on New Norms基于新规范的内部控制信息披露的思考
10.On Standardization of Internal Accounting Control in Small and Medium-sized Ent erprises;浅谈中小企业内部会计控制规范建设
11.Establishing the Effective Internal Control System to Regulate Acco- unting in Enterprise;严格内部会计控制规范企业会计工作
12.Establishing Labor Capital to Avoid"Insider Control;确立劳动力资本,防范“内部人控制”
13.A Standard of Internal Accounting Control in Chinese Way;一部具有中国特色的内部会计控制规范
14.The Value and Whole Conceiving of Establishing Criteria for Internal Management Control Systems;制定《内部管理控制规范》的价值与整体构思
15.Perfect our country enterprise interior accountant controls thestandard the suggestion;完善我国企业内部会计控制规范的建议
16.Countermeasure of Implements Internal Accountant Controls Standard;贯彻和实施《内部会计控制规范》的对策研究
17.The History and Practical Thinking of China’s Internal Control Construction;我国内部控制规范建设历程及现实思考
18.Suggestions on improving the domestic interior accounting control standard;完善我国内部会计控制规范的若干建议

The basic norms of internal control企业内部控制基本规范
3)Internal Control Standards内部控制规范
1.Study on the Enterprise Internal Control Standards of China from the Perspective of International Comparisons;企业内部控制规范国际对比研究
4)Internal Accountant Controls Standard内部会计控制规范
1.Countermeasure of Implements Internal Accountant Controls Standard;贯彻和实施《内部会计控制规范》的对策研究
5)Basic System Regulation基本制度规范
6)interior regulation内部规范

内部内部interior  囚都t加挽幻份;皿yT那二ocT‘J 拓扑空间X的子集A的满足下列条件的所有点x的集合:存在X中的开集U:,使x任U:CA.集合A的内部通常记为IntA,且表示含于A内的X中的最大开集.等式IntA=x\「X\A」成立,这里〔X}表示X的闭包.拓扑空间X中集合的内部是正则开(化孚血r open)集或典范集(。口训jCalset).其典范开集构成拓扑基(b朋e)的空间称为半正则的(~一记gu~lar).所有正则空间都是半正则的.内部有时也称为集合的开核(open ken祀1 of the set). B .H,floH咖apeB撰【补注1亦见集合的内部(泊忱由r of a set). 白苏华、胡师度译