1.Operating cash-flow-at-risk of China's non-financial listed firms中国非金融上市公司经营风险现金流研究

1.Operating cash-flow-at-risk of China's non-financial listed firms中国非金融上市公司经营风险现金流研究
2.Analysis of Cash Flows in Risk Evaluation on Bank Loans;银行贷款风险评估中的现金流量分析
3.The Financial Precaution for Listed Companies Based on Cash Flow基于上市公司现金流的财务风险预警
4.Cash Flow Management in Enterprise External Value Chain企业外部价值链现金流风险管理研究
5.Financial Constraints, Cash Flow Volatility and Corporate Precautionary Cash Holdings融资约束、现金流风险与现金持有的预防性动机
6.A Study of the Relationship between Credit Risk and Cash Flow Variation;企业信用风险与现金流量变化之实证研究
7.The Application of Cash Flow Analysis in the Loan Risk Evaluation;现金流量分析在贷款风险评估中的应用
8.Research on the Measure and Control of Enterprises Financial Risk Based on Cash Flow;基于现金流量的企业财务风险测控研究
9.The Classification of Loan Risks Based on the Analysis of Bank s Cash Flow;基于现金流量分析的银行贷款风险分类
10.The Research on Foreign Exchange Exposure Measurement Based on Cash Flow Approach;基于现金流量法的企业外汇风险暴露度量研究
11.Cash Flow and Risk in Investment Projects: Calculation and Measurement;投资项目现金流量估计和风险度量研究
12.The Research about Chinese Listed Companies' Cash Flow Risk Management Behavior and Theory我国上市公司现金流风险管理行为及理论研究
13.Logistics Finance: Motives of Emergence, Development Pattern and Risk Prevention物流金融:出现动因、发展模式与风险防范
14.To Analyse Simply on Financial Risks Measuring in the Enterprise Based on Cash Flowing浅析基于现金流量的企业财务风险测定
15.Latest Development of Research on Cash Flow Risk Management上市公司现金流风险管理研究最新进展
16.Risk Discriminate,Estimate and Control on Modern Rural Logistics Finance Center现代农村物流金融中心的风险识别、评估与控制
17.A Study on Pre-Warning System of Financial Risk Based on Cash Flows基于现金流量的财务风险预警体系探析
18.Risk Analysis based on Cash Flow Mode to the Microfinance in Rural Credit Cooperative农村小额贷款的制度性缺陷及风险预测——基于运营模式和现金流模型的风险分析

Cash Flow Risk现金流量风险
3)Cash flow risk management现金流风险管理
4)risk-free DCF model无风险折现现金流模型
5)cash financial risks现金性筹资风险
6)risk of cash paying or receiving现金收付风险
