1.CDO is one of the most popular credit derivative products during the latest ten years,and the key issue is how to price the tranche.CDO是近十年来发展最为迅速的信用衍生产品之一,其核心问题为如何对CDO分券层进行定价。
2)multiple lev el bond夹层债券
3)stock analysis证券分析
1.After the introduction of basic stock knowledge and program developing environment, a design of stock analysis software running in embedded system is put forward in this paper, and the crucial techniques solving the conflicts between set top box resource’s limit and stock service high demanding are described in details.证券分析系统是一种实时分析系统,不仅需要为客户提供即时的成交信息,同时也需要为用户提供一定量的历史数据分析。

1.Asian Securities Analysts Council [ASAC]亚洲证券分析员公会
2.Insider Trading,Securities Analysts and the Attainment of the Securities Market Efficiency;内幕交易、证券分析师与证券市场效率的实现
3.An Empirical Study on the Performance of Analysts’ Recommendation;我国证券分析师选股效益的实证研究
4.An Empirical Research on the Security Analyst Following in China中国证券分析师跟进行为的实证研究
5.A Practical Analysis on the Stamp Tax of Security Markets in Our Country to Security Markets Affection;我国证券市场印花税对证券市场影响实证分析
6.Dynamic Analysis of the Effects from Newly Increased Security on Portfolio Frontier新增证券对证券组合有效前沿影响的动态分析
7.Grey Stock System Setting and Analysis of Trend Matrix of Stock Price;灰色证券系统证券价格趋势模型的建立与分析
8.An Analysis of the Development of Japanese Stock Market and the Status Quo of the Chinese Stock Market;日本证券市场的发展与中国证券市场现状分析
9.The Demonstration of Portfolio Selection under VaR Restriction;VaR约束下的证券投资决策实证分析
10.Empirical Research on Fund Investment Style in China;中国证券投资基金投资风格实证分析
11.Empirical Study on the Stock Market of China with the Behavioral Finance;行为金融在中国证券市场的实证分析
12.Evaluation of Investment Fund Performance and Demonstration;证券投资基金的业绩评价及实证分析
13.The VAR Estimate and Concrete Evidence Analysis for the Risk of Securities Investment;证券投资风险的VAR测评及实证分析
14.The Effects of Stock Acquisitions;中国证券市场股权收购绩效实证分析
15.Securities Portfolio Selection Multi-model Decision Making Empirical Analysis;证券组合投资多模型决策的实证分析
16.The Analysis on Collaboration between Banks and Securities Companies Based on the Securities for Substitute Saving;基于储蓄替代型证券的银证合作分析
17.An Empirical Analysis of QFII s Investment in China Domestic Securities Market;QFII投资中国内地证券市场的实证分析
18.A Positive Analysis of the Relation of CCI With China s Stock Index Returns;CCI与中国证券市场走势的实证分析

multiple lev el bond夹层债券
3)stock analysis证券分析
1.After the introduction of basic stock knowledge and program developing environment, a design of stock analysis software running in embedded system is put forward in this paper, and the crucial techniques solving the conflicts between set top box resource’s limit and stock service high demanding are described in details.证券分析系统是一种实时分析系统,不仅需要为客户提供即时的成交信息,同时也需要为用户提供一定量的历史数据分析。
4)securities analysis证券分析
1.After analyzing relations of the various factors that affect the securities market,the extension methods and the using tactics of this methods in the securities analysis process is discussed based on extension theory,features of the securities tendenc.分析了影响证券市场的各种因素的相互关系 ,根据证券市场变化的特点 ,针对证券分析问题的复杂性 ,以可拓学的理论为依据 ,结合证券的走势 ,探讨了证券分析过程中的可拓方法以及这些方法的使用策略 ,经实际应用收到良好效果 。
2.Through using Data Warehouse , OLAP technology ,theory of DSS and securities analysis, this .通过运用DW(数据仓库)和OLAP(在线分析处理)等新技术,结合决策支持系统和证券分析模型的基本理论,为券商设计了一个基于数据仓库的证券分析OLAP系统,辅助公司管理者进行决策,并通过该系统为客户提供更高质量的信息咨询服务。
3.After analyzing relations of the various factors that affect the securities market, based on extension theory and features of the securities market change, this paper discusses the practice tactics of the extension method on the securities analysis process.在分析了影响证券市场的各种因素的相互关系之后,根据证券市场变化的特点,针对证券分析问题的复杂性,运用可拓学的理论,探讨了对证券分析过程中的可拓方法以及这些可拓方法的使用策略。
5)analysis of bond债券分析
6)Security Analysis证券分析
