混合像元,mixed pixel
1)mixed pixel混合像元
1.Mixed pixel and mixed pixel analysis.;混合像元混合像元分析
2.The Study of the Partition of High Spectrum Mixed Pixel and the Topographical Objects Classification;高光谱混合像元的分解及地物分类的研究
3.Blind signal separation (BSS) based on the technique of independent component analysis (ICA) was introduced to the quantitative remote sensing field for mixed pixel unmixing.将基于独立成分分析(independent component analysis,ICA)技术的盲分解方法(blind signal separation,BSS)应用于遥感混合像元的定量分解,解决了幅度不确定性问题,实现了从高光谱数据中同时得到定量的组分光谱信息和组分权重信息。

1.Unmixing of Remote Sensing Images Based on Support Vector Machines and Pairwise Coupling基于SVM和PWC的遥感影像混合像元分解
2.Decomposition of SAR images’ mixed pixels based on supervised learning ICA algorithm基于SL-ICA算法的SAR图像混合像元分解
3.The Study on Unmixing of Mixed Pixels Based on Hyperion Data;Hyperion高光谱数据进行混合像元分解研究
4.Pixel Un-mixing in RS Image Based on a Modified BP Neural Network基于改进BP神经网络的遥感影像混合像元分解
5.Extracting urban green space with mixed pixel decomposing and SVM利用混合像元分解结合SVM提取城市绿地
6.The Study of the Partition of High Spectrum Mixed Pixel and the Topographical Objects Classification;高光谱混合像元的分解及地物分类的研究
7.Decomposition of Mixed Pixels Based on Supervisory FCM基于有监督模糊C-均值算法的混合像元分解
8.Unmixing Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Morphology and Support Vector Machines基于形态学和支持向量的遥感图像混合像元分解
9.Study of Pixel Unmixing Technology and Method Based on MODIS Remote Sensing Data;基于MODIS遥感数据的混合像元分解技术与方法研究
10.Unpixel Technique of Remote Sensing Image and Its Applications in Land Cover and Ecological Environmental Changes;遥感混合像元分解技术在土地覆盖与生态环境变化中应用研究
11.The Study of Identification and Research Method for Hyperspectral Mixed Pixel Based on Modified Gaussian Model基于改进型高斯模型的高光谱混合像元识别方法应用与研究
13.Technology and Method Study for Extracting Wheat Planting Area Based on Mixed-pixel Decomposition基于混合像元分解提取小麦种植面积的技术与方法研究
14.Urban vegetation coverage change inside the Third-Ring Road of Shenyang City,China: A study with linear spectral unmixing technique基于线性混合像元分解的沈阳市三环内城市植被盖度变化
15.Spatio-temporal Pattern of Urban Land Cover Evolvement Based on Mixed-pixel Classification for Remote Sensing Imagery基于混合像元分类的城市地表覆盖时空演变格局研究
16.Study on Meatreament of Wheat Planting Area Using P6 AWiFS Imagery Based on Mixed-Pixel Decomposition Combined with Decision Tree;基于决策树和混合像元分解的P6 AWiFS遥感影像小麦播种面积测量方法研究
17.And the relationship between constrained least square unmixed accuracy and within endmember variances was analyzed with simulation data.然后用数值模拟的方式进一步研究了端元内部光谱与限定性混合像元分解精度的关系。
18.A Comparative Study of Four Spectral Mixture Analysis Methods for Land Surface Composition in a Hilly Coastal City4种混合像元分解方法在沿海丘陵城市地表组分分析中的比较研究

Mixed pixels混合像元
1.Aim Starting with purification of mixed pixels,to study the more higher classification precision technique,which is used to reduce the uncertainty and low precision of classification as a result of mixed pixels widely contained in the remote sensing image because of the complexity of the spectrum taken from the field and the limit spatial resolution of the sensor.目的以混合像元提纯为突破口,研究遥感影像高分类精度的方法,以减少由于地物波谱的复杂性、传感器空间分辨率的局限性导致混合像元普遍存在而引起的影像信息不确定性和分类精度低指标性。
2.There are lots of mixed pixels in the low spatial resolution remote sensing images due to the limitation of the resolution of the satelite sensor.由于传感器的分辨率的限制,在低空间分辨率遥感图像中存在着大量的混合像元
3.In order to improve the precision of remote sensing application,resolving the problem of unmixing the mixed pixels should be done.混合像元是遥感领域研究的热点,也是难点。
1.The remotely sensed image often has many mixed-pixels,which is one of the important reasons for low interpretation accuracy.遥感成像中混合像元的产生是不可避免的,它的存在严重影响了遥感影像的解译精度,是传统的像元级遥感分类和面积量测精度难以达到实用要求的主要原因。
2.Surface parameters (namely, fractional vegetation and soil moisture)are estimated using ERS Wind Scatterometer data based on a mixed-pixel model.基于混合像元的方法,利用ERS风散射计(WSC)数据估算植被覆盖率和同时期NDVI有较高的相关性(0。
4)mixture pixel混合像元
1.This paper studied on spectral feature abstraction and selection for mixture pixel decomposition according to the attributes of linear mixture model,and proposed to use discrete spectral wavelet feature of approximated coefficients for abundance estimation.根据线性混合模型的特点,探讨面向混合像元分解的光谱特征提取与选择,提出以小波低频系数为特征的混合像元分解方法。
2.To solve the problems of mixture pixel classification in the RS image,this paper main introduction is fuzzy classified thought and the fuzzy classification model of remote sensing images mix pixel,to research for classification of fuzzy model good and bad points as well as it is suitable the condition.为了解决遥感影像中混合像元的分类问题,主要介绍遥感影像混合像元的模糊分类思想和模糊分类模型,研究模糊模型的分类优缺点以及其适用条件。
5)mixed pixel model混合像元法
6)AVHRR mixed pixelAVHRR混合像元

1945年抗战胜利后的一天,重庆南温泉立人中学的学生郑晴初从重庆一家邮局集邮窗口买了一卷因通货膨胀,调整邮资,而面值不适用的整版邮票,每卷都是面值从半分到20元都有。当他在家整理邮票时,他的妹妹发现孙中山像邮票中的一种面值2元的邮票上,所印的头像是颠倒的。郑仔细一看,果然,一整版邮票人头像全是倒印的。他意识到自己幸运地购到一版珍邮。这就是后来被誉为“民国五珍”之一的“纽约版孙中山像2元中心倒印”邮票。“纽约版孙中山像2元中心倒印”票,是1941年2月21日(民国30年)中华民国邮政发行的一套孙中山像邮票中的一枚面值为2元的邮票,该套票全套16枚。面值为分、角、元3种。邮票的中心图案为孙中山头像,边框上部为中华民国国徽,下部为“中华国民邮政”六字,左右为面值数字。白色无水印纸印制。由美国钞票公司印刷,称纽约版。其中面值2元邮票,出现中心图倒印的错体票。这种票为双色套印,边框为蓝色,中心图案孙中山像呈黑色,分两次印刷,美国钞票公司印刷工人在印刷过程中,把需套色的纸张放倒了,便产生了中心图案倒印的现象。这套邮票发行后,只出售了两个多月。目前已发现的只有郑晴初的一版50枚,其它均无下落,因此十分珍贵。1996年5月20日, ’96北京邮品拍卖会,1枚“纽约版孙中山像2元中心倒印”,底价18万元(人民币),以29万元(人民币)拍出。