石漠化,rocky desertification
1)rocky desertification石漠化
1.Accelerating grassland restoration in rocky desertification area,promoting eco-environmental reconstruction in karst region;加快石漠化地区草地植被恢复 促进喀斯特地区生态环境建设
2.Current status and comprehensive countermeasures of soil erosion for Karst rocky desertification areas in the Southwestern China;西南岩溶石漠化区水土流失现状与综合防治对策
3.RS and GIS-base analyses of the current state and formation of rocky desertification in the Qianjiang county,Chongqing;基于RS、GIS的重庆黔江区石漠化现状与成因分析

1.Urbanization--A New Idea for Checking Rocky Desertification in Rural Guizhou;城镇化——遏止贵州石漠化扩张的新思路
2.Species diversity of mosses crust and the effect in karst rocky desertification control喀斯特石漠结皮层藓类物种多样性及在石漠化治理中的作用研究
3.Study on Karst Rocky Desertification Forming Process and Its Control Technology;喀斯特石漠化的形成过程及防治研究
4.Present Situation Appraisal and District Control Research of Youyang's KarstRocky Desertification;酉阳石漠化现状评价及分区治理研究
5.RS-GIS-Based Investigation and Research into the Desertification;基于RS、GIS的石漠化调查与研究
6.Karst Desertification Investigation Base on ETM Image;基于ETM影像的喀斯特石漠化提取研究
7.The Correlation Analysis of Desertification of Karst Rock and Land Use Patterns;喀斯特石漠化与土地利用相关性研究
8.Exist problems and countermeasures of rocky desertification control in Bijie region毕节地区石漠化治理存在问题及对策
9.Approach of Regional Karst Rocky Desertification Assessment as Exemplified by Panxian County区域石漠化评价方法研究-以盘县为例
10.The Research Of The Problem Of GuangXi's Rocky desertification On ecological civilization生态文明语境下广西石漠化问题探析
11.Causes and Comprehensive Management for Rocky Desertification in Karst Areas of Southwestern China;西南岩溶石山地区石漠化综合治理研究
12.The Causes and Control Measures of the Rocky Desertification in Guangxi Karst Areas;广西石山区土地石漠化的成因及防治对策
13.Discussion on the Relations between Rocky Desertification Control and Tourism Development in Shilin County石林县石漠化治理与旅游开发关系初论
14.Landscape Pattern of Rocky Desertification for Homogenous Limestone Minor Catchments in Guizhou贵州连续性石灰岩小流域石漠化景观格局研究
15.Analyses on the Reason of Rocky Desertification Speed Difference of Dolomite and limestone in Mountain Area白云岩和石灰岩山区石漠化速度差异原因分析
16.Soil Biogeochemical Characteristics in the Process of Karst Rocky Desertification;喀斯特石漠化过程中的土壤生物地球化学特征
17.Studies on Soil Quality in Rocky Desertification in Guizhou Provience;喀斯特石漠化过程中土壤质量变化研究
18.The Difficulty in Ecological Restoration of Rocky Desertification Zone and Its Cultural Countermeasures石漠化带生态恢复的难点及文化对策研究

rock desertification石漠化
1.Prospect of the study on rock desertification and its restoration in southwest Karst mountains;西南岩溶山地石漠化及生态恢复研究展望
2.A contrasting study on soil erosion under different rock desertification grads in karst gorge areas—A case study of the Huajiang demonstration area,Guizhou;喀斯特峡谷区不同等级石漠化土壤侵蚀对比研究——以贵州花江示范区为例
3.The correlation analysis of land use patterns and rock desertification in Southwest China——A case study in Huanjiang County西南喀斯特区域土地利用与石漠化相关性分析——以环江毛南族自治县为例
3)karst rocky desertification石漠化
1.Study on geologic background of northwest Guangxi karst rocky desertification and fathering measures;桂西北喀斯特石山区石漠化产生的地质背景及治理措施研究
2.The degradation land of karst rocky desertification is one of the most serious problems on economic development, eco-system restoration and reconstruction in southwest China.我国西南喀斯特地区存在着以石漠化为表现形式的土地退化过程,以景观生态学及生态经济学原理为基础,寻求人类活动与自然协调的景观生态安全格局,无疑是实现石漠化土地持续利用的一条重要途径。
3.In order to understand the present situation of soil eco-rehabilitation and the influences of different vegetation re-construction pattern on the soil PPO activities during the eco-restoration process of karst rocky desertification in the northwest part of Guangxi province,some plots.为了深入了解桂西北石漠化地区生态恢复的现状,作者对广西宜州、平果等地进行了实地调查和取样,并从不同植被恢复的角度,对桂西北石漠化地区封山育林、吊丝竹(D。
1.Internal factors influencing Karst rocky desertification;喀斯特石漠化内在影响因素分析
2.A study of the occurrence and utilization conditions of water resources in the rock desertification control region of the Huajiang karst valley in Guizhou;花江喀斯特峡石漠化治理示范区水资源赋存特点及开发条件评价
3.Improve the grassland construction and achieve the herbivorous animal husbandry developing and rock desertification control;加快岩溶地区草地建设步伐 实现草食畜牧业发展和石漠化治理双赢
5)stone desertification石漠化
1.A Study of the Models for Controlling Stone Desertification in Yibin;宜宾市石漠化土地治理模式初探——以宜宾市内筠连、兴文、珙县等石漠化县为例
2.Probing into Ecological Resettlement and Population Control in Stone Desertification Area of Our Country;我国石漠化地区生态移民与人口控制的探讨
3.This paper analyzes the basic features and stone desertification conditions as well as the factors to influence stone desertification developing trend in Southwest China Karst Area.分析了我国西南岩溶地区的基本特征和石漠化状况;并对影响石漠化发展趋势的因素进行了分析,提出了对策建议。
6)rock desertification area石漠化山地
1.Basic characters of soil seed bank and measures of vegetation restoration in rock desertification area in southwest of Guangxi;桂西南石漠化山地土壤种子库的基本特征及植被恢复对策
