1.Application of block with attribute in AutoCAD;属性在AutoCAD中的应用
2.Research and application of block and attribute in Auto CAD subsequent-set-up;及属性在Auto CAD后置设定中的研究与应用
3.Chats the AUTOCAD block and the Attribute Establishment Skill;AUTOCAD与属性的设置技巧

1.a lump/piece/slice of cheese一大[/片]干酪
2.Cut the meat into cubes.把肉切成一的.
3.cut away in small pieces.一小一小的砍掉。
4.This stone outweighs that.这石头比那重。
5.module check模检查,模检验
6.furrow slice犁(被犁起的泥)
7.spotted or blotched.有小或者大的污点。
8.harvester ,tuber or root crop茎或根作物收获机
9.She'll break up bit by bit.她(船)会一地破裂。
10.He glued two pieces of wood together.他将两粘起来。
11.Every rock looked like a person or animal,巨石形象各异,
12.a road with a lot of bumps in it有一隆起的路.
13.Is block 3 next to block 2?木3挨着木2吗?
14.damp patches on a wall墙上一的潮斑.
15.sew pieces of cloth together把一布缝在一起
16.Formed into blocks(" blocked records" ).形成状的(“分记录”)。
17.and exposed a pine shingle.下面露出一松木瓦
18.This piece of wood is thicker than that.这木板比那厚。

1.The principle and method of interferogram region spreading based on blocks reconstruction algorithm are proposed.文中提出了一种基于重建算法的干涉图延拓的原理和方法,利用该方法对一幅实际干涉图进行了延拓。
2.The theorem of G·Robinson bac settled the number of blocks with a given defect group.Robinson的定理解决了给定亏群的个数问题。
1.The article analyzes 3DS file format, indicates how to skip the useless chunk, introduces two important chunks, probes into how to correctly transform user-defined file format to 3DS file format, and finally presents two problems which should be paid attention to.3DS是著名三维几何建模软件 3DMax用来保存模型信息的一种文件结构 ,可与其他的文件格式进行相互转化 ,文章对 3DS文件结构进行剖析 ,说明如何跳过 3DS文件中不需要的信息 ,并介绍两个在 3DS文件中常用的 ,阐述了在自定义文件格式与 3DS文件格式之间进行转换 ,最后指出了将自定义格式转换成 3DS格式时要注意的两个问题。
2.It was introduced a storing mechanism of MOLAP, the concept of self-defining sub-cube and chunk.引入MOLAP的存储机制,自定义子立方体和的概念,提出并实现了MOLAP中子立方体存储时的两种存储方法,即直接多维数组存储和压缩多维数组存储。
4)block ifIf 块
6)market segments市场块块

【南吕】四块玉 美色【诗文】:杨柳腰,芙蓉貌。袅娜东风弄春娇,庞儿旖旎心儿俏。挽乌云叆叇盘,扫春山浅淡描,斜簪着金凤翘。【注释】:【出处】: