1.Review on incipient motion and scour of consolidated cohesive fine sediment;淤积固结条件下粘性细泥沙起动冲刷研究综述
2.Study on scour around a structure on silt-sandy seabed by extension method of series models;粉砂质海床上建筑物周围局部冲刷的系列模型延伸法研究

1.Erosion of a relatively soft surface, such as a roadbed, by a sudden gush of water, as from a downpour or floods.冲刷相对松软表面的冲刷,如路基被源于暴雨或洪水的水流冲刷
2.The sailors were washing down the decks.水兵们在冲刷甲板。
3.someone who cleanses by scouring.冲刷洗涤来清洁的人。
4.washed or swept with water especially waves of the sea.被水、特别是海浪所冲刷
5.The waves bathed the sunny shores.波浪冲刷着阳光海岸。
6.The garden wall is is washed by the flood water.大水冲刷著花园的围墙。
7.The garden wall be be washed by the flood water大水冲刷著花园的围墙
8.They are busy clamping down the deck.他们正在忙着冲刷甲板。
9.The garden wall is being washed by the flood water.大水冲刷着花园的围墙.
10.To be emptied or cleaned by a rapid flow of water, as a toilet.冲刷以快速的水流冲掉或冲净,如厕所冲水马桶
11.Where resistant channel materials prevail, erosion is limited solely to "plunge pools" immediately below the outlets.如果河床为抗冲物质,则冲刷仅限于紧靠出口下游的“冲刷坑”。
12.Understanding of the scour problem has been aided considerably by investigations of scour by jets.理解冲刷问题在相当大的程度上曾借助于射流冲刷的研究。
13.A small ravine, especially one cut by a torrent.冲沟,激流峡谷狭小深谷,尤指由激流冲刷而形成
14.The flow of water against a shore or bank.冲刷作用,冲岸波击打海岸或河岸的水流
15.Research on the Characteristics of Fluctuating Pressures and the Mechanism of Its Scouring in the Scour Pit;挑流冲坑内的水流脉动特性及冲刷机理研究
16.The cliff is gradually washed away by the sea.这处悬崖逐渐让海水冲刷剥蚀了。
17.The cliffs are being gradually washed away by the sea.这处悬崖逐渐让海水冲刷剥蚀了.
18.The cliff be be gradually washed away by the sea这处悬崖逐渐让海水冲刷剥蚀了

1.Research on the Anti-erosion Test of Base Material;公路基层材料抗冲刷试验研究
2.Reason analysis and treatment measures of erosion of the onelevel-station control sluice;节制闸冲刷原因的分析及处理
3.The analysis of riverway flooding renovation engineering and beach area erosion;河道整治工程溢流及滩区冲刷分析
1.Experimental study on scouring in curved open channel bend with transition curves;缓变弯道河道冲刷试验研究
2.Experimental study on pebble bed scouring by deflector dissipation of suspension current;含沙水流挑流消能对卵石河床冲刷的试验研究
1.Avoiding the negative pressure and the cavitation destruction by the contraction of frontier wall,makes the big ridge trough by aerify,paste-corner ridge as nose,this advanced measure can eliminate energy and erode-resistant or defend clash.该文对此溢洪道的现场测试资料进行了全面分析,测试分析结果表明,通气孔及掺气槽的设置起到了保护渥奇段和反弧段的作用;贴角鼻坎解决了下游冲刷问题。
5)erosion corrosion冲刷腐蚀
1.The results showed that uniform corrosion,pitting,erosion corrosion and their interaction are the main causes of the failure of the PTA oxidation equipments in the environment containing acetic acid,Br~- and fluid steam and liquid.结果表明,氧化设备发生的腐蚀失效是由于其在醋酸、Br-、流动的汽/液腐蚀环境下发生了均匀腐蚀、点蚀、冲刷腐蚀和汽蚀以及他们的交互作用所致。
2.The heating tubes in the 1st section mainly suffer from corrosion of dissolved oxygen while those in the 2nd section suffer from erosion corrosion of high-temperature steam.其中第一、二节热器管内主要为溶解氧腐蚀 ,而盘管内主要为高温蒸汽的冲刷腐蚀。
1.Study on Erosion-Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel in Acidic Liquid-Solid Two-phase Flow;酸性液固两相流中不锈钢冲刷腐蚀行为的研究
2.In Field Electrochemical Detection and Erosion-corrosion Investigation of Metallic Materials in Marine Environment;海洋环境中金属材料现场电化学检测及冲刷腐蚀研究
3.The influences of tungsten and carbon content on microstructure,hardness,impact toughness and erosion-corrosion resistance of these cast irons were investigated by metalloscope,image analyzer,X-ray diffraction,electron probe analyzer,mechanical properties test and low angle erosion-corrosion test in salt water sand slurry in this paper.通过金相组织观察、X射线衍射相结构分析、图像分析仪定量金相测试、电子探针微区成分分析、力学性能检测和盐水砂浆中的低角度冲刷腐蚀试验,研究了含碳量和含钼量对高铬钼钨耐磨铸铁组织、结构、硬度、冲击韧性和抗冲刷腐蚀性能的影响规律。
