土地测量,land survey
1)land survey土地测量
1.The implementation and thought of land survey project management;土地测量工程项目监理的实施与思考
2.The land survey system in American history;美国历史上的土地测量制度
3.The global positioning system(GPS) has been applied as a land survey technique in recent years.结合浙江永康市土地测量的实践,探讨GPS实时动态(RTK)测量技术在土地管理中应用的控制网加密、参数转换、测量数据组织与编码等 9个问题。

1.The land surveyer worked by triangulating the plot.这个土地测量员对这块地作三角测量。
2.Land Survey Plan Certificate土地测量图则证明书
3.the Institute of Chartered Surveyors特许土地测量师学会.
4.Association of Government Local Land Surveyors政府本地土地测量师协会
5.Land Surveyor Plan and Confirmatio土地测量师图则及确定书
6.List of Private Practice Land Surveyors私营执业土地测量师名册
7.The implementation and thought of land survey project management;土地测量工程项目监理的实施与思考
8.The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale, lease modifications and land resumption.该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
9.To measure the different elevations of(a tract of land)with a level.测量水平用水准仪对(土地)做水准测量
10.The surveyor made a survey of the land.测量员对土地进行了测量。
11.survey district lot land register测量约份地段土地登记册
12.National Institute of Cadastre and Geodesy国家土地清册和大地测量研究所
13.Use GPR Nondestructive Testing Tunneling Mass in Loess Area黄土地区隧道质量地质雷达无损检测
14.The Evaluation of Land and Forecast of Land Needs in Lao Yang City;辽阳市土地资源评价与土地需求量预测
15.An Analysis and Forecasting of Land Demand and Land-Population Sustainability;土地需求量及土地人口承载力的预测与分析
16.Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers政府土地工程测量员协会
17.the man is surveying land for a national park.这个人正在测量国家公园的土地(面积)。
18.Research on method of urban land assets evaluation in China;中国城市土地资产总量测算方法研究

measurement of land土地量测
3)land measurements土地-测量
4)make a survey of the land测量土地
5)earth survey,land survey,land surveying土地测量<测>
6)land surveryor土地测量员

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