数字城管,digital urban management
1)digital urban management数字城管
1.When working in Lu\'an branch of China Telecom ,the author paticipated in building the information system of the main urban Lu\'an "digital urban management" project,so has in-depth understanding of the Digital Urban Management.笔者在中国电信六安分公司工作期间,参与了六安市主城区“数字城管”项目城管信息系统建设的主要过程,对数字化城市管理模式也有了深入的了解。
2.The appearance of "Digital Urban Management" mode has changed the traditional mechanisms of urban management.“数字城管”模式的出现改变了传统的城市管理机制,城市管理正逐步往数字化、网络化、精细化方向发展。
3.Overview of the program in the concept of digital urban management, management structure, management, etc.通过对当前传统城管工作模式中的一些不足的分析和总结,以贯彻科学发展观为指导思想,通过对已试点运行数字城管业务管理系统的城市,如南京、扬州、苏州等的城管绩效分析比较,结合未来城市信息化的总体趋势,提出数字化城管业务系统的整体解决方案。

1.Key Technologies Study for Data processing In Urban Municipal Supervision and Management Information System“数字城管”数据处理的关键技术研究
2.Online Patrol System for Digital City Management“数字城管”的在线式电子巡查管理系统
3.Design and Development of a Unified Platform for Digital Urban Management and Law Enforcement数字城管与数字执法统一平台设计与开发
4.General Survey of Geographic Data and Construction of Data Base in Municipal Supervision and Management Information System;数字城管基础数据普查及数据建库方法研究
5.Design and Implement of InforFlow-based Digital City Management System基于InforFlow的数字城管系统的设计与实现
6.The Study and Implement On Data Acquisition Way of Digital City Management In Qingdao青岛市数字城管数据采集方法研究和实施
7.The Research of the Method of Data General Survey and Management in Digitized City Management System“数字城管”系统的基础数据普查及数据管理方法探讨
8.Study on the City Digitization Management Based on Digital Cities;基于数字城市的城市数字化管理研究
9."Digital City" Urban Management Sub-system Design Service Call;“数字城市”城管呼叫服务子系统设计
10.The Influences of Digital City on Urban Development;论“数字城市”对城市建设和管理的影响
11.“Digital City”:A Revolution in Municipal Administration;“数字城市”:城市政府管理的革命
12.Qingdao Digitization City Management System Management System Applied Research青岛市数字化城市管理系统应用研究
13.Measuring Methods of Digital Urban Coal Gas Pipeline浅谈城市数字化煤气管线的测量方法
14.The Application of CBR in Digitized Urban Management Based on Data Mining基于数据挖掘的CBR在数字化城市管理中的应用
15.Research on the Technology of the Data Production of the Grid Digital City Management网格数字化城市管理数据生产技术探讨
16.Baoji Digital City Administration System in the Basic Data Establishment宝鸡市数字化城市管理系统中基础数据的建立
17.Management and Maintenance of Database in Digital City Management Information System数字化城市管理空间数据库的建设与维护
18.Application of Digital City Management System to City Appearance and Environment Management数字化城市管理系统在市容环境管理中的应用

Digital City Management数字城管
1.Based on the wireless talkback system, combined with GIS,GPS and RFID technologies, online patrol system designed for digital city management is presented, and the integration of patrol equipment, visualization and real time transformation are realized.本文基于城市巡查管理中已经具备的无线对讲系统,结合GIS、GPS和RFID技术,设计了面向"数字城管"的在线式电子巡查管理系统,实现了巡查装备的集成化、巡查管理的实时化与可视化。
3)Digital Urban Municipal Supervision and Management Information System数字城管系统
1.Applied Research for Digital Urban Municipal Supervision and Management Information System Based on WebGIS and Ajax;基于Ajax技术的WebGIS在数字城管系统中的应用研究
4)City digitization management城市数字化管理
5)digital urban management数字化城市管理
1.The new system is based on the system of reform and innovation and digital urban management.针对这些突出问题,本文初步探讨了基于数字化城市管理系统的城市照明管理体系。
2.Adopting the view of public governance to study the connotation of urban management,as well as drawing on the case of Beijing digital urban management,the article explores the digital platform of population management and supervision to effectively unite the urban management and society management.本文从公共治理的视角解读城市管理的内涵,以北京数字化城市管理模式为案例,探索以数字化人口管理监督平台为载体,实现城市管理与社会管理的有效对接,通过制度创新,将公共治理理念落实在城市管理的实践之中。
3.Dividing Grid unit is the number of digital urban management information system is an important basis of the preliminary work,and other cities in the success of the pilot,in the western city of Urumqi,and dividing grid unit relevant to the work of meshing the basis of lack of information on line,more work Difficulties.单元网格划分是数字化城市管理信息系统建设的一项重要基础性前期工作,与其他成功试点城市相比,乌鲁木齐市是西部城市,和单元网格划分工作相关的基础界线资料缺乏,工作开展较困难。
6)digital city management数字化城市管理
1.Nowadays, most of cities are starting to construct digital city management system, and the GIS technology is widely used for this system.“数字化城市管理系统”是基于电子政务专用网络和无线通讯网络、GIS技术、Web GIS、空间数据,以数字城市技术为依托,集成基础地理、单元网格、部件和事件、地理编码等多种数据资源,通过多部门信息共享、协同工作,实现对城区市政工程设施、市政公用设施、市容环境与环境秩序的网格化监督和管理。
2.Combining construction of Wuhan digital city management information system,this paper introduced technical methods of construction,management and maintenance in the digital spatial database,analyzed grid dividing and coding.结合武汉市数字化城市管理信息系统建设实践,介绍数字化城市管理空间数据库建设、管理和维护的技术方法,分析网格划分与编码。
