OpenGIS规范,OpenGIS specification
1)OpenGIS specificationOpenGIS规范
1.A GIS component according to the OpenGIS specification is designed and implemented with VC++ATL In this paper.在遵循OpenGIS规范的基础上,用VC++ATL库设计实现了一个GIS组件,并用一个实例进行了分析并得出了相关的结论。
2.The goal of OpenGIS specification is to solve the geodata sharing and interoperable geoprocessing, and to provide the service of the geodata sharing and geographical information.OpenGIS规范的目的是解决地理数据共享和地学处理互操作问题,并提供有关地理数据和地理信息的服务。
3.This paper analyzes the OpenGIS specification and designs the embedded GIS components.结合嵌入式GIS的特征,提出一种符合OpenGIS规范的嵌入式GIS功能组件的设计方案。

1.Design and Implementation of Embedded GIS Complement Based on OpenGIS Specification基于OpenGIS规范的嵌入式GIS组件设计与实现
2.An Ajax implementation of a WebGIS client based on OpenGIS基于OpenGIS的WebGIS客户端的Ajax实现
3.Information System for Water Distribution System Based on OpenGIS基于OpenGIS的供水管网信息系统
4.Criminal norms possess both the functions of adjudication and behavior.刑法规范具有行为规范和裁判规范的功能。
5.The Norms Governing the power--Review of Normal power,Jurisprudential Research of Power;规范着权力的规范——评《规范权力——权力的法理研究》
6.13.1 Canonical tModel entities13.1 规范的tModel条目
7.Praecepta civilia市民法规范(戒条)
8.Praecepta gentium万民法规范(戒条)
9.Praecepta naturalia自然法规范(戒条)
10.Code for compiling hydropower planning of river河流水电规则编制规范
11.(grammar) giving directives or rules.(语法)给出规范或者规则。
12.OpenGIS Reference Model(ORM)and Application Schema for Geographic Information Services;OpenGIS参考模型ORM及地理信息服务应用模式
13.An Architecture of the Geo-workflow Management System;基于OpenGIS的空间信息工作流管理系统框架研究
14.situation bound measure情境规范测量情境规范测量
15.(5) to regulate administrative acts and to regulate administrative remedy acts;(5)规范行政行为与规范行政救济行为;
16.On Standardizing the Penalty Clauses in General Administrative Norms;规范一般行政规范中“罚则”的思考
17.Norm Manage Norm Behavior Set up Harmonious Mineral Area;规范管理 规范行为 构建和谐矿区
18.Normative requirements for composing standards and specifications;简述标准、规范文本编写的规范性要求

OpenGIS simple feature specification for SQLOpenGIS矢量规范
3)Open GISOpenGIS
1.This paper presented a componentbased Open GIS architecture for OLE/COM environment. 在支持开放式地理数据互操作规范的基础上,针对OLE/COM环境,提出了一种基于组件的OpenGIS系统结构,讨论了基于组件的OpenGIS涉及的相关技术,重点探讨了它的核心组件———服务组件模型结构的设计和基于OLEDB的一致访问接口技术。
1.Amended proposals to perfect code of design on building fire protection and prevention;完善基础性建筑防火设计规范的探讨
2.ASME Code Case and New Rules of Ultrasonic Examination of Welded Joints;ASME规范案例和焊缝超声检测新规定
3.Questions in terms of fire damper installation in current codes;建筑规范中有关空调系统防火阀设置若干条文的商榷
1.Discussion on New Specification A Grade Asphalt Processing Technology;交通部新规范A级沥青的生产技术探讨
2.Analysis on Problems in "Drilling and Production Lifting Device Specification" Conceming Adopting Standard;对《钻井和采油提升设备规范》“采标”中几个问题的分析
3.Intro duction of Pharmacy Intelligence Information Work Specification in Our Hospital;我院药学情报信息工作规范介绍
1.Group Behavior Standard and Social Mobilization in Health Education;论健康教育中的群体行为规范与社会动员
2.Several Advices for " the Standard of Chinese Hospital Pharmaceutics;对中国医院制剂规范的几点商榷及建议
3.Practices about standardizing the a dministration to the clinical nursing -students;规范临床护生管理的几点做法

 目录第一章 总则第二章 计算的一般规定第三章 建筑