招远市,Zhaoyuan city
1)Zhaoyuan city招远市
1.The status quo of the development of gold and related industry in Zhaoyuan City and suggestions offered;关于招远市黄金及相关工业发展现状和建议
2.The Study on the Dwelling Suitability of Rural Residential Land of Zhaoyuan City Using GISGIS技术支持下的招远市农村居民点居住适宜性研究
3.Spatial Distribution Analysis of Rural Economy in Zhaoyuan City招远市农村经济空间分布特征分析

1.Renewal of Datum Land Price and Dynamic Changes in Zhaoyuan City;招远市城区基准地价更新与动态变化研究
2.The Study on the Spatial Distribution of Rural Residential Land In Zhaoyuan County Using GIS;基于GIS的招远市农村居民点布局适宜性研究
3.Analysis on Nutrition Condition of Some Elementary and Middle School Students in Zhaoyuan from 1996 to 2005;1996~2005年招远市城区部分中小学生营养状况分析
4.The Differentiation and Integration of Country Power --Examples of Mingcun and Huacun in Zhaoyuan;农村的权力分化与整合——以招远市明村华村为例
5.The Countermeasure Research of Zhaoyuan Municipal Agriculture Information Service System Developments;招远市农业信息服务体系建设对策研究
6.The status quo of the development of gold and related industry in Zhaoyuan City and suggestions offered;关于招远市黄金及相关工业发展现状和建议
7.Study on the Gold Mineralization System in Xiejiagou-Shichengkuang Structure-magma Belt, Zhaoyuan, Shandong;山东招远市谢家沟-石城夼构造岩浆带金成矿系统研究
8.Practice Research in Strengthening Mainstay Enterprises and Promoting Agricultural Industrialization Development for Zhaoyuan City;招远市壮大龙头企业、促进农业产业化进程的实证研究
9.Investigation of Hair Dyeing Knowledge of Zhaoyuan s Hair-dyeing Staff and Consumers in 2006;2006年招远市染发从业人员及消费者染发相关卫生知识调查
10.Study on Land Use Change Based on GIS and CA Model;基于GIS与CA模型的土地利用变化前期研究——以山东省招远市为例
11.Analysis of Landscape Structure of Land Use at County Scale in Shandong Peninsula--A Case Study of Zhaoyuan City;山东半岛县域土地利用景观格局分析——以招远市为例
12.Some ideas of land use integrated planning compilation in county grade;县级土地利用总体规划修编的若干思考——以招远市为例
13.Geological Characteristics of Gold Deposit in Deep Part of Chenjia Section in Shangzhuang Gold Filed in Zhaoyuan City of Shandong Province山东省招远市上庄矿区陈家矿段深部金矿床地质特征
14.The Study on the Dwelling Suitability of Rural Residential Land of Zhaoyuan City Using GISGIS技术支持下的招远市农村居民点居住适宜性研究
15.This paper mainly introduces the water quality of pit wastewater, its usage status quo, and the influence on environment.主要介绍招远市金矿矿坑外排废水水质、利用现状及金矿洗选废水对环境的污染问题。
16.Changes of Landscape Pattern and Its Driving Forces in Low Hilly Region of Jiaodong Peninsula--A Case Study of Zhaoyuan City,Shandong Province;胶东半岛低山丘陵区景观格局变化及其社会经济驱动力研究——以山东招远市为例
17.Hangzhou, Ningbo, Taicang, Changshou, Zhaoyuan and Huizhou have passed the check and acceptance procedure for national environmental protection model cities.杭州、宁波、太仓、常熟、招远和惠州6个城市通过了国家环保模范城市考核验收。
18.“Increased Enrollment" : How Far can It Go? - A Rational Reflection of Increased Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Learning“扩招”:你还能走多远?——关于高校扩招的理性思考

1.Valuation of sustainable development in Zhaoyuan city based on the method of genuine saving;基于真实储蓄方法的招远市的可持续发展能力评价
2.Analysis on ore-control structure of Taishang gold deposit in Zhaoyuan of Shandong;山东招远台上金矿构造控矿特征分析
3.Changes of Landscape Pattern and Its Driving Forces in Low Hilly Region of Jiaodong Peninsula——A Case Study of Zhaoyuan City,Shandong Province;胶东半岛低山丘陵区景观格局变化及其社会经济驱动力研究——以山东招远市为例
3)Zhaoyuan Area招远地区
1.Analysis of structural ore-control of northwestern run fracture in Zhaoyuan Area;招远地区北西向断裂构造控矿浅析
4)Zhaoyuan Gold Mine招远金矿
5)distant interview远程招聘
1.Application of video conference in distant interview;视频会议在远程招聘中的应用
6)long-range recruiting远程招生
1.A design of long-range recruiting system for police colleges;C/S、B/S结构相结合的公安院校远程招生系统设计
