投影变形,projection distortion
1)projection distortion投影变形
1.The projection distortion in transmission pipeline is unavoidable.长输管道工程测量投影变形的存在是不可避免的,本文首先分析常用的横轴墨卡托投影(涵盖我国常用的高斯-克吕格投影)变形的理论基础,然后针对《长距离输油气管道测量规范》对线路和站场的测量精度要求,分别提出应对措施,总结了应用经验。
2.The length projection distortion in route_placing process in road survey is analyzed.分析了在公路勘测放线中由于存在长度投影变形 ,使中线交点产生位移和引起中线偏离的误差影响 ,提出了减少长度投影变形误差的措施及对
3.Then it analyzed the projection distortion value of the independent coordinate system by these different models.以某山区道路为例,分别运用椭球膨胀法、椭球平移法、椭球变形法建立区域独立坐标系,对这些方法建立的独立坐标系的投影变形值进行了分析,比较了3种方法的特点。

1.Exploration of Projection Distortion to GPS Net and the Method of How to Eliminate the Projection DistortionGPS网投影变形及消去投影变形的方法
2.Control on route survey projection deformation value in high altitude mountain area高海拔山区线路测量投影变形值的控制
3.Solution to scale error of projection of unattached GPS engineering network独立GPS工程控制网的高斯投影变形处理
4.Convergence of Generalized Projective Modified Iteration Methods in Banach SpacesBanach空间中广义投影变形迭代法的收敛性
5.The Impacts and Countermeasure of Length Projection Distortion on Route Place in Expressway高速公路线路放样中长度投影变形的影响和对策
6.Full-automatic image matching is the key problem and has many difficulties: poor and repetitive texture, terrain discontinuity, shadow, occlusion and projective deformation etc.其主要难点表现在:纹理信息缺乏、重复纹理、深度断裂与阴影、较大的投影变形等。
7.A Throne and the Projection--Comparative Study on The Idiot and The Metamorphosis;王座与投影——《白痴》与《变形记》的比较研究
8.Deformation Analysis and Application of Conic Projection in Cartography地图学中圆锥投影的变形分析及应用
9.an equal-area map projection of the globe; oceans are distorted in order to minimize the distortion of the continents.一个相等领域的地图投影图;为了使大陆的变形减到最小,海洋变形。
10.A Study of How the Environment of Media Influenced the Strategy of Advertising;媒介形态的变化对广告投放策略的影响
11.Dynamic deformation measurement based on inverse projected fringe technique基于反向条纹投影的动态物体形变测量
12.The simplest form of projection is a perspective projection.最简单的投影形式是透视投影。
13.Shade diffraction optic blending research on multi-projection abnormity screen异形屏幕多通道投影显示渐变衍射光学融合的研究
14.equalizer Mercator chart赤切圆柱正形投影海图
15.equatorial cylindrical orthomorphic chart赤道圆柱正形投影地图
16.inverse cylindrical orthomorphic chart横轴圆柱正形投影图
17.CRT-photo chromatic film projectio光变色膜显像管投影
18.Study on formation and effect of "organ-projection theory";论卡普“器官投影”说的形成及影响

projection deformation投影变形
1.Control measurement orthomorphic projection deformation and calculation;控制测量中的正形投影变形及其计算
2.It is inevitable for length projection deformation processing in mine GPS control data transacting.在矿区GPS控制网数据后处理过程中,对长度投影变形的处理不可回避。
3)scale error of projection投影变形
1.In view of the problems of scale error of projections of the port coordinate system generated in engineering surveys and setting out,common methods to solve the scale error of deformation of projections are described.就港口坐标系统所带来的工程测量、施工放样过程中产生的投影变形问题,介绍了常规处理投影变形方法,并根据赫尔默特相似变换原理提出了一种在工程建设应用中既能满足长度投影变形小,又能保证同名点和国家坐标差异小的四参数转换法,并结合京唐港的实际情况,探讨了将来由于港口建设的发展需要改造港口坐标系统的处理方案。
4)Projective deformation投影变形
1.Then some technical questions are discussed in detail, such as the reduction procedure of GPS offset observation, the processing of projective deformation and the adjustment optimal process.在简要介绍了DGPS基准站控制网建立的特点及作业流程后,着重讨论了此类GPS控制网建立过程中几个主要技术问题的解决方法,即用坐标转移法进行偏心观测、用尺度强制约束法或投影面重新选择法处理投影变形和内业平差。
5)projection deformation value投影变形值
1.Control on route survey projection deformation value in high altitude mountain area高海拔山区线路测量投影变形值的控制
6)projection length deformation投影长度变形
1.It is possible that if build some modified elevation projection coordinates,through that is incomplete suitable for calculating the whole revised error of the GPS controlling net,can set up ground-fixed plane coordinates system for expressway to solve projection length deformation,and meet the actual demands for the express way reconnaissance.对地处山岭、重丘、平原区域的公路勘测线路,进行了具体分析,提出若建立多个抵偿高程投影面坐标系,虽不完全适合GPS控制网的整体平差计算,但可建立公路地固平面坐标系,以解决投影长度变形问题,从而满足公路勘测的实际需要。

滤波反投影或卷积反投影滤波反投影或卷积反投影 影像学术语。当代影像学设备进行影像重建的数学方法。在直接用扫描后所获得的投影轨迹剖面图反投影重建出的CT图像中,无法避免角度卷入条纹伪影(angular aliasing streaks)造成的模糊和失真。这种现象与被扫描层面的空间频率中高频信息的损失有关。使用一种精密的数学方法去除这种模糊。称为“展现”(unfolding)或去卷积(deconvolution),即在反投影前使用一种数学的“滤器”或卷积函数对原始数据进行修正,然后再进行反投影。两步数学处理过程合称为滤波(修正后)反投影或卷积(后)反投影。这种方法的优点是处理过程简单,速度快,所得图像逼真、清晰。