洪水计算,flood calculation
1)flood calculation洪水计算
1.Taking the calculation of the floods in the danger removal and dam reinforcement of Shenncun Reservoir, and through introducing two methods for the flood calculation, this paper points out two main problems existing currently in the flood calculation for the small and middle-sized reservoir, and expounds the necessity of solving the two problems.以申村水库除险加固中洪水计算为例,通过对洪水计算两种方法的介绍,指出目前中小型水库洪水计算中存在的两个主要问题,阐述了解决问题的必要性。

1.Design Flood Calculation of the Qin River Based on Paleoflood Method;古洪水研究方法在沁河设计洪水计算中的应用
2.Application of the Historical Flood Records With Occurring Years but without Volumes in Estimation of Design Floods;有年无量历史洪水在设计洪水计算中的应用
3.Research on Flood Calculation and Uncertainty for Ungauged Basins;无资料地区洪水计算与不确定性研究
4.Research on Theory and Methods for Calculating Cascade Reservoirs Design Flood;梯级水库设计洪水计算的理论与方法研究
5.Development and Application of the Storm Flood Computation Model for Urban Storm-water;城市雨水管网暴雨洪水计算模型研制及应用
6.Computing Theory and Software Development for Design Flood of Middle or Small Catchment;中小流域设计洪水计算理论研究及其软件开发
7.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究
8.Flood and composite frequence caculation of the topical cyclone storm tide洪水与热带气旋暴潮组合频率计算
9.Calculation and Application of the Mixed Weir of Small Reservoir Spillway小型水库溢洪道混合堰的计算与应用
10.Research on Flood Estimation Methods for Ungauged Small Basins无资料小流域洪水叠加计算方法初探
11.Preliminary understanding on analysis and calculation of flood from failure of glacial marginal lake冰缘湖溃决洪水分析计算的初步认识
12.Computation of Probable Maximal Precipitation and Flood with Rainstorm Displacing in Hanjiang River Basin韩江流域可能最大暴雨洪水移置计算
13.Calculation and Experiment Study of Horizontal Applied Force Which Floodwater Acts on the Bridge Constructure洪水对桥梁结构水平作用力的计算及试验研究
14.Hydraulic Calculation on Spillway of Canal Type Control Section of Hubei Guanyinyan Reservoir湖北观音岩水库渠式控制段溢洪道水力计算
15.Research and Application on Estimation Methods of Design Flood Region Composition;设计洪水地区组成计算方法研究及应用
16.The Analytical Calculations of the Design Flood under the Current Conditions of the No.2 Dam of Fenhe Reservoir汾河二坝现状条件下设计洪水分析计算
17.Working out the pattern of reservoir operation and calculating the benefit of flood control for Tingzikou hydroproject Huang jia-wen Luo bin;亭子口水利枢纽防洪调度方式拟定及防洪效益计算
18.A Study and Realization of Flood Submerging Calculating and Assessing System;洪水淹没计算与评估系统的研究与实现

flood computation洪水计算
1.Reservoir inflow flood computation method for reservoirs short of hydrologic data and its application;缺乏水文资料的入库洪水计算
3)Design Flood Calculation设计洪水计算
1.Design Flood Calculation of the Qin River Based on Paleoflood Method;古洪水研究方法在沁河设计洪水计算中的应用
4)Storm and flood calculation暴雨洪水计算
5)storage routing for reservoir水库调洪计算
1.Through discussing the conventional method and their characteristic about storage routing for reservoir, the author introduced projecting development status about reservoir storage routing method of late years in our county, such as neural network, Matlab software, excel software and finite-difference method etc, which were applied in storage routing.为此,在阐述了水库调洪计算的传统方法及其特点的基础上,概要地介绍了水库调洪计算方法在国内近年的发展情况,包括神经网络的应用、MATLAB的应用、EXCEL的应用及其有限差分法。
6)flood frequency calculation洪水频率计算
1.Therefore, the selection of variabilit y coefficient is the focus for our future flood frequency calculation.把握好变差系数的选择,是今后洪水频率计算研究的重点。

溃坝洪水计算溃坝洪水计算evaluation of dam-breaking flood kuiba hongshui jisuan溃坝洪水计算(evaluation of dam一brea-king flood)研究由于大坝失事所造成的水库水体突然泄放而形成的洪水过程及其向上下游传播的专门计算。在溃坝初瞬,坝址处同时发生向上游传播的逆流负波和向下游传播的顺流正波。逆流负波形态如无数元波向上游扩展,相应水体下泄,由于波前水深大f波后水深,即波前速度大于波后元波速度,所以波的外形逐渐展平,水库水面成曲面下降;向下游传播的顺流正波,由于波后的水深大于波前的水深,后波要追赶前波,故形成波前立陡的不连续波,经过一段河槽调蓄和阻力作用,涌波才逐渐坦化,最后消失。图1和图2为溃坝洪水流态的示意描述。阁l溃坝洪水波示意图…丫兰,鄂瓜/坑3断4时间 图2溃坝洪水演进示意图 溃坝洪水计算的目的在于估算溃坝对上下游的影响和可能遭受的损失。主要内容包括:分析研究水库失事时坝址上下游水流状态,计算溃坝洪水的最大流向下游的正波和向上游的负波菠额流量(分别以Q东QB表示)公式如(5)(6)式。。、A,。叼B-一万一叼O十 “卜10尝‘几一Po)(几一Ao’除‘p!一几,(Al一A·’(5)。_AR。昭B一一万叼1十 厂飞l(6)联解两式,即当吼。场时,即得最大瞬溃流量Q,-QB式中A、尸、g分别为过水断面面积、静水压力、重力加速度。其下脚注B、1、0分别表示坝址、上游、下游断面。 瞬时局部溃的计算大坝瞬时局部溃决型式如图4所示。分(a)、(b)、(e)三种情况。由于溃坝口门形式及发展过程均难以事前准确预计,故常作简单假定,一般可假定溃口断面流态类似宽顶堰,而下泄水量补给又满足逆流负波规律,即由宽顶堰(溃口处)的堰流公式如(7)式,和负波流量公式(6)。分别绘制溃口处水深与下泄量关系曲线,其交点即为过水能力和补给水量能力相等之点,相应流量即为所求的溃水最大流量Qm,其相应的水深为溃口水深ko Q。=规b召么叠(HI一a)”‘2(7)式中观为宽顶堰系数,H;为溃前水深,b,a见图4。