1.An analysis of the intersection of torus/sphere based on coordinate transformation;基于坐标变换的圆环面/球面相交分析
2.A new judge eay on intersection visibility of two plane;两平面相交可见性判断的新方法
3.A Fast Algorithm for Judging Self-intersection of Poly-lines;判断折线自相交的快速算法

1.The point at which a line, or the curve in which a surface, intersects a coordinate plane.交点,交线线与坐标平面相交的点或一表面与坐标平面相交的曲线
2.sequenceof nonoverlapping intervals互不相交的区间序列
3.an interior angle formed be two meeting walls.两墙相交所形成的内角。
4.three-phase synchronous AC generator三相交流同步发电机
5.Line A crosses line B at right angles.A 线与B 线成直角相交
6.single-phase AC synchronous alternator单相交流同步发电机
7.I let them talk all mutually.我让他们全都互相交谈。
8.The line ab cut the line dc at the point eAB线和dc线在E点相交
9.Surf-Surf Intersection Curve曲面与曲面相交求曲线
10.three-phase AC asynchronous motor三相交流异步电动机
11.Elm Street crosses Oak Street.榆树街和橡树街相交
12.the place where two lines cross AB and CD intersect at(the point)P.AB线和cd 线在P 点相交.
13.at loggerheads with...与…交恶 [相争]
14.Of, relating to, or involving diplomacy or diplomats.外交的外交的、同外交相关或涉及外交事务的
15."diplomatic:Of, relating to, or involving diplomacy or diplomats."外交的:外交的、同外交相关或涉及外交事务的.
16.To get along well together.愉快地交往,相处得很好
17.Two cars locked together in passing.两车交会时互相卡住了。
18.alternating current single phase induction motor交流单相感应电动机

phase transition相交
1.Liquid-liquid heat exchangers with separation type vacuum phase transition have beenapplied to recover the low temperature heat in refinery for years.数套工业装置已投用多年,其中中国石化抚顺石油化工公司石油二厂的真空相交换热工业装置每小时可为厂生活区供应100~130t洁净热水。
2.We investigate the phase transitions of Abelian lattice gauge theories at finite temperature with the variational cumulant expansion.应用交分累积展开方法系统地研究了(2+1)维和(3+1)维的Z(2)、Z(3)、U(1)阿贝尔格点规范理论在有限温度下的相交
3)phase transformation相交

相交1.相交往;结交。 2.相接,交战。 3.相好;好友。 4.交叉。