丹江口市,Danjiangkou City
1)Danjiangkou City丹江口市
1.Research on the Variance History of Danjiangkou City through Archaeological Excavation;从考古发掘看丹江口市变迁史
2.Evaluation of Farmland Ecological Suitability in Danjiangkou City;丹江口市农用地生态适宜性评价
3.Paleolithic remains are rich in Maojiawa and the surrounding areas in Danjiangkou city,Hubei province.湖北丹江口市石鼓一带的旧石器遗存非常丰富,在约2平方千米的区域内发现旧石器时代晚期遗址5处,毛家洼是其中之一。

1.Epidemiology investigation on mental disorder in Dan jiangkou city in 1998丹江口市1998年精神病流行学调查报告
2.Research on the Paleolithic Site at Maojiawa in Danjiangkou City,Hubei;湖北丹江口市毛家洼旧石器遗址调查
3.Also called Taihe Mountain and Xianshi Mountain,the Wudang Mountain is located in Danjiangkou City,Hubei Province.武当山旧称太和山、仙石山。位于湖北省丹江口市
4.Analysis for inpatient expenses reimbursement under New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Danjiangkou丹江口市新型农村合作医疗住院补偿情况分析
5.Present Situation,Development Target and Countermeasures of Wheat Industry in Danjiangkou City丹江口市小麦产业现状、发展目标及对策
6.Study on Status and Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Region--A Case Study in A Small Watershed in Danjiangkou City丹江口库区土壤养分状况及空间变异性研究——以丹江口市小茯苓村小流域为例
7.Study on Soil Erosion Monitoring by Using Multi-temporal and Multi-source Digital Images in Danjiangkou;基于多时相多源影像的丹江口市土壤侵蚀监测研究
8.A Environment Impact Assessment for the Land Arrangement Project--Land Arrangement Project of Danjiangkou City;土地整理项目环境影响评价——以丹江口市土地整理项目为例
9.Proposal of building economic belt of Middle Route of South-North Water Diversion--Discussions on direction of economic development strategy of Danjiangkou City;建立南水北调中线经济带的构想——兼论丹江口市经济发展战略走向
10.An analysis and vertical comparison of the allocation of NCMS fund in Danjiangkou丹江口市新型农村合作医疗资金使用情况纵向分析
11.The Ontological Nature of Human Beings and the Ecological Concept of City Construction;以民为本 生态立市——全力建设中国“水都”丹江口
12.Her home is in Mudanjiang City, Helongjiang Province.她的家在黑龙江省牡丹江市。
13.Her home is in Mudanjiang City, heilongjiang Province她的家在黑龙江省牡丹江市
14.Endogenous Comparative Advantage and Agricultural Products Export Trade;内生比较优势与农产品出口贸易——以牡丹江市推进对俄农业合作扩大农产品出口为例
15.A city of northeast China southeast of Harbin.It is a railroad junction and industrial center.Population, 400, 000.牡丹江市中国东北部城市,位于哈尔滨东南部。是铁路线枢纽和工业中心。人口400,
16.The Discussion of Urban Domestic Waste Incineration for Electricity Generation in Mudanjiang牡丹江市城市生活垃圾焚烧发电探讨
17.Analysis of the Operating Behavior of Concrete Dam of the Danjiangkou Hydro-junction丹江口水利枢纽砼大坝工作性态分析
18.Analysis on the Deformation Monitoring of Left-bank Earth Rockfill Dam of Danjiangkou Project;丹江口左岸土石坝变形监测资料分析

Mudanjiang city牡丹江市
1.Protection measure and underground water pollution state in Mudanjiang City;牡丹江市地下水污染状况与防治措施
2.The application of big diameter pouring pile in Mudanjiang City;大孔径人工挖孔灌注桩在牡丹江市区的应用
3.This paper is researching on the atmospheric environmental capacity calculation in Mudanjiang city.对牡丹江市大气环境容量测算工作进行了研究。
1.Heavy Metal Contents in Organs of Sparrow in Mudanjiang;牡丹江市工业区麻雀体内重金属残留分析
2.Determination of Residual Quantity of Hg and As in Four Species of Passerines in Mudanjiang in Summer;牡丹江市夏季4种雀形目鸟体内汞和砷的残留量测定
3.This paper, from the way of Marxism nationality theory and the policy, choosing the Mudanjiang Korean National Minority Village aims to study the present situation, effects of the policies which was taken and the count measures coping with the problems.本文选择牡丹江市朝鲜族村作为研究对象,从马克思主义民族理论与政策的角度进行分析,旨在通过对牡丹江市朝鲜族村发展现状的研究,总结政策、措施的实施成效,分析发展中出现的问题,提出相应的解决措施和建议。
1.Study on Upgraded Technique of Conservation Water Resource Forest of Reservoir Region in Danjiangkou of Hubei Province;丹江口湖北库区水源涵养林改造技术研究
2.The Present Situation of Artificial Wetlands in Danjiangkou and Its Countermeasures;丹江口人工湿地现状与对策研究
3.Three-Dimensional Flow Emulation Calculation Through a Hydraulic Turbine Draft Tube of Danjiangkou Expanding Units;丹江口扩机尾水管三维流场仿真计算研究
5)mudanjiang City牡丹江市区
1.The author discussed and certified the industries position, suitability of industries structure after being a member ofWTO, selection of key industries and construction of the premium industries structure of Mudanjiang city.文章论证了牡丹江市区的产业定位、入世(WTO)后的产业结构适应性、重点产业的选择、产业结构的优化与构建等问题。
6)Danjiangkou reservoir丹江口水库
1.On the service function of Danjiangkou reservoir wetland ecosystem;丹江口水库湿地生态系统服务功能研究
2.Research on the Compensation System and Analyse of the Integrated Benefit Transformation in Danjiangkou Reservoir;丹江口水库综合效益转换分析及补偿制度研究
3.Study of the Traditional Dwellings in Danjiangkou Reservoir Zone;丹江口水库淹没区传统民居研究
