1.This paper applies ESDA method to the spatial analysis of Chinese regional per capita GDP growth.运用探索性空间数据分析方法考察了1990~2004年中国341个区域单位人均GDP增长速度的空间相关性和空间异质性,揭示了中国区域经济增长速度的空间格局及区域发展差距的演变过程。
2.This paper analyzes the spatial autocorrelation and variability of merchandise housing price in Kaifeng by using the techniques of ESDA.为了探测商品住宅价格的空间分布特征,以开封市商品住宅交易均价为例,利用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)的理论与方法分析开封市商品住宅价格空间自相关性和变异性。
3.We introduced the exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) and Kriging theory,and proposed an improved spatial variability-oriented Kriging interpolating model for GPS height transformation.基于探索性空间数据分析(exploratory spatial data analysis,ESDA)及Kriging插值理论,提出了顾及高程异常空间变异性的GPS高程Kriging拟合模型。

1.An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Merchandise Housing Price in Kaifeng开封市商品住宅价格的探索性空间数据分析
2.The exploratory spatial data analysis of childhood tuberculosis in Mao county based on Geographic Information System基于GIS四川茂县儿童结核病探索性空间数据分析
3.Landuse Data Analysis with Exploratory Data Analysis Method探索性数据分析在土地利用数据分析中的应用
4.Identification of Spatial Economic Structure in Beijing by Applying Exploratory Spatial Data Statistics利用探索式空间数据解析北京城市空间经济发展模式
5.Exploration of the Efficient Theory of Data Envelopment Analysis;数据包络分析有效性理论的一点探索
6.Optimization of Data Structure and Algorithms in Spatial Analysis System探索性数据分析系统数据结构及算法优化
7.Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Adjacency Based on Entitative Data Model基于实体数据模型的空间邻接定量分析探讨
8.The Explosive Observation and Analysis of Sub-culture Groups in Cyberspace赛博空间中亚文化社群的探索性观察与分析
9.Design Space Exploration and Analysis of High Performance MD5 IP Core高性能MD5算法IP核的设计空间探索与分析
10.Discovery of Distributed Spatial Web Services Based on SOA Architecture;基于空间索引的分布式空间数据Web服务发现
11.The Design of Exploratory Simulation Analysis Framework Based Data Farming基于数据耕耘的探索性仿真分析框架设计
12.The main point about the space design of modern architecture--the analysis is about the characteristics and main points of them;现代建筑空间设计要点探索——地下空间特性及设计要点分析
13.The Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis Based on the Full-text Requests of NSTL基于NSTL原文索取数量的空间自相关性分析
14.The Analysis of Spatial Data and Implement the System of Spatial Data Sharing;空间数据分析和空间数据共享系统实现
15.Nonlinear Least Squares Surveying and Mapping Adjustment by Parameters and Spatial Data Error Analying;非线性最小二乘测量平差与空间数据误差分析
16.Robust Analysis of Spatial Variable Data in Water Environment Simulation;水环境模拟中空间变量数据的稳健性分析
17.Realization of Confirmatory Spatial Data Analysis in ArcGIS Environment;实现ArcGIS环境下的确认性空间数据分析功能
18.Phase Spatial Reconstruction and Chaotic Characteristic Analysis of FDR Flight DataFDR飞行数据的相空间重构及混沌特性分析

exploratory spatial data analysis探索性空间数据分析
3)exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA)探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)
4)Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis探索式空间数据分析
1.With the indicator of gross employment increasing, the urban spatial-economic organization was investigated by means of exploratory spatial data analysis.利用其探索式空间数据分析方法,根据1949-2004年企业登记就业数据在邮政区尺度上对北京市1949年以来城市空间经济发展进行了探讨。
5)Exploratory data analysis探索性数据分析
1.This paper selected the 10 diseases in order of inpatient in a grade A tertiary hospital in 1997 as sample, and used exploratory data analysis to study distribution of medical fees of outpatients.以某三级甲等医院1997年住院构成前10位系统疾病的病例为样本,采用探索性数据分析方法,对出院病例医疗费用的分布进行分析。
2.Integrated with domestic and foreign economical theory that people have obtained common consensus, mainly based on data in Yearbook of China Transportation & Communications, making use of exploratory data analysis method and factor analysis method etc.本论文主要从交通统计年鉴数据出发,结合国内外已取得共识的经济理沦,运用探索性数据分析和因子分析等方法,借以找出交通运输业发展的规律性及其发展趋势,用以作经济预测,检验各种经济理论的可靠性和可行性,并为各级政府和企业的经济决策提供数量化建议。
3.Using a set of built-in data in SPSS, this article provides an example of data transformation in exploratory data analysis, demonstrating the importance of "looking at data from another angle.文章利用SPSS统计分析软件的内置数据组,提供了一个关于探索性数据分析中的数据转换方法在经济统计分析中的应用的教学案例,说明了探索性数据分析“换一个角度看问题”的重要统计分析思想。
6)simulation exploratory data analysis仿真探索性数据分析

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