等价权,Equivalent weight
1)Equivalent weight等价权
1.This paper,based on the relationship between the difference of solutions and the estimator of outliers ,derives the influence function of LS estimation which is expressed by the estimator of blunders;according to the principle of equivalent weight,realizes robustifying LS estimation to observation space and design space with the method to limit the estimator of gross errors.通过对粗差估值加以限制,根据等价权原理,实现LS估计对观测空间和设计空间的抗差性。
2.An equivalent weight principle is used in constructing the robust estimator for combined adjustments with various priori pricision and every kinds of observations.抗差M估计是使用最广泛、计算较简明的抗差估计法,基于多维M估计原理,建立了经典测量平差函数模型的抗差解,并推导出相应的误差影响函数;为了使抗差估计适于不同类型以及不同先验精度的各类观测的混合平差,将采用等价权原理构造抗差解式。
3.By use of the equivalent weight,this method can resist outliers.提出一种新的基于抗差估计的抗差粒子滤波算法,通过计算粒子等价权,抑制观测值粗差的影响。

1.The selected group or user has already been granted equivalent or superior rights on the organization.选定的组或用户已被授予对该组织的等价权利或更高权利。
2.For a long put, equal to the put value minus the premium. For a short put, equal to the premium minus the put value.对于买入看跌期权的人,等于期权价值减去期权金。对于卖出看跌期权的人,等于期权金减去价值。
3.Put breakeven equals the strike price minus the premium.卖出期权的收支平衡等于执行价减去期权金。
4.bargaining powerph.1. 议价(或谈判、交涉等的)实力(或权限)
5.Equivalent Norms and Composition Operators of Weighted Analytic Lipschitz Spaces;加权解析Lipschitz空间的等价模与复合算子
6.Equivalence of Asian Options in Lévy Model;Lévy模型下亚式期权的等价关系
7.An Equivalent Norm on the Weighted Bergman Spaces;加权Bergman空间上的等价范数
8.Weighted LP-approximation of Derivatives by the Method of Post-Widder Operators;Post-Widder算子加权的同时逼近等价定理
9.An option with a strike price equal to the underlying futures price.一个期权的执行价等于其原生期货的价格。
10.At expiration, equal to the strike price minus the futures price.在期权合同到期时,等于执行价格减去期货价格。
11.At expiration, equal to the futures price minus the strike price of the call.在有效期内,等同于期货价格减去期权执行价。
12.Pricing Models of Warrants Based on Equivalent Martingale;基于等价鞅方法下认股权证的定价模型
14.Applications of Equivalent Martingale Measures Model in Pricing Option on Foreign Currency;等价鞅测度模型在外汇期权定价中的应用
15.At expiration, equal to the futures or stock price minus the strike price of the call.到期日价格,等于远期价格或股票价格减看涨期权履约价格。
16.This is possible if you buy a call with the exercise price equal to the current share price.你可以通过购买进期权这么做,其中,期权的转换价等于股票的现价。
17.The intrinsic of an option is the maximum of either zero or the market price minus the exercise price.期权的内在价值最低为零,最高等于市场价格减履约价格的差额。
18.Equivalence of Floating and Fixed Strike Asian Options in a Semimartingale Model;半鞅模型下浮动敲定价与固定敲定价亚式期权之间的等价关系

equivalent weights等价权
1.Depend on analyzing the abuse of equivalent weights, a set of self contained theory system on robust estimation based on equivalent variance covariance are established, which include function,equivalent variance covariance function、influence function and breakdown point.在对现有的基于等价权的稳健估计的弊端进行分析的基础上 ,建立起一套基于调整观测量方差 -协方差阵的稳健最小二乘估计理论 ,包括相关ρ函数、相关φ函数、等价方差 -协方差函数、等价方差 -协方差因子、影响函数、崩溃污染率等。
3)Equivalent weight function等价权函数
1.The equivalent weight function in robust estimation is usually constructed by the statistics of normal distribution.抗差估计等价权函数一般由正态分布统计量构造,其临界值(或称准则)一般由实际经验确定。
2.Critical values of the equivalent weight function are often fixed in constants in robust estimation.抗差估计等价权函数中临界值一般定为常数。
3.The advantage and disadvantage of the existing equivalent weight functions are analyzed.首先分析了现有几种等价权函数的优缺点,然后以适合于测量领域计算的IGGⅢ方案为基础,利用服从于t分布的学生化残差构造等价权函数来进行抗差估计。
4)equivalent weight matrix等价权矩阵
1.The corresponding elements of the equivalent weight matrix constructed by the residuals and some chosen weight fu.本文提出了一种网络蠕虫感染率的估计方法,首先利用抗差估计原理构造了基于原始观测量的算法模型,然后根据权函数和残差区间给出了抗差等价权矩阵,分析了误差影响及验后精度估计,最后进行了仿真实验。
5)Principle of equivalent weight等价权原理
6)Generalized Equivalent Weight广义等价权
