大凌河流域,Dalinghe river basin
1)Dalinghe river basin大凌河流域
1.Study on soil and water conservation and ecological construction in Dalinghe river basin;大凌河流域水土保持生态建设研究
2.Management information system of soil and water conservation in Dalinghe River Basin based on 3S technologies;基于3S技术的大凌河流域水土保持管理信息系统建设
3.Estimation of Ecological Water Requirement in Dalinghe River Basin;大凌河流域河道生态需水量估算

1.Exploration and practice on management of water and soil loss in Daling river region大凌河流域水土流失治理探索与实践
2.The Study on Environmental Quality and Evolution of Groundwater in the Catchment of Daling River;大凌河流域地下水环境质量与演化趋势研究
3.Driving forces analysis of land utilization in Dalinghe river watershed of western Liaoning province during 1987-2002;辽西大凌河流域土地利用变化及驱动力分析
4.Ancient Civilization and Culture along the Big and Small Ling River;大、小凌河流域的古代文明与历史文化
5.There are two kinds of flood: rain gush flood and ice flood.黄河流域面临两类洪水的威胁,即暴雨洪水和冰凌洪水。
6.The Amazon Basin is very large.亚马逊河流域很大。
7.Trend Analysis of Characteristics of Runoff Generation and Concentration in Daqing River Basin大清河流域产汇流特征变化趋势分析
8.Runoff Simulation on Watershed of Dage River by HSPF Model基于HSPF模型的大阁河流域径流量模拟
9.Study on Ecological Restoration of Small Watershed--Taking the Watershed of Huang Zhuanghe-source of Dawenhe as an Example小流域生态恢复对策研究——以大汶河源头黄庄河流域为例
10.A body of water, such as a creek or small river, that is a tributary of a larger body of water.支流较大水域的一个支流,如溪流或小河
11.fish of larger rivers of China similar to the Mississippi paddlefish.产于中国大河的匙吻鲟,比密西西比河流域中的
12.any of several large suckers of the Mississippi valley.密西西比河流域的几种大型亚口鱼。
13.Deluge at Early Third Millennium BC over the Mesopotamia公元前第3千纪初两河流域的大洪水
14.He has a large farm in the Mississippi Valley他在密西西比河流域拥有一个大农场。
15.Research on Water and Soil Conservation during Dadu River Valley Development and Construction大渡河流域开发中水土保持问题研究
16.Market Trend and Industry Countermeasure on Nursery Stock in Datong River Valley;大通河流域苗木市场走向与产业对策
17.Flood Characteristic Analysis of 6.13 Super Rainstorm in Shenzhen River Valley深圳河流域“6.13”特大暴雨洪水特性分析
18.Study on Sedimentary Facies of Dalinghe Oil Layer in Central-south of the West Slope in Liaohe Depression;辽河坳陷西斜坡中南部大凌河油层沉积相研究

Daling river watershed大凌河流域
1.Applying the integrating technology of geographic information system(GIS) and remote sense system(RS) and SQL database system (FoxPro) to the constructing practice of the Daling river watershed harnessing project; the SWCIS for the DLRW was developed in the mainly harnessing area of China.将 GIS(地理信息系统 )、RS(遥感技术 )、Fox Pro数据库等技术集成 ,应用于“朝阳市国家重点治理区大凌河流域治理工程”建设实践 ,建立了“国家重点治理区大凌河流域水土保持信息系统”。
3)Xiaolinghe river basin小凌河流域
4)large river basins大河流域
5)Dalinghe Formation大凌河组
6)dalinghe River大凌河
1.Analysis on the Absorption Rate of the Water Source to Baishi Reservoir by Water Source Projects around River at the Downstream of the Reservoir of Dalinghe River;大凌河下游沿河水源工程对白石水库水源的吸夺率分析
2.The reasons of mud and sand silting in Dalinghe River were analyzed and the soil and water erosion rule as well as the effects on the river basin environment were discussed,some suggestions were given for disposing of the pollution in Dalinghe river basin.大凌河流域是辽宁省西部防风灾,避砂害,除水患,保水土的主要屏障,然而大凌河流域受泥砂严重侵蚀。
3.The Dalinghe hidden fault,as an example in this paper,is just located under the Dalinghe river,so the activity of this hidden fault can be defined by comparing Quaternary layers and terraces beside the river (hidden fault).以大凌河隐伏断裂为实例,根据断裂位于大凌河床底部的特点,通过对比河流( 断裂) 两侧的第四纪地层和阶地,对隐伏断裂的活动性进行研究。

大夏河  甘肃省中部较大河流,属黄河水系。古名漓水,源于甘南高原甘、青交界的大不勒赫卡山南北麓。南源桑曲却卡,北源大纳昂,汇流后始称大夏河。经夏河县城东北流,出土门关进入临夏盆地,过临夏市后至康家湾注入刘家峡水库。全长203公里,流域面积7152平方公里。冯家台多年平均流量38.4立方米/秒,年径流量11.4亿立方米,5~10月占75%左右。主要支流有咯河、铁龙沟、老鸦关河、大滩河及牛津河等。土门关以南为上游,石质山原,海拔2500米以上,气候湿冷,除太子山有少量林木外,余均为甘南藏族自治州草场。土门关以北为下游,流经黄土高原,沟壑纵横,植被较差,暴雨、泥石流、滑坡严重,但大夏河川台宽谷区农业发达,北塬、永乐等渠道灌田各在万亩以上。另有百万立方米以上水库一座。回、汉、东乡等民族多从事农耕与商业,生活富裕。