应用实验,application experiment
1)application experiment应用实验

1.Realization to the Use of VCD of Basic Expermental Operition in the Teaching of Experiments Inorgnic Chemistry;在实验课教学中应用实验操作录相片
2.Division 21. Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychologists应用实验和工程心理学
3.Application of Simulating Experiment Technique to Physiological Experiment;模拟实验技术在生理学实验中的应用
4.Application of Virtual Electronics Workbench in Experiment Teaching;虚拟电子实验台在实验教学中的应用
5.Naval Applied Science Laboratory海军应用科学实验室
6.VERA (Versatile Experimental Reactor Assembly)通用实验性反应堆装置
7.Application of MsterCAM in the Numerical Controlled Experiments;MasterCAM在数控实验中的应用
8.The Application of System View in EDA Teaching;System View在EDA实验中的应用
9.Some Applied Techniques in Biochemistry Experiment Teaching;生化实验教学中的几点应用技术经验
10.Application of Excel in design and analysis of experimentsExcel在试验统计分析实验教学中的应用
11.Application of Pspice to Taching and Patice in Pysics Experiment;PSPICE在物理实验教学和实践中的应用
12.Constrution of PLC Laboratory in practical Engineering Application;面向实际工程应用的PLC实验室建设
13.Development and Application on Teaching and Testing Equipment of PLC;PLC综合实习和实验装置的研制和应用
14.The Project Management Practice in Laboratary Construction Management项目管理应用于实验室建设管理实践
15.C51 microcontroller experimental system of self-made and practical applicationC51单片机实验系统的自制及实践应用
16.Application Practice of the Experimental Roll Mill in New Products实验轧机在新产品开发中的应用实践
17.Reinforcing experiment teaching firmly and training applied competent personnel切实强化实验教学 培养应用型人才
18.Application of Computer Simulated Experiments for Functional Experiment Teaching;计算机仿真实验在机能学实验教学中的应用

applied experiment应用实验
1.And it also discusses the related study of applied experiment.根据新课程的指导思想 ,传感器及传感器技术写入《高中物理课程标准》中 ,本文就传感器的部分内容及相关的应用实验研究作简要介
1.Application of Techniques for Fiber Seal Coat and Slurry Seal Coat;纤维改性稀浆封层技术的实验应用
4)practical experiment应用型实验
1.The paper sets forth the effective methods of improving teaching quality of practical experiment classes and puts forward a reform proposal,based on the author's years of teaching experience in aquatic product processing technology,aiming to achieve good results of professional experiment classes to train professional talents that meet the need of society.以水产品加工工艺学实验教学为例,要提高应用型实验的教学质量,需采取有效措施,进行改革。
5)laboratory application实验室应用
6)applied experiments应用性实验
1.How to strengthen applied experiments,ensure the normal distribution of students marks and adjust the structure of text books reasonably are expounded.本文就如何加强应用性实验的开设 ,确保学生成绩的正态分布 ,以及教材结构的合理调整等方面进行了阐述。

保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)safety standards of UL: see Underwriters Laboratories; UL  Baoxianshang Sh啊nshi anquan bicozhun保险商实验室安全标准(saJ七ty stand助dsofUL)见保险商实脸室。