操作步骤,operation steps
1)operation steps操作步骤
1.The paper expounds the concrete operation steps of S-316 recovery instrument and some points for attention.阐述了S -3 1 6回收装置具体使用操作步骤及注意事项。
2.According to my first experience of attending the separate checking and acceptance for the quality,I try to analyse the method and detail operation steps those shoud be used in the separate checking and acceptance,also it may provid some enlightenment for future full-scale development of the separate checking.住宅工程质量分户验收是国家对工程质量管理控制试行的新办法,对降低工程质量通病意义深远,根据参加质量分户验收的实践,初探在质量分户验收中应采取的实施办法和具体操作步骤,为今后全面展开质量分户验收提供一些启发。
3.For which,the article makes study on the pricing feasibility and operation steps.为确保投资效益,国家对政府投资项目强制实行招投标,在招投标中实行工程量清单计价,为此,文章在计价方面的可行性及操作步骤加以研究。

1.Testing Condition and Main Operation Steps试验条件及简要操作步骤
2.Additionally, operating procedures are written and evaluated.另外还要写出操作步骤,并对系统作出评价。
3.During burn-out or closing down of engine operation, these same steps must be taken in reverse order.当发动机熄火或停车时,应采取相反的操作步骤
4.What are the procedures of geophysical survey by seismic method?地球物理勘探中地震法的具体操作步骤有哪些?
5.Feasibility of Implementing Priced in Bill of Quantities and the Operation Steps;浅谈实施工程量清单计价的可行性及操作步骤
6.Operative Steps to Formulate Catastrophic Medical Insurance Scheme in Ru- ral China;制定农村大病统筹医疗保险方案的操作步骤
7.Illustrative,examples are detailed in the appendices.附录中详细介绍了具体的操作步骤,并通过实例说明。
8.Therefore, COD is a conditional indicator, and strict operation procedure must be followed.因此,化学需氧量亦是一个条件性的指标,必须严格按操作步骤进行。
9.An Introduction to Research Project of "Key Techniques and Operative Steps to Formulate Catastrophic Medical Insurance Scheme in Rural China;农村大病统筹医疗保险方案的关键技术和操作步骤研究概述
10.You can activate call functions for the Handsfree profile according to the following table: Device Status Action; Function Phone Headset Handsfree Profile您可以使用以下列表所有的免提通话功能:设备状态操作步骤,功能手机耳机耳机操作
11.What can cause changes in sample appearance and what operational steps should the operator take to correct the problem?何种原因会导致样品性状改变?操作者应采取何种操作步骤来纠正问题?
12.All the stages operate concurrently.所有工作步骤协同操作。
13.The machine must be operated as follows:...这台机器应按下列步骤进行操作:......
14.Operation: (1) Performance of practical work. (2) Single step performed by computer in execution of program.(1)操作,(2)运算:(1)实际生产的工作。(2)完成电脑程式的一个步骤。
15.At each step, some arithmetic or logical operation is performed on some data.每个步骤中,一些算术和逻辑操作作用在一些数据中。
16.Read the directions in this small pamphlet and then follow them step by step.读一下这本小册子的说明,然后按其中的步骤去操作。
17.Proceed as follows: switch on the computer, insert a disk and press any key.按如下步骤操作:打开计算机开关,插入软盘,然后按任意键。
18.We can expect pipelines having even more stages and higher clock rates.我们期待微处理器流水线操作,有更多的步骤和更高的时钟频率。

operation procedure操作步骤
3)operating procedure操作步骤
1.This paper introduces database-accessing methods and their concrete operating procedures by using three tools of database control, visualized data manager and data access object in Visual Basic programming language.介绍了在VisualBasic程序设计语言中使用数据控制、可视化数据管理器和数据访问对象等3种工具访问数据库的方法及其具体操作步骤
4)applicable step可操作步骤
6)cadmium-copper column reduction操作步骤优化

ANSYS的应用和步骤ANSYS为最著名的FEA软件,工程设计人员可用它完成以下工作: 建立模型或转换结构,产品,零件或系统等的CAD模型。施加工作载荷或其它设计执行条件。研究物理反应,例如应力水平,温度分布,或电磁场在开发过程的早期优化设计以降底生产成本。由于恶劣或不可能的环境(如生化应用)而用其他方式不可行时,可用它进行模拟试验。一个典型的ANSYS分析有三个步骤:1,建立模型。2,施加载荷和得到求解。3,后处理查看结果。1,建立模型:1) 指定一个工作名和分析标题。(如不指明系统默认工作名为file)工作名:运行intractive在initial jobname后把file改为你的工作名。或者进入后用以下方法:命令输入: /FILNAMEGUI: Utility Menu>File>Change Jobname分析标题:命令: /TITLE (副标题/STITLE)GUI: Utility Menu>File>Change Title指定单位系统:/UNITS 2)定义单元类型ET,1,......Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes3)定义单元常量REAL Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes4)定义材料性质命令: MATGUI: Main Menu>Preprocessor>-Attributes->Define>Default Attribs线性材料命令: MPGUI: Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>非线性材料命令: TBPLOT, TBLISTGUI: Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Data Tables>Graph Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Data Tables>List 5)生成几何模型2,施加载荷和求解1)定义分析类型和选项命令: ANTYPEMain Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>New Analysis 或 Main Menu> Preprocessor>Loads>Restart2)加载3)设置载荷步选项Main Menu>Solution>-Load Step Options4)求解问题命令: SOLVEGUI: Main Menu>Solution>Current LS Main Menu>Solution>solution_method 多步求解命令: LSSOLVEGUI: Main Menu>Solution>From LS Files3. 后处理命令: /POST1 Main Menu>General Postproc命令 :/POST26 Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro