差值扩展,difference expansion
1)difference expansion差值扩展
1.Lossless audio data hiding algorithm based on difference expansion;基于差值扩展的音频无损信息隐藏算法
2.New reversible data hiding algorithm using difference expansion embedding;利用差值扩展进行可逆数据隐藏的新算法
3.In this scheme, authentication data is encoded using error correction code to prevent them from malicious manipulation and difference expansion is exploited to conceal the encoded data into image.针对一些敏感数字图像在认证水印嵌入过程中不能引入失真的问题,提出一种能够定位图像篡改块的可逆图像认证方案,利用纠错编码使认证数据能抵抗可能受到的篡改攻击,并用差值扩展的方式将编码后的认证数据嵌入到图像中。

1.Reversible Image Authentication Based on Difference Expansion and Error Correction Code基于差值扩展和纠错编码的可逆图像认证
2.The software will display the SNR, FWHM and RMS values found.软件将显示它们的信噪比,点扩展函数和均方差值。
3.Widen/narrow the gap/disparity between regions/localities in terms of development扩大/缩小地区发展差距
4.Testing for Threshold Cointegration in Nonlinear Smooth Transition Error Correction Models非线性误差校正模型中的阈值协整检验——基于阈值协整向量未知的扩展
5.nonstandard extension used : extended initializer form使用了非标准扩展:扩展初始值设定项窗体
6.An Extended Hotelling Model with Different Product Quality;具有产品质量差异的扩展Hotelling模型
7.On Expansions of English & Chinese Nominal Groups From Different Modes of Thinking;从思维方式差异看英汉名词词组扩展
8.One bit/pixel reversible watermarking approach based on difference expansion1 bit/pixel嵌入率的差扩展可逆水印方案
9.Analysis and Application of the Expanded Mixed Finite Element Method for Two Kinds of Evolution Equations;两类发展方程的扩展混合元数值模拟
10.Peak research:from peak oil to peak fossil fuels峰值研究:已从石油峰值扩展到化石能源峰值
11.and widening di arities between the haves and have-nots .社会价值的贬低以及贫富之间日益扩大的差距。
12.The Implicit Perturbation Difference Scheme of Convection Diffusion Equation;对流扩散方程的隐式摄动有限差分数值解法
13.Nonlinear diffusion method based on local variance and mean amplitude基于局域方差系数与幅度均值的非线性扩散
14.Comparison of Image Interpolation Method in Error Diffusion Halftoning误差扩散半色调技术中图像插值方法的比较
15.The size of an extended property value may not be more than 7500 bytes扩展属性值的大小不能大于 7500 字节
16.An extended stored procedure did not receive the bind token value.扩展存储过程未接收到绑定令牌值。
17.An extended stored procedure did not set an out parameter data value.扩展存储过程未设置输出参数数据值。
18.An extended stored procedure did not receive the data value of a parameter.扩展存储过程未接收到参数的数据值。

extended difference function扩展差值函数
3)contrast stretching反差扩展
4)Extended dislocation扩展差排
5)Difference Expansion差扩展
1.One bit/pixel reversible watermarking approach based on difference expansion1 bit/pixel嵌入率的差扩展可逆水印方案
6)difference expansion差值扩大
1.A lossless data hiding algorithm for digital vector maps based on difference expansion is proposed in this paper.基于差值扩大的思想,提出了一种应用于矢量地图的无损数据隐藏算法。
