
1.structural modelling system结构化模型建立系统
2.onometric modeling technique经济计量模型建立技术;经济计量模型建立技术
3.Research on random function model of strong ground motion(Ⅰ):model constructing地震动随机函数模型研究(Ⅰ)——模型建立
4.Establishment of Snowmelt-Type Xin'anjiang Watershed Model Based on Digital Elevation Model基于数字高程模型建立融雪型新安江模型
5.Mathematical Model of Evaporator in Large Cold Storage大型冷库中蒸发器的模型建立及优化
6.A Study on the Dynamic Model for Impact-type Hydraulic Vibrating System冲击型液压振动系统的动态模型建立
7.Strut-and-tie model method for design of reinforced concrete structures:Part Ⅰ model development混凝土结构设计的拉-压杆模型方法——Ⅰ:模型建立
8.Building A Common Management Model建立一个公共管理模型
9.The New Model of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets Construction and SimulationMandelbrot和Julia集统一新模型的建立与模拟
10.Kunming waits for a plane the hall value analog modeling establishment method昆明候机厅数值模拟模型的建立方法
11.construct a factory, an aircraft, a model, a sentence, a theory建工厂; 造飞机; 制作模型; 造句; 建立理论
12.Reconstructed Epidermal Skin Model and Its Features;表皮体外重建模型的建立及性状研究
13.Discussing about Building a Model of G-TQM for Construction Projects;建筑施工项目G-TQM模型的建立与讨论
14.New mouse model of aged dementia induced by multi-factors新型复合式老年痴呆小鼠模型的建立
15.The establishment of B-type experimental model of pig's thoracolumbar burst fracture猪胸腰椎爆裂性骨折B型模型的建立
16.Inducing of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea in rats腹泻型肠易激综合征大鼠模型的建立
17.Type 2 diabetes rat model and its verification2型糖尿病大鼠模型的建立及其验证
18.Establishment and solution of mathematical model for nutritional blend oil营养型调和油数学模型的建立及求解

Model building模型建立
3)model establishment模型建立
5)model foundation模型建立
1.Model hypothesis and model foundation are the two most important steps in the process of mathematical modeling, and they comprise two important parts of principle analysis.在数学建模过程中 ,模型假设与模型建立是最重要的两个步骤 ,两者构成机理分析的重要环节 。
6)Model building建立模型

建立谤【建立谤】 (术语)藏通之菩萨住于但空,为大悲施化修假观也。(参见:建立假)