地图库,map library
1)map library地图库
1.Study on map library management model based on peer-to-peer architectureP2P架构的地图库管理模型
2.By improving data management technique of traditional map library,spatiotemporal libdataset model(STLM) based on large object-relational database is given,and the STLM implements seamless logical and physical data organizing and storage for entity-oriented massive spatiotemporal data.突破了传统地图库的数据管理模式,提出了基于大型对象关系型数据库的时空图库集模型,实现了海量时空数据的逻辑与物理无缝数据组织与存储。

1.Design and Implementation of Map Library Management System in MEGIS;MEGIS地图库管理系统的设计与实现
2.cartographic data base management system地图数据库管理系统
3.Several Suggestions for Construction of Spatial Data of Digital Geological Diagram关于数字地质图空间数据库建库的几点建议
4.The Research on 1∶50,000 Map Database Construction by Computer Generalization;1:5万地图数据库计算机综合的研究
5.Research of Digital Map Database Based on ComGIS;基于组件式GIS电子地图数据库的研究
6.The Geological Map Compilation and Database Construction Based on GIS;基于GIS的地质图编制与数据库建立
7.A method of rectifying altitude system of topographic map of minireservoir;中小型水库地形图高程系统校正方法
8.The Production of Map Symbol Library Based on MicroStation基于MicroStation的地图符号库的制作
9.Format Conversion of Database Construction of Large-scale Topomap大比例尺地形图数据建库格式的转换
10.Research on the Characteristic Database Construction of Locality University Library地方高校图书馆特色数据库建设新探
11.A Modest Proposal of the Establishment of the Local Document Database in the Libraries of Colleges and Universities地方高校图书馆文献数据库建设刍议
12.Analysis and establishment of picture database for the farmland management information system耕地管理信息系统图像库分析与建立
13.Map Database Based Automatic Map Making:Research and Implementation基于地图数据库进行自动化制图的研究和实现
14.1: 1000000 Digital Geomorphologic Mapping and Geomorphology Database of Chongqing;重庆市1:100万数字地貌图与地貌数据库
15.The Map Expression and Achievement Based on 1:10000 Fundamental Geographic Information Database;1:10000基础地理信息数据库的地图表达与实现
16.Reference Systems Selection in Current Land Utilization Map Updating and Database Construction;土地利用现状图更新与建库中大地坐标系选择
17.An error occurred while trying to save the database configuration to the Local Security Authority.试图存储数据库配置到本地安全机构时出错。
18.An error occurred while trying to retrieve the database configuration from the Local Security Authority.试图从本地安全机构获取数据库配置时出错。

bank of geological maps地质图图库
3)map database地图数据库
1.new type of language,the Map Query Language(MQL) for the map database basedon a hierarchical relation model is proposed.提出一种新型的地图数据库语言MQL,它是传统的标准SQL语言的扩充。
2.Simultaneously,the thesisexpatiates on system frame,getting and treat with,saving and management of map database on the flat of Oracle9i,and discusses function of integration mode based on 3S-technology and DBMS to imp.针对地图数据库建设中存在的数据更新、数据组织的效率问题,提出采用3S技术与数据库系统一体化集成的新模式,以实现地图数据的快速更新、合理组织、存储和管理;阐述了以Oracle9i作为数据库平台所构建的地图数据库的体系结构、数据的获取与处理、数据的组织与存储;论述了3S技术与数据库一体化集成新摸式对提高数据利用效率的作用。
3.With an analysis on the map data and business needs of Guangdong Province,this paper proposes establishing a fundamental map database based on distributed database,and on this basis,six subsystems were established.通过对广东省地图数据、业务需求的分析,提出建立以基础地图数据库为主的分布式数据库,在此基础上,建立六个子系统,各子系统基于数据集成为一个集地图数据管理、地图审核制作、地图信息发布于一体的,具有C/S、B/S两种网络结构的信息系统,实现了广东省地图业务的信息化管理。
4)map data base地图数据库
5)map symbol library地图符号库
1.Design and application of the multi-interface map symbol library;多接口地图符号库的设计与实现
2.Comparing and analyzing the design method and implementing technique of cartographic symbol base,this paper designs a solution for GIS map symbol library based on_NET.地图符号是数字制图的基础,尤其在地理信息系统中,地图内容的表达离不开地图符号,本文对比分析了目前一些地图符号库的设计方法和实现技术,结合地图学、地图符号化的基本理论,采用面向对象的方法、关系数据库理论和XML技术,在NET平台下设计了GIS地图符号库系统。
3.Firstly, the research and development situations of the map symbol library are summarized.通过对地图符号的数据结构进行分析,设计出满足地图需求的高精度地图符号,方便地图符号库的管理与维护。
6)geographic database地图数据库
