农村景观,rural landscape
1)rural landscape农村景观
1.This article studied the double properties,that was naturalness and artificiality,as well as rural landscapes,characteristics of diversity and heterogeneity.农村景观是人与自然共同作用的特殊场所。
2.The results showed that there was great difference in rural landscape distribution,the landscape fragmentary degree was higher,the integrity of agricultural landscape was poor and the fractal dimension of other rural landscape was higher except lower fractal dimension of village landscape in Bijie city.采用2000年贵州省毕节市的TM/ETM卫星影像数据,依据GIS软件对毕节市岩溶山区乡村景观格局特征进行了分析,结果表明:毕节市的农村景观分布差异性比较大,景观的破碎程度较高,农业景观的完整性较差,景观除了聚落景观的分维数较低外,其他农村景观的分维数比较高。

1.Exploit Traveling Resources and Improve Rural Landscape Development开发旅游资源 促进农村景观发展
2.Study of Landscape Planning and Design for Socialist New Countryside of China;我国社会主义新农村景观规划设计研究
3.The Optimizing Model Research of Landscape Ecology Tourist Development in the Chongqing Rural Area;重庆农村景观生态旅游开发优化模式研究
4.Characteristics of Rural Landscapes:Naturalness-artificiality and Diversity;农村景观的自然—人为性与多样性特征研究
5.Eco-design for Rural Landscape Planning in the Context of the New Rural Development新农村建设背景下乡村景观规划的生态设计
6.Landscape Pattern and Application of a Compact Community in New Villages of Jiang-Huai Area;江淮地区新农村聚居景观模式及应用
7.See through the New Perspective of Landscape Design Study in Constructing New Countryside;透视新农村建设的景观设计学新视角
8.Solving the Rural Problems by Accelerating the Development of Tourist Attractions in the Countryside;加快乡村旅游景观建设 破解“三农”问题
9.Building the Country Sights in the New Countries Construction of Social Democracy社会主义新农村建设中乡村景观的营建
10.Research on the Sightseeing Agriculture Development under the New Rural Construction Background;新农村建设背景下的观光农业旅游发展研究
11.An Analysis on Agri-tourism Development under the New Village Construction Background;新农村建设背景下的观光休闲农业发展研究
12.A Study of Rural Settelemnt Landscape Planning and Design under the New Rural Construction Background;新农村建设背景下的乡村聚落景观规划与设计研究
13.Research on Landscape Culture Design for Siping Ancient Village under the Background of Cultural Construction in New Countryside新农村文化建设背景下的寺平古村景观文化设计研究
14.Values-Orientation of Western China s Rural Youth in Socialist New Countryside Construction;社会主义新农村建设背景下西部农村青年价值观引导
15.Farmer Concepts in Rural Social Development: A Survey of Seven Villages in Jiangsu Province;农村社会发展背景下的农民观念状况——江苏省七村庄调查
16.The study on rural residential landscape design--a case study of Dongwei rural residential landscape design浅议新农村居住区景观设计——以邹平县东尉新农村居住区景观设计为例
17.Value and Application of Modern Agricultural Landscape in Village Construction;现代农业景观在村庄建设中的价值与运用
18.A Research on the Planning and Design of New Countryside Landscape Architecture;新农村建设中园林景观规划与营造研究

countryside landscape culture农村景观文化
1.At the same time,the countryside landscape culture has also had the new content,faced with new question.与此同时,农村景观文化也产生了新的内容和问题。
3)Rural Green Landscape农村绿色景观
4)Landscape Planning of Village农村景观规划设计
5)Rural landscape乡村景观
1.The research of rural landscape planning in urban fringe;城市郊区乡村景观规划研究
2.On rural landscape planning design in plain area in north of China;北方平原地区乡村景观规划设计探析
6)rural landscape村镇景观
1.On rural landscape construction and management in Wenzhou area;浅谈温州地区村镇景观的建设与管理

阿兰胡埃斯文化景观 英文:aranjuez cultural landscape类别:文化遗产入选时间:2001阿兰胡埃斯文化景观体现了许多复杂的关系,比如人类活动与自然的关系、蜿蜒水道与呈现几何形态的景观设计之间的关系、乡村和城市之间的关系,以及森林环境和当地富丽堂皇的精美建筑之间的关系。数百年来,西班牙王室对于阿兰胡埃斯文化景观倾注了许多精力,使得它向世人展示着奇妙的变化。我们不仅能看到人道主义和政治集权的观念,而且可以领略到公元18世纪建造的法国式巴洛克花园所体现出来的特色,以及启蒙运动时期伴随着植物种植和牲畜饲养所发展起来的城市生活方式。所属地区: 西班牙标准(ii)阿兰胡埃斯描述完全不同的文化影响的一同来创造一个文化景观, 那对在这个领域方面的更进一步的发展有形成的影响。标准(iv)复杂的设计的阿兰胡埃斯的文化景观, 从多种来源派生来,标明在风景的发展内的一个初期的舞台设计。简短描述:阿兰胡埃斯城位于西班牙中部。阿兰胡埃斯文化景观是一个复杂的关系的实体: 在自然和人活动之间, 在弯曲的水道和几何学风景之间设计,在乡村和都市之间,在森林风景和细软调节的它的堂皇大楼的建筑之间。 王室注意在发展和这风景的小心300年看见一概念从人道主义和政治中央集权那里的演化表示, 在特性象在它的第18 世纪法国式巴罗克风格的花园内找的那些那样, 对在启蒙时代在植物气候适应和股票培育的科学旁边发展的都市的生活方式。