1.On the Basis of efficiency Wages,this Pa- per is establishing a model,and analyzing dual structure of labor market,that relative shortage of high-skilled laborer (HSL) and surplus of low-skilled laborer(LSL).本文在效率工资理论基本逻辑基础上建立模型,分析劳动力市场的二元结构,即高技能劳动力的相对短缺和低技能劳动力的过剩。

1.Why Do We Call Them "Highly Qualified Talents" --On Highly Qualified Talents Knowledge Structure;高技能人才“高”在何处——解析高技能人才的知识结构
2.How a Vocational Technical College Has Been Able to Solve the Problem of Shortage of Urgently-needed Software-technology Personnel with High Skills;高职院校解决高技能软件技术紧缺人才的实践
3.Create High Level Base and Train Talented Person with High Skill;创建高水平基地 培养高技能人才
4.National Professional Standards and the Cultivation of High-skilled Talents in Higher Vocational Education;国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养
5.Cultivating the "High Skill Talents" in the Art Designing Major of the Higher Vocational Education高职艺术设计专业“高技能人才”的培养
6.On Constructing the Mode for Developing High-Skilled Talents in Vocational Colleges高职院校高技能人才培养模式的构建
7.Increasing the Ability of Technological Innovation and Founding the High-tech Enterprises;提高技术创新能力 创建高新技术企业
8.but you must consider improving your computer skills.但必须提高计算机技能。
9.Comprehensive Planning for Training skills--Primary Discussion on Skill Training Thoughts in Higher Vocational College;综合规划 培养技能——浅谈高职高专技能培养思路
10.Optimizing University s Technical Innovation System and Increasing University s Technical Innovation Ability;优化高校技术创新系统 提高高校技术创新能力
11.Research on Technological Innovation Capability of High-tech Industry in China;我国高新技术产业技术创新能力研究
12.Vocational Education Should Training skillsbased Technical Personnel;高职教育要培养技能型实用技术人才
13.On the reform of teachers basic skill course in higher teachers college of vocation and technology;浅谈职技高师教师基本技能课程改革
14.Analysis on Improving the Method and Technique of Physical Drawing;浅析提高体育绘图技能的方法和技巧
15.Ways to improve students musical instrument playing level;如何提高学生琴法的技能和技巧水平
16.On the Cultivation of Modern Education Technology Skills to Teachers in Higher Learning Institutions;论高校教师现代教育技术技能的培养
17.Research on evaluation system of technological innovation capability in high-tech enterprises高新技术企业技术创新能力评价研究
18.How the High-tech Enterprise to Improve Their Own Abilities of the Technological Innovation;高科技企业如何提高自身的技术创新能力

high skill高技能
1.Enterprises are very urgent for the talents with high skill after information of enterprise, updating equipment and management since 2003.2003年以来,随着企业的改制,设备工艺和管理手段在不断的更新,企业对高技能人才的需求更加迫切,要求更加严格。
2.How to improve their quality,this paper discusses the viewpoint of high skill and its criterion for higher vocational education.教学质量观及其质量标准是衡量高等院校教学质量的知道思想和尺度,如何提高高职教育的教学的质量,文中阐述了高职教育的“高技能质量观”和高职教学质量标准。
3)high skills高技能
1.High vocational education should be centered on the education of high-skilled talents,that is talent education program should suit to the need of high skills,teaching organization should be centered on the grasping of high skills,teaching staff building should be centered on the "two professional Titles",standard of quality should be centered on the ability quality.高等职业教育必须以高技能人才培养为中心来组织教学,即:人才培养方案制定应以设置的高技能为中心、教学过程组织应以掌握高技能为中心、教师引进应以"双师型"为中心、质量标准应以能力质量观为中心。
1.The advancement of science and technology deeply influences the training strategies of high-tech talents and expands the need for more high-tech talents.科技进步作为高技能人才培养的宏观背景,深刻影响着高技能人才培养的策略,进一步扩大了对高技能人才的需求。
2.The vocational college education brings up high-tech personnel,so it must adapt to the need of new industrialization and advanced productivity.高等职业教育培养的是知识经济时代的高技能人才,必须适应新型工业化道路的需要,符合先进生产力发展的要求。
5)high technical ability高技能
1.This paper expounds "high quality" and "high technical ability",the orientation of training the higher vocational and technical personnel,suggesting that the quality of qualified personnel should be of a comparatively perfect inner structure,quality is made up of moral integrity,knowledge and ability,quality and technique a.文章选择对"高素质高技能"这一人才培养水平定位论题展开论述,提出人才素质应该具有较为完善的内在结构,素质包含德行、知识与能力,素质与技能不可割裂。
6)higher-level skills高技术技能

高技能人才  高技能人才是在生产个服务等领域岗位一线的从业者中,具备精湛专业技能,关键环节发挥作用,能够解决生产操作难题的人员。包括技能劳动者中取得高级工、技师和高级技师职业资格及相应职级的人员,主要分布于第一、第二、第三产业中技能含量较高的岗位。