数传电台,data radio transceiver
1)data radio transceiver数传电台
1.Research on communication between data radio transceiver and MCGS;数传电台与MCGS工控组态软件通信研究
2.Serial port expansion based MAX 3110 E and its communication with data radio transceiver;基于MAX3110E的串口扩展及其与数传电台通信实现
3.With the mode of distributional structure, data radio transceiver is used as transmission equipment to realize real-time supervision and control between central supervisory station and industrial spots.该系统采用无线数传电台作为数据接收/发送装置,以分布式控制方式实现对工业现场设备的集中监控,适用于设备地理位置分散、不易布线的场合。

1.The Implementation of Digital Processing Module of QDPSK Radio in FPGA;QDPSK数传电台数字处理模块的FPGA实现
2.The Implementation of Digital Transmitter-Receiver with FPGA Based on Software Defined Radio;基于软件无线电数传电台的FPGA实现
3.Advantages comparison between the data transmission broadcasting station and GPRS in the surveying and mapping industry测绘行业中数传电台与GPRS的优势比较
4.Application of Iridium SBD Data Communication Unit in Special Region铱星SBD数传电台在特殊区域的应用
5.Grid voltage monitoring and recording system based on wireless data transceiver基于无线数传电台的电网电压监测记录系统
6.The Implementation of Digital Processing Module in π/4-DQPSK Radio in DSP;π/4-DQPSK数传电台数字处理模块在DSP中的实现
7.The Implementation of Digital Processing Module in Differential Frequency Hopping Radio;差分跳频数传电台数字处理模块的实现
8.Monitoring and dispatching system in long-distance gas pipeline based on the same frequency digital broadcasting station同频数传电台的煤气长输管线监测调度系统
9.Design and Implementation of a New Synchronous Data and Audio Transmission and Anti-interference Radio;新一代数话同传抗干扰电台终端设计与实现
10.The Design and Implementation of Data Communication of Ground-to-air V/UHF Frenquency-hopping Radio;地空超短波电台跳频数传的设计与实现
11.IP Digital Television Platform Construction and Program Remote TransmissionIP数字电视平台的建设和节目远程传输
12.use the File Transfer Protocol to transfer data from one computer to another.使用文件传送协议把数据从一台电脑转移到另一台。
13.A station for radio transmitting.无线电台无线电传送站
14.a written record of the transmissions by a radio station.电台传送的书面记录。
15.Spout out propaganda from a radio station通过无线电台进行宣传
16.fixed public press service固定电台传送新闻业务
17.Research on Data and Audio Integrated Transmission Through Airborne Analog Radio Transceiver;用机载模拟电台综合传送飞参数据与话音的研究
18.Design and Implementation of Wireless Data Transmission Scheme Based on Shortwave Radio;基于短波电台的无线数据传输方案的设计与实现

digital radio数传电台
1.By analyzing the principles and advantages of wireless communications,the system is equipped with the digital radio and the wireless communication is used to achieve data transmission between the Stacker and Feeder mobile equipment and ground control system.通过分析无线通讯的原理和优势,提出增设数传电台,采用无线通讯实现堆取料机车载和地面控制系统的数据通讯。
3)Data Transceiver数传电台
1.The main contribution of this paper is to deal with a flight simulation system of UAV, which adopts MDS 2710A data transceivers as communication equipment.本文主要研究了一种采用 MDS 2710A 无线数传电台进行远距离通讯的无人机飞行仿真系统的设计与实现。
4)Data radio数传电台
1.Then the data radio is introduced,at last,a design for data radio using efficient spread spectrum is presented.接着,介绍了数传电台
5)Digital transmitter-receiver数传电台
6)data radio station数传电台
1.This paper introduces a kind of mobile data acquisition wireless transmission system based on DTD340V data radio station,show the structure of the system,mainly analyze the design of the wireless transmission,the software realization of the wireless communication and center monitor program.介绍了一种基于DTD340V数传电台的机动的数据采集无线传输系统,给出了系统结构图,侧重分析了系统无线组网传输设计方案以及在软件上无线通信和中心监控的实现。

自由欧洲广播电台和自由广播电台  美国以东欧社会主义国家和苏联为广播对象的两座国际广播电台。台址设在联邦德国的慕尼黑。均由美国国会外交委员会所属的国际广播委员会领导。前者1950年 7月开始广播,使用6种语言。后者1953年3月开始广播,使用俄语和14种苏联其他民族语言。开播时称"解放广播电台",1963年改现名。后又开办了对阿富汗的达里语(1980.9)和普什图语(1982.7)广播,每天各播出1小时。两台每天广播时数累计152小时(1987)。1971年以前两台主要由美国中央情报局出资, 后改由国会拔款。1986年度预算1.68亿美元。