位置关系,positional relationship
1)positional relationship位置关系
1.In many scientific areas such as computer animation, computer graphics, computer aided geometry design and robot, it is very common to detect the positional relationship of several entities.在计算机动画、计算机图形学、计算机辅助设计、机器人等领域中,经常需要检测多个实体间的位置关系
2.Using the coefficient determinant and translation transformations,we discuss the positional relationship between a quadratic cylinder and a plane,which is involved the invariant of the quadratic surface and the invariants of the section of the quadratic surface,starting with discussing the positional relationship between a conic and a line.利用系数行列式和平移变换,从二次曲线与直线的位置关系入手,借助二次曲面的不变量和二次曲面的截口不变量,由二次柱面的系数与平面的系数组成的行列式判定二次柱面与平面的关系。

1.And it possess a special position relation.且合同点场、把具有特殊的位置关系
2.Qualitative Description and Reasoning of Positional Relation in GISGIS中位置关系的定性描述及其推理
3.An Algebraic Condition for the Positional Relationship of an Ellipse and a Parabola (Hyperbola)椭圆与抛物线及双曲线位置关系的代数条件
4.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:The location relation of the sciatic nerve and the acet abulum.主要观察指标:坐骨神经与髋臼的位置关系
5.Relationship between Root Apex of Thirr Molar and Mandibular Duct下颌第三磨牙根尖与下颌管的位置关系
6.Relation between GALILEO positioning precision and station location伽利略系统定位精度与测站位置的关系
7.The Position of Chinese Relative Clauses and Properties of Relative Constructions汉语关系从句的位置与关系结构的特点
8.put out of its usual place, position, or relationship.脱离原来的地方位置或关系。
9.have a place in relation to something else.对于别的东西有关系的位置。
10.The Relationship between the Position of Larynx and Breath in Singing;浅谈歌唱中的喉头位置与气息的关系
11.Cavity Beam Position Monitor System and Related Study腔式束流位置监测系统及其相关研究
12.Such forms, positions, and relationships considered as a group.一组格的字形或位置被认为是一组的这样的形式、位置和关系
13.in off position在关闭状态(位置)
14.Set Key Position Filter设置关键帧位置过滤器
15.a switch in the up position.位于上升位置的开关
16."Such forms, positions, and relationships considered as a group."被认为是一组的这样的形式、位置和关系。
17.The form or position of a word that indicates this relationship.表示这一关系的一个词的形式或者位置。
18.relations and tuples关系和元组,可通过任一位置号索引的数据表格。

location relationship位置关系
1.The conclusion provides a method to discuss the ubiety about a circle and a parabola.结果提供了一个讨论圆与抛物线的位置关系的方法:先求出以已知圆的圆心为圆心,而与抛物线相切的所有圆的切点,再求出各切点处抛物线的曲率半径。
2.Using the idea of mathematical situation and posing problems, let students realize circularity and circularitys ubiety through the shaping process about solar eclipse.在圆与圆的位置关系教学中,可以用“日食”的形成过程的问题情境,引导学生提出问题;让学生在交流中弄清数学概念;运用质疑探究,使学生形成认知冲突;通过小结,让学生认识圆与圆的位置关系
4)location relation位置关系
1.It brings forward three terms which should be contented for the scanned vectorization production, and studies the algorithms for land scanning check based on location relation.提出了矢量化成果应满足的三个条件,对基于位置关系的地块矢量化成果检核算法进行了研究。
5)relative position关系位置
6)relationship ofloops环位置关系

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关