数据汇交,data collection
1)data collection数据汇交
1.Research on water resources scientific data collection system based on metadata基于元数据的水利科学数据汇交体系研究
2.On the basis of practice on Scientific Data Sharing Project(SDSF),the authors study the data collection system of scientific data sharing of water resources for the public as well as the scientific research sectors of the nation,propose the general frame of the data collection system for the scientific data sharing of water resources,e.本文在分析国内外科学数据共享进程和共享实例的基础上,提出了水利科学数据共享的相关概念,同时结合近年来国家水利科学数据共享工程实践,对构建面向社会公众、面向科学研究的水利科学数据共享汇交体系进行了探索研究,提出了水利科学数据汇交体系的总体框架,详细阐述了水利科学数据汇交过程中的工作流程和技术流程,初步设计了水利科学数据共享数据汇交体系结构和功能,为我国水利科学数据共享工程的顺利实施提供了重要保障。

1.Data Archiving Progress and Data Types Analysis of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) in Resource and Environment Field“973”计划资源环境领域数据汇交进展与数据分析
2.Research on water resources scientific data collection system based on metadata基于元数据的水利科学数据汇交体系研究
3.Technology of distributed and heterogeneous cadastral data online collection system地籍数据网上汇交系统关键技术研究
4.Research on Behavioral Analysis in Foreign Exchange Transaction Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的外汇交易行为分析研究
5.Study on Data Collection and Publication System and Sharing Platform Design for Science Date Sharing of Water Resources;水利科学数据共享汇交发布体系及共享平台设计
6.Computer Programs and Compilations of Data计算机程序和数据汇编
7.datatron assembly system数据处理机汇编系统
8.assembled data set control block已汇编的数据集控制块
9.Directly report to the department supervisor, issue weekly and monthly reports to supervisor, make good purchasing data statistics, and report material delivery status to supervisor timely.直接向部门主管汇报,定期发周报,月报给主管,做好采购数据统计,及时向主管汇报物交货状况。
10.data switching数据交换,数据转换
11.Returns a subtotal in a list or database返回数据清单或数据库的分类汇总
12.Data processing--Vocabulary--Section 09: Data communicationGB/T5271.9-1986数据处理词汇09部分数据通信
13.International Marine-traffic Data Exchange国际海上交通数据交换
14.recognized dealer of Exchange Fund bills外汇基金票据认可交易商
15.Negotiation of draft汇票交割 ,让与支票票据议付
16.Committee on Exchange of Digital Data数字数据交换委员会
17.packet switched digital data network分组交换数字数据网
18.To exchange checks and bills or settle accounts through a clearing-house.票据交换通过票据交换所交换支票、汇票或处理帐目

data exchange数据交汇
1.Research on the algorithm for data exchange of optical equipments;光测设备数据交汇计算方法研究
3)data collection and sharing数据汇交与共享
1.system integration, data collection and sharing, etc.介绍了目前多PACS下存在的问题,并提出将局部、孤立的多PACS整合成FULL-PACS的具体方案,以及在实施过程中涉及到的关键技术(如系统整合、数据汇交与共享等)和需要注意的问题。
4)data aggregation数据汇聚
1.Survey on data aggregation techniques in wireless sensor networks;无线传感器网络中数据汇聚技术的研究
2.Research and Application of Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks;面向无线传感器网络的数据汇聚研究与应用
3.Research on Energy-Efficient Security Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks;无线传感器网络中能量有效的安全数据汇聚方法研究
5)summarized class汇总数据
1.Load balance date-centric routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks;考虑负载均衡的无线传感器网络数据汇集算法

数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication network  shu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。