公交IC卡,bus intelligent card
1)bus intelligent card公交IC卡
1.This paper studied the applications of data mining technique to bus intelligent card data processing.主要探讨数据挖掘技术在公交IC卡信息处理方面的运用,设计了公交IC数据仓库结构,提出数据挖掘系统的框架。
2.With the extend of bus Intelligent Card(IC), getting bus passenger flow information data from bus IC becomes one method.随着城市公交IC卡的广泛运用,从IC卡信息中提取城市公交客流信息成为又一种公交数据采集方法。

1.The Research and Application of Data Mining on the Data of Bus Intelligent Card公交IC卡数据挖掘技术及应用研究
2.Optimization of Bus Scheduling Based on Intelligent Card(IC) Survey Data;基于公交IC卡调查数据的公交调度优化研究
3.IC card automatic fare collection system and the gathering and processing of passenger flow data公交IC卡收费系统与客流数据采集、处理
4.Research on Data Analysis and Data Warehouse Construction on the Data of Bus Intelligent Card;公交IC卡数据分析和数据仓库构建研究
5.Application of SQLite in Public Traffic IC Card Data Management System Based on Arm-linux;SQLite在基于ARM-Linux的公交IC卡数据管理系统的应用
6.Research on O-D Calculation of Inhabitant Trips Based on the Data of Bus Intelligent Card基于公交IC卡信息的居民出行OD推算研究
7.Data Processing and Analyzing System for Bus IC Card Based on GIS基于GIS的公交IC卡数据处理及分析系统
8.Passenger Flow Volume Forecasting Method Based on Public Transit Intelligent Card(IC) Survey Data基于公交IC卡数据信息的客流预测方法研究
9.Implications from the Nanjing IC card incident in view of China’s administrative monopoly;透视南京市公交IC卡等事件——对我国行政垄断的思考
10.Study on Method of Public Transport Planning Based on the Data of IC Card;基于IC卡数据的公交规划方法研究
11.The Research of the Method of Generating the Public Transport Travel OD Matrix Based on the Data of IC Card;基于IC卡数据的公交OD矩阵构造方法研究
12.A Research on the Structure of OD Matrices of Public Transport Intelligent Card Data;IC卡公交乘车数据库OD矩阵的构造研究
13.Transit trip dynamic characteristics based on IC card information基于IC卡信息的居民公交出行动态特性
14.The Research and Realization of the Supporting System about Bank Charge Value for Public Traffic Integrated Circuit Card;公共交通系统IC卡银行代理支持系统的研究和实现
15.The Study on Rapid Verification Method and Equipment of the IC Card Public TelephonesIC卡公用电话快速检定设备的研究
16.With 60 junction lines, the telephone communication system will operate by virtual exchange. The Exhibition Hall is equipped with IC telephones.电话通讯系统采用虚拟交换局方式,中继线60条,展馆内外采用IC卡公用电话。
17.Research on and Realization of the Contactless Smart IC Card Toll System in Public Transportation Based on the Mixture Model of C/S and B/S;基于C/S和B/S混合模式的城市公共交通非接触式IC卡收费系统的研究及实现
18.Approach on the Information Analysis of Urben Public Traffic Base on the Data of Bus Intelligent Card;基于公交IC信息的公交数据分析方法研究

bus IC card公交IC卡
1.The bus IC cards generate massive operation data, so using these data can reflect the characteristic of public transport passenger flow accurately on time.由于公交IC卡每天产生大量运营数据,利用这些数据能够及时、准确地反映公交客流特征。
3)bus IC card data公交IC卡数据
4)public transportation IC card system公交IC卡系统
1.At same time ,it introduces the applications of public transportation IC card system in China.本文主要介绍汉城市公交IC卡系统的组成、工作原理、扶持政策和我国公交IC卡系统的应用情况,从中总结汉城市公交IC卡系统的特点,通过分析对比为我国城市公交IC卡的发展借鉴经验。
5)transit IC card information公交IC卡信息
6)public transportation IC card charge system公交IC卡收费系统
1.The public transportation IC card charge system is take the non-contact lC card as the prepaid card payment means, take the computer system as the information processing method security reliable modern management system, speeds up the bus charge speed, enhances the operation efficiency, by facilitates the general residents, guarantees the user benefit.公交IC卡收费系统是以非接触式lC卡为储值卡支付手段,以计算机系统为信息处理方法的安全可靠的现代化管理系统,加快公共汽车收费速度,提高运营效率,以方便广大市民,确保用户利益。

劳卡胺,氯卡胺 ,氯卡尼,劳卡尼药物名称:劳卡尼英文名:Lorcainide别名: 哌苯醋胺;劳卡胺,氯卡胺 ,氯卡尼,劳卡尼外文名:Lorcainide, Remivox适应症: 本品作用快,毒性,维持时间较长,半衰期为5~8小时。用于室性心律失常,特别是室性早搏和复发性室性心动过速,疗效显著。对房性早搏和室上性心动过速也有效,但对心房颤动或扑动无效。对顽固性的心律失常也有效。但由于其副作用,使用受到一定限制。 用量用法: 1.口服:每次50~100mg,1日2~3次。亦可增至1次100mg,每日3~4次。 2.静注:每次每千克体重1~2mg,于5~10分钟内缓慢注射,可隔8~12小时重复1次,一般最大总量为200mg。 注意事项: 1.主要不良反应有失眠、恶梦、出汗、口干;静注有头晕、震颤。 2.有房室结或室内传导阻滞者慎用。 规格: 片剂:每片100mg。针剂:每支100mg(1ml)。 类别:抗心律失常药