1.To Construct Innovative Experimental Teaching Model and Improve the Quality of College Personnel Training构建创新型实验教学模式,提高高校人才培养质量
2.The Construction and Research of the Efficiency of the Universities’ Innovative Teaching Supervision System高校创新型教学督导体系的构建及其效能的研究
3.The basic structure,feature,application field and range of the innovative scientific and technological Information research method are explained.扼要阐述和证明了创新型科技情报研究方法体系的基本构成、应用效果、诸多创新以及适用范围。

1.Creative City,Innovative City and Innovative Region;创意城市、创新型城市与创新型区域
2.Building Innovative University and Serving Innovative City;建设创新型大学 服务创新型城市
3.The exploration and practice of building innovation laboratory and raising innovation telent person;建设创新型实验室,培养创新型人才
4.A Study on Innovational Organization of Industrial Cluster;集群创新:从“学习型组织”到“创新型组织”
5.Establishment of Learning, Innovative and Service-typed Trade Union Organizations创建学习型、服务型、创新型工会组织
6.Enhancing the Independent Innovation Competence and Building an Innovational Country;增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家
7.Building of an Innovative Nation and Universities Innovative Policies of Science and Technology;创新型国家建设与大学科技政策创新
8.Construction of an Innovative Nation and Innovation of Chinese Adult Education;建设创新型国家与中国成人教育创新
9.Strengthen the Capabilities of Self-innovation to Build up Innovative Henan;增强自主创新能力 建设创新型河南
10.Strengthening Innovation Capacity and Building up Innouation-Typed State;增强自主创新能力 建设创新型国家
11.Educate Creative Students and Emphasize Pedagogical Innovation;培养创新型人才 须注重教学创新
12.Insurance Innovation and Innovative Life Insurance──“Unit-Linked”;保险创新与创新型寿险产品──“基金连锁”
13.System Science,Integrated Innovation and Innovative Talent Development系统科学、集成创新与创新型人才开发
14.Innovation in Public Policy for the Construction of an Innovative City建设创新型城市要重视公共政策创新
15.Constructing innovative Experiment Station and Cultivating Creative talents建设创新实验站 培养创新型人才
16.Analysis on French History in Innovation for the Creation of Innovative Country of China法国创新历史对我国创新型国家创建的启示
17.The establishment of creative country need cultivate a great many creative talents.建设创新型性国家需要培养大批创新型人才。
18.The Cultivation of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Olericulture Talents under the New Situation;新形势下蔬菜学创新型、创业型人才的培养

1.Based on our cases study on mid-regional industries of advantage,we concluded two approaches to foster our regional industrial clusters of advantage: integration and innovation.通过对中部地区优势产业培育的案例研究,归纳出了两种培育区域优势产业集群的思路:集成型和创新型
2.Implement of the innovation strategy and construct the innovation city are the important standpoint of constructing the innovation country.实施自主创新战略,建设创新型城市是建设创新型国家的重要立足点。
3.This article discussed the reasons and ways of innovation with based on the development of modern medicine and nature of innovation.随着全球化的步伐不断加快,现代科技的迅猛发展,培养创新型医学人才成了时代的要求。
1.Geography Creative Teaching Mode in Middle School;中学地理创新型课堂教学模式
2.Creative graduate students are expected to be patriotic and to have mastered rigorous scientific approaches who are necessary for a creative nation.创新型研究生是具有强烈的爱国热情和创新意识、严谨的科学态度、较高的创新能力的研究生,建设创新型国家必须加大创新型研究生的培养力度。
3.In exploring the ways of training creative foreign language learners in 21st century,both the theoretical study of training mode and the practical use of training approaches are needed.探索21世纪创新型外语人才培养途径,既需要从理论层面进行研究,即探讨创新型外语人才的培养模式;又需要实践层面的应用,即探索培养创新型外语人才的实践途径。
4)innovative entrepreneurial创新创业型
1.Based on the research of innovative entrepreneurial talent training mode along with the pre-sent status,this paper analyzes the requirement conditions of CI talents in chinese top 500 enterprises,and also makes a detailed survey on the CI talent training of twenty six scientific research institutions in China.通过对创新创业型人才培养模式的研究,结合竞争情报人才培养现状,分析我国500强企业对竞争情报人才的需求条件,同时对我国26所科研机构及高等院校竞争情报人才培养现状进行认真调研、分析。
5)innovation model创新模型
1.Based on transformation society characteristic and ″innovation model″ of J.根据转型期社会的特点,以熊彼特的创新模型为基础,整合个人需求、社会需求和企业人文环境因素,提出社会转型期企业创新动力机制的试探性模型,并对模型进行解释和分析,希望能够扩展创新模型的解释范围。
6)type innovation类型创新
1.Plan based on extension methods for type innovation of housing products;住宅产品类型创新中的可拓策划

创新型领导者的特征创新型领导者的特征characteristics of creative type of leader  创新型领导者的特征(eharaeteristiesof creative type of leader)具有较强的创新意识与开拓能力的领导者。其主要特点:(1)能敏锐地、独到地发现问题,并能准确地抓住关系全局发展的重大问题。(2)解决问题具有独创性。领导者在面对各种具体问题时,能打破常规,决不照抄照搬,而能风格新颖,构思奇特,使问题得到最佳解决。(3)处理问题灵活、多变。面对复杂多变的客观事物,创新型领导者不是从僵死不变的模式出发,而是从实际出发,灵活多变以达到出奇制胜的效果。对待上级的指示,不搞“本本主义”,而能善于从本地区、本单位的实际情况出发,主动灵活,富有创造性地加以贯彻执行。(4)善于对丰富的实践经验进行综合概括,提出对领导实践具有普遍意义的理论创见。这是领导者创造力的最高层次,也是领导者达到炉火纯青的成熟度的标志。 (李军撰王树茂审)