动态群组,dynamic group
1)dynamic group动态群组
1.Balancing the key tree for dynamic groups;适用于动态群组的密钥树平衡技术
2.Then a DVGE system architecture based on MAS is designed,and some key technologies such as hybrid cooperative model,dynamic group algorithm and concurrency control are discussed.为了提高分布式虚拟地理环境(DVGE)中的多用户协同工作效率,对多用户参与的分布式虚拟地理环境(DVGE)的定义、特点、研究现状及存在的关键问题进行分析和介绍,分析了多Agent技术(MAS)的特点及应用在DVGE中的优势;设计了基于多Agent技术的DVGE系统框架,研究了混合式协同模型、动态群组算法、资源共享的冲突控制几个关键技术,并结合一个实例进行说明。
2)dynamic peer group动态对等群组
1.Secure and efficient group key management scheme in dynamic peer groups;动态对等群组中高效安全的群组密钥管理方案
3)Dynamic Group Algorithm动态群组算法
4)group form组群形态
1.The thesis analyzes the background of this phenomenon,then two typical block forms in city center-the superblock form and the group form are defined,The thesis further analyzes the differences between the two forms in city center from different versions,and several strategies are put forward to transfer superblock form to group form in Chinese city centers.分析了我国城市中心超大街坊形成和发展的历史和现实因素,提出超大街坊形态和组群形态两种城市中心街坊形态概念;通过深入分析两种街坊形态对城市中心运作的影响,提出我国城市中心超大街坊形态的组群化发展思路,并总结相关的组群化策略。

1.A Study of Morpha of Building Cluster in New University Campuses in China Since 1980 s;1980年代以来中国新建大学校园建筑组群形态研究
2.A Morphological Research of Teaching Building Cluster on University Campus;大学校园教学组群空间形态设计研究
3.Combination and Interpretation on Words Group of Meanings of "BEGIN" & "FINISH";“开始”、“结束”义词群的组合形态与阐释
4.A Study on the Formation and Composition of Building Combination of High-tech Park高科技园建筑组群空间形态构成研究
5.From Block Form to Group Form--Analysis on Superblock Form in City Center组群化策略——城市中心超大街坊形态探讨
6.A group of interacting organisms that live in a particular habitat and form an ecological community.生物群落一组生活在特定栖息地且形成一生态群落的一组相互影响的生物
7.A Genetic Map of Soybean Using a Recombinant Inbred Line Population(ZKSHX) and Mapping of Morphological Markers大豆重组自交系群体(ZKS-HX)遗传图谱的构建和形态标记的定位
8.Dynamic Analysis of Three Chain Organizations' Mechanism Based on Population Ecology Model动态视角下的三种连锁组织形成机理分析——基于种群生态模型的解释
9.Analysis on Ecological Aesthetics Modality of Tuyao Nationality;土瑶族群社会生态审美意识形态分析
10.The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynaptic nerve terminal.突触小泡即刻可释放池的结构组织化学突触的定义形态学特征是突触前神经终端小泡群。
11.Effects of Dietary Dihydromyricetin Supplementation on Intestinal Morphology, Intestinal Microflora and Immune Function of Broilers;日粮添加二氢杨梅素对肉仔鸡肠道组织形态、微生物菌群及免疫机能的影响
12.Study on the Morphological Characteristic of Cerasus Subhirtella var. Ascendens in Different Populations and Its Phytocoenosium Feature;不同居群野生早樱形态特征及其群落学研究
13.Community ecology studies how communities of plant and animal populations function and are organized.群落生态学研究动、植物种群的组织和功能。
14.Research on Group Key Agreement Protocols in Dynamic Peer Group动态对等群中群组密钥协商方案的研究
15.Study on the Morphology and Genetics of Sand Lance Populations;玉筋鱼群体形态学、遗传学比较研究
16.City Group:The Main Form of Healthy Development of Urbanization;城市群:城市化健康发展的主体形态
17.The Industrial Niche and Agglomerate Potential in Forming of Regional Industrial Community;区域产业群落形成的生态位与聚集势
18.Peasants and Cluster:the Evolution and the Meanings of Gaoyang Rural Textile Industry;农户与集群:高阳纺织业形态及其演变

dynamic peer group动态对等群组
1.Secure and efficient group key management scheme in dynamic peer groups;动态对等群组中高效安全的群组密钥管理方案
3)Dynamic Group Algorithm动态群组算法
4)group form组群形态
1.The thesis analyzes the background of this phenomenon,then two typical block forms in city center-the superblock form and the group form are defined,The thesis further analyzes the differences between the two forms in city center from different versions,and several strategies are put forward to transfer superblock form to group form in Chinese city centers.分析了我国城市中心超大街坊形成和发展的历史和现实因素,提出超大街坊形态和组群形态两种城市中心街坊形态概念;通过深入分析两种街坊形态对城市中心运作的影响,提出我国城市中心超大街坊形态的组群化发展思路,并总结相关的组群化策略。
5)dynamic group key agreement动态群组密钥协商
1.Identity-based dynamic group key agreement protocol for mobile networks;基于身份的移动网动态群组密钥协商方案
6)large dynamic multicast groups大型动态多播群组

短信息群组发送 短信息群发功能即可将一条信息同时发给多个用户,而不需逐个发送的功能。此功能实际是把一条同样内容的短信重复发送给多个接收者,在以前没有群组及群组发送功能的手机上要耗费很多时间及精力。如果接收者很多,例如50人,发送速度也会比较慢,并且收费还是按接收者的个数实收。对独立用户的作用: 快捷、方便的发送信息,不必逐个查找所需电话号码逐个发送,省去了大量反复的工序。同时群发短信可以避免漏发的情况,可将需要发送的人全部保罗。对企业的作用: 1、快捷地发送信息:可同时向大量目标发送同一信息,并保证所有目标都能最快地收到。 2、节减大量的通讯费用:每发送一条信息最高不超过0.10元,并且无通讯费和漫游费,可大大节减客户的电话费等通信费用。 3、大幅度地提高劳动工作效率:发送信息不需要和所有目标一个个地进行联系,员工或客户查找资料不需要再回到公司,用手机向公司的电脑资料库查询即可。 4、节省大量的人工:同一信息向成千上万个目标发送,只需一个人在几分钟内就可以完成。