数据入库,data loading
1)data loading数据入库
1.Study of cadastral data loading based on MapObjects and ArcSDE C-API;基于MapObjects和ArcSDE C-API的地籍数据入库方法
2.Based on the project of 1:500 digital map data loading of some -place’s ,this article introduces the content of data-preprocessing by the use of South CASS6.结合某地区1∶500数字地图数据入库项目,详细阐述了利用南方CASS6。
2)data entry database ,DEDB数据输入数据库
3)Input of Data数据库录入

1.The Entry Management System and Web Station Design for the Yin-shang Culture Data Base;殷商文化数据库录入系统与网站设计
2.Development of Trauma Database and Registration and Analysis of Trauma Data;创伤数据库的研制与创伤数据的录入与分析
3.A method applied to the PHP procedure development;PHP录入页面中动态从数据库中提取数据的实现
4.Established the relevant database and input interrelated acupuncture prescriptions literature data.建立相应数据库,录入相关针灸处方文献资料。
5.Implementation of a Click Rrecordset Writing into Databasce on VB;基于VB的多条记录一键写入数据库的实现
6.physical data base record type物理数据库记录类型
7.database logging interface block数据库记录接口程序块
8.US Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774–1873 (Library of Congress) -国 会图书馆藏法律文献Copyright Records (LOCIS) —版权记录数据库
9.logical database record type逻辑数据库记录类型
10.The Movement of Foxbase~+ Record - Block;FOXBASE~+数据库记录块的移动
11.Antarctic Data Directory System and Database南极数据目录系统和数据库
12.Research on General Data Record System Based on Database基于数据库的通用数据录取系统研究
13.Enter the database logon ID and password to access the project.请输入用于访问项目信息的数据库登录名和密码。
14.Realization of multiple user access the database in WinCE system in terms of the embedded fault record device嵌入式故障录波装置中Windows CE系统下多用户访问数据库的软件实现
15.The discussion of toponym phoneticism about updating national topographic database by scale of 1∶50000关于国家15∶0000地形数据库更新地名拼音录入的讨论
16.data logging-recording equipment数据存入和记录设备
17.The Database Drawing Monitor cannot add the record to the database.“数据库绘图监视器”无法向数据库添加记录。
18.Use list management, pivot table, and data access facilities使用数据库记录单、数据透视表、和数据管理

data entry database ,DEDB数据输入数据库
3)Input of Data数据库录入
4)intrusion base入侵数据库
5)database invading数据库入侵
6)write into Databasce写入数据库

数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication network  shu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。