千兆网络,Gigabit network
1)Gigabit network千兆网络
1.The experiment shows that the design can work well in a Gigabit network environment.实验结果表明,该设计能很好地适应千兆网络环境。

1.Research and Implementation of Packet Classification System in Gigabit Network;千兆网络数据包分类系统的研究与实现
2.Research of Packet Processing in Gigabit Network Intrusion Prevention System;千兆网络入侵防御系统包处理技术的研究
3.Research of the Content Processing in Gigabit Network Intrusion Prevention System;千兆网络入侵防御系统内容处理技术研究
4.The Construction of Upgrading and Transforming Network to 1000 mbps in Jiujiang University Library九江学院图书馆整体千兆网络升级改造方案和建设
5.Research and Implementation on Linux Packets Capturing of Gigabit Network;基于Linux的千兆网络数据包捕捉技术的研究与实现
6.Gigabit Ethernet (2)千兆位以太网(2)
7.Gigabit Ethernet (1)千兆位以太网(1)
8.Design and Implementation of the Giga Firewall Based on IXP2400 Network Processor;基于网络处理器IXP2400的千兆防火墙设计与实现
9.Design and Implementation of Gigabit IPSec VPN Based on IXP2400 Network Processors;基于IXP2400网络处理器的千兆级IPSec VPN的设计与实现
10.Research and Implementation of Giga-bit Firewall Based on Network Processors;基于网络处理器的千兆防火墙设计与实现
11.The Design and Implementation of Network Management System for Gigabit Ethernet Switch;千兆位交换机网络管理系统的设计与实现
12.And gigabit Ethernet lies ahead, too.千兆位以太网也已出现。
13.The Technology of Gigabit Ethernet and the Implementation of Gigabit Ethernet Switcher千兆以太网技术及千兆以太网交换机的实现
14.Gigabit Ethernet is certain to drive some level of Layer 3 functionality into the network.千兆位以太网肯定要推动某些第3层交换的功能进入网络。
15.Evolving this type of network to Gigabit Ethernet speeds requires no major architectural changes.这类网络进展到千兆位以太网的速度不需要作大的体系结构改动。
16.The Design and Implementation of Gigabit Ethernet Network Traffic Monitoring System with Network Processor;基于网络处理器的千兆以太网流量监测系统设计与实现
17.Design of Simple Network Management Protocol Based on Giga Ethernet Switcher网络管理协议SNMP在千兆以太网交换机中的设计与实现
18.The Design and Implementation of NAT in Giga-Bit Firewall Based on NP;基于网络处理器的千兆防火墙中NAT的设计与实现

1.This paper first gives a brief introduction to the network management system of GPON and then analyzes the functions of ONT Control/Management(C/M) module according to the protocol stack for C/M planes.文章首先对千兆无源光网络(GPON)的网络管理系统做了简单介绍,然后根据控制/管理(C/M)平面协议栈,分析了光网络终端(ONT)管理控制模块的功能。
2.Due to the complex application environment of optical access networks,there are many kinds of applicable PON access technologies,among which EPON(Ethernet PON) and GPON(Gigabit PON) are most typical at the present.以太网无源光网络(EPON)和千兆无源光网络(GPON)是其中两种具有代表性的接入技术。
3.This paper first introduces the structure of the network management system of GPON and then analyses the functions of the subagent ONUs in these systems,focusing on the classified alarms in the these units in the management and control processes.文章首先介绍了千兆无源光网络(GPON)的网络管理系统的结构,然后分析了网管中子代理光网络单元(ONU)的功能,重点讨论了ONU在管理与控制过程中出现的告警情况,并对其进行了分类。
3)City's kMbps network城域千兆网络
4)gigabit fibre-optic network千兆光纤网络
5)gigabit ethernet千兆网
1.Reports the design of a large LED screen system adopting the gigabit Ethernet technique to transmit the video data.介绍了基于千兆以太网技术的LED显示屏系统的设计,采用了千兆网技术,接收端/发送端独立时钟控制,视频图像压缩和色彩处理等技术,实现了全彩色LED点阵数字显示屏的解决方案,并且对影响其显示质量的一些关键技术进行了研究。
6)gigabit net千兆网
1.Along with the development of gigabit net, higher requirement on VPN equipment is advanced.随着千兆网络的发展,对VPN即虚拟专用网设备提出了更高的要求。

敦煌千手千眼观音壁画敦煌千手千眼观音壁画  在莫高窟元代3窟北壁,中间画千手千眼观音,西侧画吉祥天,东侧画婆薮仙。属于密宗题材。千手千眼表明观音观照、护持和救度众生,法力广大。壁画作者综合了北魏、隋唐以来的线描技巧,以遒劲的铁线描勾勒出颜面、手、臂和足踝,又以生动的兰叶描、折芦描等描法画出繁复的衣褶和飘带,造型准确,色彩淡雅,质感很强,人物神态端庄。作者以极大的功力一丝不苟地画出千手千眼,用笔纯熟。壁画代表着元代线描艺术的卓越成就。