逐点插入法,incremental insertion
1)incremental insertion逐点插入法
1.In order to build a good TIN(Triangulation Irregular Network), this paper advances a DTM method of incremental insertion modified by W=dx 1×dy 2-dx 2×dy 1.提出了用 W=dx1 × dy2 -dx2 × dy1 判别式改善逐点插入法的建模方法 。
2.After reviewing simply prevalent generation algorithms of Delaunay triangulation, divideconquer, incremental insertion and triangulation growth,presents a fast and efficient triangulation algorithm on the base of incremental insertion,the scattered data on 2D shape are triangulated by this algorithm.简单回顾了生成Delaunay三角网的分治算法、逐点插入法、三角网生长法等三类主流算法 ,提出了一种基于逐点插入思想的快速、有效的分区逐点插入三角化算法 ,实现了平面域上离散数据点的三角化。
3.They fall into three broad categories: divide\|and\|conquer, incremental insertion and triangulation growth.它们基本上可分为分治算法、逐点插入法、三角网生长法等3 类。

1.Incremental delaunay algorithm based on signed volume基于符号体积值的Delaunay逐点插入法
2.Point-by-point Comparing Interpolation Simulation in PHP逐点比较法插补轨迹php仿真实现
3.The Principle of Point-to-Point Comparison Method of Linear Interpolation and Analysis of Its Improved Algorithms逐点比较法直线插补原理及其改进算法分析
4.Application of VB to Comparison Test Point by Point--Straight Line Plugging Principle;VB在逐点比较法直线插补原理中的应用
5.Design of New Point by Point Comparison Straight Line Interpolation Based on Single Chip Computer基于单片机的新型逐点比较直线插补法设计
6.Algorithm of Points Insert in Surface Fairing Based on Energy Minimization基于能量法的曲面节点整体插入算法
7.Emphasis is put on the angle-inserting method of temporary support.重点介绍临时支护中的角钢插入法。
8.A global test point placement algorithm── GTPP is presented in this paper.本文提出了一个全局测试点插入算法。
9.Algorithms for Inserting Knots into ECT B Spline Curves;ECT B样条曲线的节点插入算法
10.Research and Applictaion of B-spline Curves' Knot Insertion AlgorithmB样条曲线节点插入算法研究及应用
11.Study on the Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Random Point Insertion of Delaunay TIN二维Delaunay三角网的任意点插入算法研究
12.A New Point-by-point Comparison Method of Linear Interpolation to Realize Two-axis实现两轴联动的逐点比较法-直线插补的改进算法
13.Position the insertion point where you want to insert the character.将插入点放至希望插入字符的位置。
14.Multiplication Sign Button\\015\\015Inserts a multiplication sign (*) in the formula bar at the location of the insertion point在编辑栏的插入点上插入一乘号(*)。
15.Plus Sign Button\\015\\015Inserts a plus sign (+) in the formula bar at the location of the insertion point在编辑栏的插入点上插入一加号(+)。
16.Division Sign Button\\015\\015Inserts a division sign (/) in the formula bar at the location of the insertion point在编辑栏的插入点上插入一除号(/)。
17.Equal Sign Button\\015\\015Inserts an equal sign (=) in the formula bar at the location of the insertion point在编辑栏的插入点上插入一等号(=)。
18.Position the insertion point where you want the table inserted.将插入点移到要插入表格的位置。

incremental insertion algorithm逐点插入法
1.It presents the status of Delaunay triangulation methods,which consists of two steps,firstly,constructing Delaunay triangulation by incremental insertion algorithm,and them inserting constrained boundary by multiple diagonal exchanging algorithm to form constraint Delaunay Triangulation.讨论了建立约束Delaunay三角网算法的研究现状,采用“逐点插入法”和“多对角线交换算法”构成“两步法”,在此基础上,从建立高精度三角网模型的需求出发,研究以大数据量等高线为约束边进行Delaunay三角剖分的改进算法。
2.This paper studied incremental insertion algorithm,which is one of the methods of Delaunay triangulation,analyzed the key steps which affect the efficiency of algorithm mostly of all the steps of the algorithm.本文深入研究了Delaunay三角网建立算法中的逐点插入法,详细介绍了算法的实现步骤,分析了其中影响算法效率的关键环节,并采用数据点集分块管理、三角形快速定位、改变点插入顺序等方法进行了算法优化,对三角形快速定位方法进行了改进。
3)incremental inserting algorithm逐点插入算法
1.This paper describes the basic theory of Delaunay triangulation grid generation method that are widely applied at present,analyzes the principle of several popular DT(Delaunay Triangulation) algorithms,such as incremental inserting algorithm,partition algorithm,triangulation network growth algorithm,etc.对目前广泛使用的Delaunay三角网格生成方法的基本原理进行阐述,对目前流行的几类DT(Delaunay Triangulation)算法,逐点插入算法、分治算法、三角网生长算法的原理进行了分析,对它们的特点进行了介绍。
4)incremental algorithm for delaunayDelaunay逐点插入法
5)incremental insertion逐点插入
1.That actualizes the large amount of scattering data into three-dimensional modeling by incremental insertion method,for that to realize the showing of the 3D image,and designs the arithmetic to show the cross sectio.采用逐点插入法来实现大量的离散数据的三角网格化,以此实现三维图形的显示;并设计算法,在特定位置的显示剖面图。
6)comparing point by point interpolation逐点比较法插补
