消防车辆,fire engines
1)fire engines消防车辆
1.In order to protect the economical fruit bought about by reform and opening-up,in recent years,more and more industries purchase fire engines,lead to the number of fire engines inereas doubly.为了保护改革开放带来的经济成果,近年来越来越多行业采购消防车辆,消防车辆成倍增加,维护消防车辆的问题就迫切地摆在了我们面前。
2.Fire engines are special type vehicles which shoulder the duty of combating fire and rescue.消防车是在119火警调度指挥中心调度指挥下,担负着灭火救援任务的特种车辆,为了更好地完成保卫人民生命、财产安全的任务,本文针对消防部队在执勤任务中的实际需要,设计了消防车辆定位监控系统的功能要求,并制定出具体的消防车辆定位监控系统方案。
3.The project of fire engines equippment and the fire components were also illustrated.本文介绍了消防部队消防车辆装备配备的原则,分析了几种类型的消防车辆在消防部队中的配备应用以及消防车消防部件和器材的配备,提出了消防车在消防部队中的装备方案和消防车部件的选择方案。

1.The department operates 661 fire appliances and supporting vehicles fitted with up-to-date fire-fighting and rescue equipment.消防处有661部消防车辆及支援车辆,车上配有最新灭火与救援装备。
2.Design and Research of Fire Engine Based on Ergonomics;基于人机工程学原理的消防车辆设计研究
3.However, the ARFF vehicle did not reach the fuselage until34 minutes.然而,飞机救援消防车辆直到34分钟后才到达机身残骸处。
4.None of the City fire trucks were used as fire trucks.没有一辆市政消防车作爲消防使用。
5.two-piece company同时出动两辆消防车的消防中队
6.three bay house三泊位消防站线消防车(通常是1辆泵浦车
7.Automobiles must make way for a fire engine.任何车辆都必须为消防车让路。
8.All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.所有车辆都得给消防车让路。
9.Three fire engines were dispatched to combat the blaze.调遣了三辆消防车去救火。
10.The fire engine throws a long stream of water.(这辆)消防车喷出长长的水柱。
11.It took five fire engines t0 tackle the blaze.总共出动了5辆消防车才扑灭了大火。
12.The ambulances were detailed to the fire station.这辆救护车被派遣到了消防队。
13.The Deployment of Fire Vehicles Around Beijing Olympic Game Stadiums;北京奥运场馆消防保卫车辆部署探讨
14.Fire engines and ambulances have priority over other traffic.消防车和救护车比其他车辆有优先通行权。
15.The local fire department blocked the road with fire trucks and turned back motorists.当地消防局用消防车把路挡住,让过往的车辆掉头返回。
16.The PM55 type fire truck suits to kill the fire of in oil field﹑ storehouse and fire brigade for big medium cities.PM55型消防车是石油化工企业、油码头、场以及大中城市专职消防队和企事业消防队必备车辆。
17.Two health workers disinfect each car goes through the village.防疫人员给每一辆进出村子的车子消毒。
18.Research on the Development and Design of Reserved Top-head Platform of Car Depot for Fire Protection地铁车辆段预留上盖开发消防设计研究

monitor and control system of fire engine消防车辆监控系统
3)two-piece company同时出动两辆消防车的消防中队
4)flameproof vehicle防爆车辆
5)explosion-proof vehicle车辆防爆
6)vehicle anti running devices车辆防溜器
1.The problems which exist now in the boundary members or vehicle anti running devices applied at the rear of marshalling yard in our country are analyzed.分析了目前我国编组场尾部应用的车辆防溜器存在的问题 ,介绍了新研制的T 。

城市消防城市消防 urban fire control【概念】为预防和减轻因火灾对城市造成损失而采取的各种预防和减灾措施。