有源淹没,source flood
1)source flood有源淹没
1.In the floods submerged analysis,there are two different cases,the so-called "non-source flood"and"source flood",for determining flood area based on DEM and under the given water level condition.在地形图数字化基础上,分别对有源淹没和无源淹没进行分析,并运用ArcMap和ArcView软件自身的功能,对洪水淹没面积进行统计计算,并以2003年渭河下游洪水淹没数据为依据进行对比验证,取得了良好的效果。
2.There are two different cases in flood simulation,the so-called "source flood" and "non-source flood".洪水淹没模拟分为有源淹没和无源淹没两种情形,针对有源淹没的递归算法占用计算机资源较多,容易造成系统堆栈溢出,导致程序崩溃等缺陷,文中提出了一种计算洪水有源淹没范围算法:堆栈节点遍历算法。

1.The Design and Implement of a New Algorithm to Calculate Source Flood Submerge Area Based on DEM一种基于DEM的洪水有源淹没算法的设计与实现
2.Sometimes mountain torrents swept down, flooding the fields.有时山洪暴发,淹没农田。
3."Your light is made dark so that you are unable to see, and you are covered by a mass of waters."或有黑暗蒙蔽你,并有洪水淹没你。
4.Or darkness, so that you cannot see, And an abundance of water covers you.伯22:11或有黑暗蒙蔽你、有洪水淹没你。
5.The torrential rain may flood the low-lying land out.这场骤雨有可能把低洼地淹没。
6.Conducting of Relative Policies in Treatment of Reservoir Inundation;水库淹没处理中有关政策的执行问题
7.This manager of human resources was inundated with/ overwhelmed by numerous applications.这位人力资源经理被无数的申请表淹没了。
8.Study on Evaluation of Farmland Resources Submersed by Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering;水利水电工程淹没农地资源价值评估研究
9.Elimination of masking effects in a passive coherent location system无源相干定位系统中的淹没效应及其消除
10.The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo.有轨电车的脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。
11.More and more the waters increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven.落在地面的水越来越多,淹没了天下所有的高山。
12.The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo.来自有轨电车的流浪者用洗发水淹没火腿汉堡。
13.When the tide is in, it covers most of the sand, and sometimes reaches the seawall涨潮时,潮水淹没了大部分沙滩,有时还抵达海堤。
14.Illinois then filed a quiet title suit to establish its ownership of the submerged lands.伊利诺伊州提出上诉,要求对淹没土地的所有权。
15.Some say love is a river that drowns the tender reed.有人说,爱是条河,容易将脆弱的芦苇淹没。
16.The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighbourhood were awash.湖水泛滥,使得周围的所有村庄都被水淹没。
17.Coastal land submerged during high tide.受潮地,潮淹区涨潮时被水淹没的海岸
18.To cover with water, especially floodwaters.淹没用水淹盖,特指洪水泛滥

non-source flood无源淹没
1.In the floods submerged analysis,there are two different cases,the so-called "non-source flood"and"source flood",for determining flood area based on DEM and under the given water level condition.在地形图数字化基础上,分别对有源淹没和无源淹没进行分析,并运用ArcMap和ArcView软件自身的功能,对洪水淹没面积进行统计计算,并以2003年渭河下游洪水淹没数据为依据进行对比验证,取得了良好的效果。
2.In the mining subsidence area,the paper calculates the submerged area by the non-source flood analysis,and proposes the analysis of submerged area under the condition of water-level.在采煤塌陷区范围内,该研究采用无源淹没分析法,给出了给定水位条件下的塌陷区水域淹没分析方法,计算出各年份采煤塌陷区的水域淹没范围。
1.This paper presents the experiential study on casingcutting with abrasive water jet under conditions of nonsubmergence, submergence and ambient pressure.针对石油工程生产需要,在非淹没、淹没以及有围压存在的条件下,对磨料射流切割油井套管进行了实验研究。
1.②The size and inundation of the reservoir can be expounded and proved through economic benefits.②水库规模与淹没问题,应通过经济论证。
1.A New DEM-based Method for Flood Area Calculation and Damage Evaluation;一种基于数字高程模型DEM的淹没区灾害评估方法
2.Based on grid of DEM, we take the lower reaches of Weihe flood data as a basis, and combined with Virtual GIS module of ERDAS 8.基于数字高程模型的栅格结构,以渭河下游洪水淹没数据为基础,依据无源淹没和有源淹没的原理,并结合ERDAS8。
3.Correct flood simulation of intertidal zone is crucial to marine applications such as coastal management and anti-flood.此文针对传统算法的不足,提出了一种顾及高水位影响的潮滩淹没动态仿真算法。
1.2-D depth-averaged model for flows in river with submerged groins;天然河道淹没丁坝群水深平均平面二维数学模型研究
2.Simulation study of organ pipe nozzle submerged water jet;风琴管喷嘴淹没射流流场仿真研究
3.The submerged tunnel is simulated by the Elastic-Plastic FEM to analyse its influence on the environment.为了分析淹没坑道对环境的影响,采用弹塑性有限元法对被淹没的坑道进行了数值计算,分析了不同情况坑道衬砌及围岩的破坏变形情况,同时提出了相应的加固方案,并对拟采用的不同方案加固效果进行了模拟分析,分析结果表明所提出的加固方案可行。

水库淹没界线测量  测设移民线、土地征用线、土地利用线、水库清理线等各种水库淹没、防护、利用界线工作的总称。这些界线以设计正常蓄水位为基础,结合浸没、坍岸、风浪影响等因素综合确定,根据需要测设其中的一种、几种或全部。测设时,用界桩在实地标出其通过的位置并绘在适当比例尺的地形图上,作为移民规划、迁移安置及库区建设的依据。界桩分为永久桩和临时桩两类。界线通过厂矿区或居民点时,在进出处各设一个永久桩,内部每隔若干米测设一个临时桩,主要街道标出界线通过的实际位置。大片农田及经济价值较高的林区,一般每隔2~3km测设一个永久桩,再以临时桩加密到能互相通视。只有少量庄稼的山地,可只测设临时桩显示界线通过的位置。经查勘确定不予利用的永久冻土地、大片沼泽地、陡峭坡地等经济价值很低的地区,可不测设界桩。界桩测设工作由测量人员配合水库设计人员和地方、移民等有关单位协同进行,用水准仪或经纬仪分段按设计高程在实地标定,随测随将界桩及标志移交地方保管。