环境恢复,environment recovery
1)environment recovery环境恢复
1.The essay introduces the technology that used for environment recovery combinedwith the construction site conditions in Qinghai-Tibet railway.结合青藏铁路施工现场情况,介绍使用的环境恢复技术。
2.Especially ecological environment recovery is very important factor.加强对矿山生态环境的保护和治理,是促进资源合理开发利用和生态保护相协调的必然要求,矿山生态环境恢复是其中的重要内容。

1.Researching of Underground Water Environment Restoration in Seawater Intrusion Area;海水入侵地区的地下水环境恢复研究
2.Environment-restoring Cost:Handling Accounts in Oil & Gas Accounting;油气会计对环境恢复成本的会计处理
3.Forest Calamity And Environmental Recovery and Reconstruction;森林灾害危害及生态环境恢复与重建
4.Study on the Ecological Environment Recovery and Evolution around Desert Railway沙漠铁路周边生态环境恢复演化研究
5.Study on Restoration and Rehabilation the Agricultural Eco-environment in Hunan Province;湖南省农业生态环境恢复与重建对策研究
6.The Study of the Prevention and Countermeasure for Geological Environment and Ecological Restoration in Gansu Province;甘肃省矿山地质生态环境恢复治理对策研究
7.The Study on the Restoration Strategies in Semi-arid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区生态环境恢复的对策研究
8.An Analysis of Theory and Practice on Restoration and Compensation Mechanism of Mine Environment in Our Country;简论我国矿山环境恢复补偿机制的理论与实践
9.Her recovery is owing to the environment.她恢复了健康是由于所处的环境好。
10.A Backup & Restore Scheme In Oracle Database EnvironmentOracle环境下的一种备份恢复方案
11.An Analysis on the Role of Environmental Ethics in the Process of Ecological Rstoration试论环境伦理学在生态恢复中的意义
12.Study of Environment Problems in Mine Mining and Ecological Restoration矿山开采的环境问题及生态恢复研究
13.(6)eco environmental construction and restoration in agricultural and rural areas;(6)农业与农村生态环境建设与生态恢复问题 ;
14.Research on Waterscape Functional Rehabilitation Technology & Evaluation on Environmental Benefits;景观水体功能恢复技术研究及其环境效益评价
15.Soil Water Eco-environment for Vegetation Recovery on the Loess Plateau of China;黄土高原植被恢复的土壤水分生态环境
16.Ecological Restoration of the Environment in Mining Areas of Economic Theory and Methods of Evaluation Research;矿区生态恢复环境经济评价方法及理论研究
17.A Study on Restoration and Control for Geological Environment of One Mine in Guang'an City;广安市某矿山环境地质恢复治理的研究
18.Environmental Pollution Investigation with RS Technique and Ecological Restoration of Tailings Areas in Gejiu Mining;个旧矿区环境污染遥感调查及生态恢复研究

rehabilitation of the environment恢复环境
3)water environmental recovery水环境恢复
1.Furthermore, a systematic theory and strategy of water environmental recovery have been put forward.从水的自然循环和水的社会循环关系出发,论述了人类社会活动与自然界的协调发展,指出水环境恢复和维系的基础是建立健康的社会水循环,进而首次提出了系统的水环境恢复原理和方略。
4)environmental recovery bonds环境恢复保证金
5)palaeosedimentary environment reconstruction古沉积环境恢复
1.After years of exploration practices,a series of techniques,including palaeosedimentary environment reconstruction,forward modeling,seismic attribute analysis and geologic target-oriented in.通过多年的勘探实践,胜利油田目前已初步形成了一套针对滩坝砂岩储层预测技术,主要为古沉积环境恢复技术、正演模型技术、地震属性分析技术和基于地质目标的反演技术,在博兴洼陷古近系沙四段滨浅湖滩坝砂岩油藏勘探开发中取得了良好的效果。
6)eco-environment restoration生态环境恢复
1.Calculation of water demand for groundwater eco-environment restoration in Xingtai City;邢台市地下水生态环境恢复需水量估算

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。