线路维护,line maintenance
1)line maintenance线路维护

1.Maintenance and Operation of the Fiber-optic Cables in the Maintenance and Administration of the Practice;经营型维护及在光缆线路维护管理中的实践
2.Research on the Maintenance Management System of Mobile Communication Optical Cable Line in GanSu Province;甘肃移动通信光缆线路维护管理体系研究
3.Design and Implementation of Communication Lines Maintenance System Based on GIS基于GIS的通信线路维护系统的设计与实现
4.Study and Application of Special Tower Climbing Machine for Transmission Line Maintenance and Repairing输电线路维护检修专用铁塔攀爬机研究与应用
5.Protection, Running and Maintenance of 220kV Micro-Computer Line;220KV线路微机保护器的运行与维护
6.Application of Optic-fiber Pilot Relay Protection in 500 kV Transmission Line500 kV线路光纤纵联保护运行维护
7.C. It is of comprehensive protection, easy circuit arrangements, convenient maintenance and low price.C、综合保护,线路简单,维修方便、格低廉。
8.Discussion on Operation and Maintenance Technology for 750kV AC Transmission Line750KV交流输电线路的运行维护技术探讨
9.Maintenance method for earth wire of 500 kV power transmission line after heavy damage by lightning stroke500kV线路架空避雷线雷击损伤后抢修维护方法
10.Research on EAM-based Maintenance and Management of Railway Linear Equipments基于EAM系统的铁路线性设备维护管理研究
11.Application of the Lidar Technology on Operation and Maintenance of Power Transmission Lines三维激光雷达技术在输电线路运行与维护的应用
12.Research of Maintenance Technology for Small Radius Curve and Big Rampway Interval Cwr;小半径曲线及长大坡道区间无缝线路养护维修技术研究
13.High-interference circuit used, especially suitable for inspection and maintenance of city pipesnet.仪器全部采用高抗干扰线路,特别实用于城市管网的普查与维护。
14.maintenance of submarine cables or pipelines维护海底电缆或管线
15.The use of a by-pass around a regulator permits maintenance or repairs without shutting down the line.采用环绕调节阀的旁路,使得不需要关闭管线即可维护或维修调节阀。
16.divided conductor protectio绕组支路断线保护装置
17.Breaker failure, bus fault and transformer protection断路器、母线故障保护和变压器保护
18.We pursue a correct, independent diplomatic line and foreign policy, opposing hegemonism and safeguarding world peace.我们奉行独立自主的正确的外交路线和对外政策,高举反对霸权主义、维护世界和平的旗帜,

track maintenance and repair线路养护维修
1.The author suggests a new system to do track maintenance and repair work separately on Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway Line.建议大秦铁路线路养护维修工作试行养修分离新体制。
3)fiber optic cable maintenance光缆线路维护
1.A new way for fault location in fiber optic cable maintenance;本文分析了现行光缆线路维护中光缆故障定位方法所存在的缺陷 ,提出了一种新的定位方法 ,并在全军通信兵科技练兵专业竞赛中验证了该方法。
4)powerline maintenance输电线路维护
5)Ffiber-optic cables maintenance浅谈光缆线路维护
6)Maintenance of railway linear equipments铁路线性设备维护

《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》Convention for the Maintenance,Preservation and Reestablishment of Peace  Guanyu Weihu Baochi 11 Chong)ianHePing Gongyue《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》(Conventionfor theM山i儿tenance,Preservationand Reestablishment ofpeace)全称《美洲国家间维护和平会议所通过的关于维护、保持以及重建和平公约》。美国等2]个美洲国家于1936年12月23日在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯签订,次年8月25日生效,无限期有效。公约有5条正文,主要内容是:一旦美洲大陆受到威胁,各国政府将通过共同协商以制定维持和平的方法;在美洲国家间发生战争或事实上处于战争状态的情况下,各国应立即相互协商,以便交换意见,寻求和平协作的方法;在美洲以外的国际战争可能威胁美洲各国和平时,亦应举行此种协商,以确定为确保美洲和平而采取联合行动的时间和方式。公约的签署是美国政府推行“睦邻政策”的结果,反映了美洲国家反对法西斯扩张、保卫其主权与独立及维护和平的愿望。 (王承)