城市地理信息,urban geographic information
1)urban geographic information城市地理信息
1.The house-agency companies can provide the exact visual urban geographic information for their client in order to meet the fast development and serve their client well.针对房屋中介业务的需求,并根据GIS领域的发展现状和趋势,将其引入房屋中介业务,提出了基于GIS的房屋中介系统,以取代当前房屋中介行业现有的MIS系统,使房屋中介公司能够为其客户提供详细的、准确的、可视化的城市地理信息,以适应城市的快速发展和更好地满足客户需求。

1.The Development of Urban Geography in Information Society-The Forming and Development of Urban Geography Information System;信息社会下城市地理学的发展——城市地理信息系统的形成与发展
2.Urban Geospatial Data Sharing Based on Web Service and Mashup基于Web Service和Mashup的城市地理信息共享
3.UGIS is currently a hotspot of urban information construction.城市地理信息系统 (UGIS)是当前城市信息建设的热点。
4.The Studies of Comprehensive Application of Urban Geographic Information System in Shanghai上海市城市地理信息系统综合应用研究
5.urban geographical information system城市基础地理信息系统
6.The Research on Fire Fighting Navigation Geographic Information System of Fu Xin City;阜新城市消防导航地理信息系统研究
7.Function Design of Geographic Information System for Urban Drainage Network;城市排水管网地理信息系统功能设计
8.Research and Development of Urban Foundational Geographic Information System;城市基础地理信息系统的研究与开发
9.Urban Fundamental Geographical Information Framework;城市基础地理信息平台关键技术研究
10.Design and Implementation of Urban Cadastral Information Management System;城市地籍信息管理系统的设计与实现
11.Study and Construction of the Urban Public Participation GIS Platform;城市公共地理信息平台的研究与构建
12.Gity Fire-GIS’ Desigh and Implement;城市消防地理信息系统的设计与实现
13.Geography Information System in Digitized City Application;地理信息系统在数字化城市中的应用
15.Geographic Information System (GIS) and Urban Plan;地理信息系统(GIS)与城市规划
16.Design of Urban Public Traffic Geographic Information System Based on MDA基于MDA的城市公交地理信息系统设计
17.The design and research of the urban planning information system城市规划地理信息系统的设计与研究
18.Study on Urban Fundamental Geographic Information System Based on ArcSDE基于ArcSDE城市基础地理信息系统研究

Urban geographic information base城市地理信息库
3)city telecom GIS城市电信地理信息系统
1.Design and Implementation of Data Producing Sub-System in UGIS;城市地理信息系统中数据生产子系统的设计与实现
2.On the Standardization of Urban Geographic Information System(UGIS);论城市地理信息系统的标准化问题
3.Urban Geographic Information System(UGIS)is an important urban infrastructure and a main technical way to realize urban modernized management as well as an inevitable outcome of urbanization development.城市地理信息系统是城市重要的基础设施和实现城市现代化管理的主要技术手段 ,是城市化发展的必然结果。
5)Urban Geographic information System城市地理信息系统
1.Study on data updating for urban geographic information system;城市地理信息系统中数据更新探讨
2.Ponderation over the Development of Urban Geographic Information System;城市地理信息系统的发展及反思
3.The urban geographic information system is not only one of the basic establishments of city but also a kind of advanced tool performing modern city manage,making layout and scientific decision-making.城市地理信息系统是城市基础设施之一 ,也是一种城市现代化管理、规划和科学决策的先进工具。
6)UGIS(Urban Geographic Information System)UGIS(城市地理信息系统)
