课堂参与,classroom participation
1)classroom participation课堂参与
1.Teachers should pay great attention to students′ classroom participation and be active in creating a better participating atmosphere and psychological supporting environment for students.学生课堂参与是其学习适应性和社会性发展的前提和基础,对促进青少年的全面发展具有十分重要的现实意义。
2.The English study course of Chinese college students is mainly in English class, and the relationship between the students foreign language study motivation and the classroom participation has been long ignored by researchers and teachers.我国大学生特别是理工科大学生的外语学习主要是在课堂上进行的,但是对于大学生的外语学习动机与课堂参与之间的关系这一问题的研究一直未引起有关方面的重视。
3.Although a good deal of researches have been done to study the foreign language anxiety in recent years, very few studies have considered culture as a causal factor of foreign language anxiety, let alone the relationship between such a kind of anxiety and students’classroom participation in a specific setting of China.尽管近年来有大量的研究致力于外语语言焦虑研究,但是几乎没有研究把文化因素看作是外语焦虑的来源,更别提研究这种由文化因素引起的外语焦虑与中国环境下学生的课堂参与的关系了。

1.A Study on the Relationship between the Consciousness of Primary Students' Classroom Goal Structures、Classroom Communication Apprehension and Classroom Particapation小学生的课堂目标结构知觉、课堂沟通焦虑与课堂参与的关系
2.A Study of the Relationship between Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Classroom Participation in College English;大学英语课堂焦虑和课堂参与的关系研究
3.The Study on Student s Classroom Participation and It s Influencing Factors;小学生课堂参与及其影响因素的研究
4.A Survey on the Present Situation of Participating in Class of the Deaf;聋生课堂参与现状的调查分析及对策
5.Method Research on Promoting Students Participation in Classroom Teaching;学生课堂参与的影响因素及方法研究
6.Significance,Situation and Counter-measures for the students to Participate in Classroom Teaching;中小学生课堂参与的意义、现状及对策
7.A Study of the Participatory Teaching in Classroom of Middle School in the Background of the New Curriculum;新课程背景下中学课堂参与式教学研究
8.An Empirical Study on Using "Preview Outline" to Enhance the Students Participation in Second Language Class;运用“课前大纲”提高语言课堂参与度研究
9.The Chinese University students have low enthusiasm in classroom participation, so the classroom atmosphere is inactive.中国大学生英语课堂参与积极性低,课堂气氛不活跃。
10.“Activity” & “Paiticipation” and English Classroom Teaching;“活动”及“参与”与英语课堂教学
11.A Participation Model of Curriculum Practice: Curriculum Change in Classroom Context;参与式课程实践:课堂情境中的课程变革
12.Classroom participation?discussion and questions.课堂的参与,包括讨论和回答问题,
13.A Study on the Strategies of Effective Participation in High School Chemistry Teaching;高中化学课堂教学有效参与策略研究
14.Induct Students Actively Participation Promote Mathematics Class Teaching;引导学生积极参与 优化数学课堂教学
15.Constructing University Teaching Classes with Sufficient Students Participation and Practices;建设学生充分参与和实践的大学课堂
16.Changing Teaching Mentality and Inspiring Students Participa tion Consciousness in Class;转变课堂教学观念 激发学生参与意识
17.On Cultivating Harmonious Student-teacher Relationship and Constructing Participable Classroom Instruction营造和谐师生关系,构建参与式课堂
18.Research on Teaching and Learning Model of Student-Oriented Education in the Vocational School Electronics Class;中专电子课程主体参与型课堂教学模式的研究

class participation课堂参与
1.The problem of student s class participation has caused concerns among many home and abroad scholars.学生的课堂参与是学生良好学习的关键因素,它可以衡量学生的课堂学习是否真正发生,直接影响学习结果。
1.This study was to investigate the components and characteristics of pupil s participation in the teaching learning process by means of field observation in class, interview and questionnaire survey.本研究运用课堂观察、访谈和问卷调查法 ,以 2 6 7名小学一~六年级学生为被试 ,考察了小学生课堂参与的结构及特点。
2.The purpose of this study was to classify pupils by their participation in teaching-learning process, and investigate the developmental features of different types of pupils.综合运用课堂观察、访谈和问卷调查法 ,本研究以 2 6 3名小学 1~ 6年级学生为被试 ,考察了小学生课堂参与的类型及其发展特点。
4)participation in class参与课堂
5)Sense of classroom participation课堂参与意识
6)behaviors of participation in class课堂参与行为

课堂教学  见班级教学。