言语生成,speech production
1)speech production言语生成
1.The process of speech production can be segmented into three stages.言语生成由三个环节构成,每个环节对第二语言学习者口头表述的影响不一,语言教师应按照客观规律制定出科学的课堂教学策略。
2.This paper is to probe into the processes and nature of speech production and speech understanding by discussing about several theoretical models .言语生成 (speechproduction)和言语理解 (speechunderstanding)是语言交际中十分复杂的心理认知过程 ,也是心理语言学研究中的一个重要内容。
3.The study of speech production is one of the chief tasks of psycholinguistics.西方心理语言学界比较流行的言语生成模型有串行模型、并行模型和列维特 (Levelt)模型三种。
2)language production言语生成
1.The research of implicit learning can throw light upon these issues, for language experience and learning mechanism play a role in language production and the data of recent researches illustrate that structural priming and speech errors are more likely to be the implicit learning of sequential pattern言语生成中的结构启动和语误现象 ,通常分别用瞬时激活和语音的约束范围来解释它们产生的机制。
3)language generation语言生成

1.Artistic Features of Language in the Course of Its Formation--One Interpretation of Cassirer s Theory on Language Formation;语言生成过程中的艺术品性——对卡西尔语言生成论的一种解读
2.speech generator语音发生器语言合成器
3.The Philosophical Origin of and Viewpoint on Language of Universal Grammar " for Transformational Generative Linguistics;转换生成语言学“普遍语法”的哲学渊源和语言观
4.Life,Language and Image:Comment on the Language’s Formation of Literary Image Again;生活、语言与形象:再论文学形象的语言构成
5.The major differences between systemic-functional linguistics and transformational generative linguistics;系统功能语言学与转换生成语言学的主要差别
6.Production and Interpretation of Lies in Cognitive Context从认知语境看言语交际中谎言的生成和理解
7.Cognitive Semantic Perspective:A Study of the Process of Verbal Humor Generation;从语义学视角看言语幽默的生成过程
8.An Interpretation of Conceptual Integration for the Generation of Verbal Humor;概念合成理论对言语幽默生成的阐释
9.Quest for the Levels of Students' Language Comprehension and Production大学生语言理解与生成的阶段性探索
10.On the Development of Corpus Linguistics and Its Relationship with Generative Grammar;语料库语言学的发展及其与生成语法的关系
11.Corpus and the Cultivation of Language Awareness in Adult English Language Learners;英语教学中语料库与成人学生语言意识的培养
12.Language Acquisition Theories of Generative Grammar and Cognitive Grammar;生成语法与认知语法的语言习得理论探讨
13.Language Anxiety Research on English Majors;英语专业学生英语成绩与语言焦虑的相关研究
14.A Review of A Study on Generative Grammar;内在论·最简主义·生物语言学——《生成语法研究》评介
15.The Speech Morphology of "Poetic Fiction" and Its Significance in Literary History人生隐喻与语言维度的生成——论“诗化小说”的语言形态及文学史意义
16.the confusions created by language deeply affect men's lives.语言造成的混乱严重影响人们的生活。
17.(linguistics) formed by inflection or derivation.(语言学)由屈折或者派生形成的。
18.the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication.生成或了解语言交流的思维过程。

language production言语生成
1.The research of implicit learning can throw light upon these issues, for language experience and learning mechanism play a role in language production and the data of recent researches illustrate that structural priming and speech errors are more likely to be the implicit learning of sequential pattern言语生成中的结构启动和语误现象 ,通常分别用瞬时激活和语音的约束范围来解释它们产生的机制。
3)language generation语言生成
4)generative linguistics生成语言学
1.When studying WH-movement and constraints generative linguistics starts from internalized transformational device in human brain to explore into the transformational rules and cognitive linguistics explores into principles displayed in syntactic expressions on the theoretical basis of human cognition process.对WH移动及其限制现象,转换生成语言学从内化于人脑的转换机制出发探索其发生的规则,认知语言学从人类认知特征出发,探索其发生过程涉及的认知原则。
2.In addition,the biological properties and the origin of language faculty are interpreted according to Noam Chomsky s thoughts on minimalism and the theoretical orientation of generative linguistics is also explicated.由维尔金斯所构建的哲学语言的不完美引出生成语法对人类语言完美性、生物性及起源的诠释,旨在解读乔姆斯基最简思路以及生成语言学的理论趋向。
5)Parole-Forming Theory言语生成论
1.On Middle School Learning Strategy of Writing Based on Parole-Forming Theory;基于言语生成论的中学生写作学习策略研究
6)TPL Table Producing Language表生成语言

产后言语含糊产后言语含糊 产后言语含糊   病证名。出周丹忱《胎产指南》。舌为心之苗。因产时或产后失血过多,心血亏虚,心气不能上达,故舌萎卷缩,言语含糊。治宜滋阴养心。方用生脉散合四物汤。