教师效能,teacher efficacy
1)teacher efficacy教师效能
1.Collective teacher efficacy is an extension of individual teacher efficacy to the organizational level.教师集体效能是教师效能在集体水平上的扩展,是教师对其作为一个整体的、能够组织和实施影响学生行为过程的能力知觉和信念,它以知觉到的平均数作为其集体效能测量的整合分数。
2.teacher efficacy refers to beliefs of the teacher s capabilities to facilitate students learning,which is influenced by the values of the teacher s professional development.教师效能是教师对自身如何很好地影响学生学习的能力的信念。
3.To improve teacher efficacy is consistent with the concept of teacher development which is emphasized in the new curriculum.教师效能是教师有效执行教育教学活动的能力,以及应用该能力对学生的学业、态度和情感发展产生良好影响的信念。

1.Collective Teacher Efficacy:The New Progress of Research on the Teacher Efficacy;教师集体效能:教师效能研究的新进展
2.For the whole scale, the internal reliability is.90 and test-retest reliability is.84.啓智教育教师的教师效能普遍不低。
3.A Comparative Study on Inservice and Preservice Teacher Efficacy;在职教师和师范生教师效能感的对比研究
4.Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Teacher Efficacy Scale;中文“教师效能感量表”的信、效度研究
5.Teacher Efficacy--an Internal Effect of the Teacher s Professional Development;教师效能——教师专业发展的内在影响因素
6.Differential Teacher Effectiveness: Structure,Functions and Limitations;区分性教师效能的结构、功能和局限性
7.On the Sense of Teacher Efficacy and Foster of Normal School Student’s Prepare Sense of Self-efficacy;论教师教学效能感对师范生自我效能感的影响
8.The Study of the Physical and Non-physical Teacher s Theaching Efficiency;体育教师与非体育教师教学效能感比较研究
9.Influence of Teaching Efficacy on the Students Self-efficacy;教师教学效能感对学生自我效能感的影响
10.The Correlation Analysis about Self-efficiency and Teaching Efficiency of P. E. Teachers;高校体育教师自我效能与教学效能相关分析
11.Research on Effective Elements of Sense of Instruction Efficiency of Middle School Sports Teachers;影响中学体育教师教学效能感的研究
12.Brief Discussion on Training of the P. E. Teachers Sense of Teaching Efficacy;论体育教师培养教学效能感的重要性
13.The Present Situation of the Primary School Teachers Efficacy in the West of Yunnan;滇西小学教师教学效能感现状及分析
14.Development of the Sense of Teaching Efficacy of Young Medical University Teachers;医学院校青年教师教学效能感的培养
15.A Research on the Influencing Factors in the Teaching Efficacy of Primary School Teachers;小学教师教学效能感影响因素的研究
16.Analyses on relation between mental health and teaching efficacy of college teachers;高校教师心理健康与教学效能感关系
17.Research on the Characteristics of College Teaching Efficacy;高校教师教学效能感特点的调查研究
18.On A College Teacher s Sense of Teaching Efficacy and It s Culture Strategy;论大学教师教学效能感及其培养策略

teacher effectiveness教师效能
1.Those whose behaviors can promote students’ achievement show they have teacher effectiveness.教师的行为能使学生成就提升者,即显示出具有教师效能
2.The article reviews the research on teacher effectiveness and develops the case for a model of teacher effectiveness in which differential effectiveness is incorporated.文章在回顾有关教师效能研究的基础上,评介了一种区分性教师效能模型,并且进一步探讨了这种模型对于未来研究和教师评价的发展功能。
3.There are not much special researches on teacher effectiveness in China.在我国,对教师效能的专门研究尚不多见,教育学领域较多地关注教师的专业发展。
3)teacher efficacy教师效能感
1.The aim of the study was to adapt a famous teacher efficacy scale (TES) developed by Hoy & Woolfolk(1993)into a Chinese version.本研究以405名中学教师为对象,对中文版教师效能感量表(TES)的心理测量学特征进行了探讨。
2.Teacher efficacy, one of the crucial parts of teacher belief, is "the extent to which the teacher believes he or she has the capacity to affect stud.作为教师信念的重要组成部分之一,教师效能感是教师对自己在影响学生行为方面能力高低的自我评价(Bergman,McLaughlin,Bass,Pauly&Zellman,1977),是影响教学行为的主要因素之一,也是少数与学生行为有关的教师因素之一。
3.Under the context of the contemporary new curriculum reform,this study employs the method of structural equation modeling to analyze the relations among trust and empowerment culture,teacher efficacy and teachers\' perceived effects of curriculum reform.本研究以新课程改革为背景,使用结构方程模型分析了信任与赋权文化、教师效能感与教师感受到的改革成效之间的关系。
4)Teachers Efficacy教师教学效能
5)teaching efficacy教师教学效能感
1.This paper reviews the studies of teaching efficacy and achievement goal including their theoretical construction and main conclusions from experimental studies.本论文介绍了当前教师教学效能感与成就目标研究的发展动态,包括它们的理论建构和实证研究。
6)collective teacher efficacy教师集体效能
1.Perceived collective teacher efficacy have strong effects on student achievement, school organization variables and te.教师集体效能是教师效能在集体水平上的扩展,是教师对其作为一个整体的、能够组织和实施影响学生行为过程的能力知觉和信念,它以知觉到的平均数作为其集体效能测量的整合分数。
2.This paper revises Goddard(2000)collective teacher efficacy scale.本课题组对Goddard等人2000年编制的教师集体效能量表进行了修订。

教师效能训练教师效能训练teacher effectiveness training,TET 教师效能习11练(teaehe:effectivenesstraining,TET)一种利用人道主义原则帮助教师建立和维持良好的师生关系的技术。研究表明,教师对学生的成就是有影响的。为提高教师在这方面的影响效能,就应帮助教师与学生建立并保持良好的关系,使之得到学生的信任和热爱。根据人道主义原则,不仅要对教师进行专业训练,而且要使他们对学生有感情,能排除学生的孤寂感和冷漠感,给学生以更多的注意和期望等。 (蒋兆灿撰本丈博审)