学习氛围,Learning atmosphere
1)Learning atmosphere学习氛围
1.The learning ability of higher education institution comprise of two aspects and four elements,the former are individual and organization,and the later are basic infrastructure of individual learning,achievement motivation of learning,system for encouraging learning and learning atmosphere.高校学习能力包括个人和组织两个方面,由个体学习的基础设施、学习成就动机、鼓励学习的制度、高校学习氛围4个要素构成。

1.On Quoting Allusion of Foreign Language to Create Better Learning Atmosphere;引用语言历史,营造学生的学习氛围
2.Discussion on the influence of establishment of study atmosohere on improvement of physical education quality;良好学习氛围对提高教学质量的影响
3.Be Student-Centered and Create an English Environment Outside Class;以学生为中心,营造英语课外学习氛围
4.Greatly Constructing the Cultural Atmosphere Establishing a Learning Model College;大力营造文化氛围 建设学习型学院
5.Developing a Better Psychological Atmosphere of Math Classroom Teaching to Stimulate Students Studying Motivation;创设良好数学教学心理氛围激发学生学习动机
6.How to Make the Humane Atmosphere for College Self-access English Learning Center;论大学英语自主学习中心人文氛围的创建
7.On the Relationship between Motivation and Classroom Climate;浅谈英语教学中学习动机与课堂氛围的关系
8.The competition of English newsletter constructs strong atmosphere of learning English.英语板报的评比营造了学习英语的浓浓氛围。
9.The Cultivation of Highly Skilled Talents and the Atmosphere of Learning Groups;培养高技能人才与营造学习型组织氛围
10.This school has fine language atmosphere , the student makes great efforts assiduously , studies fervency very highly.这所学校有良好的语言氛围,学生刻苦努力,学习热情很高。
11.The congenial surroundings with cultural displays and books are geared to making learning English stress-free and pleasant.文物与书籍陈列于赏心悦目的氛围,让学生放松心情学习英语。
12.Students will study and live in a modern, vibrant, beautiful and comfortable environment.学生们可在充满现代化气息、美舒适的氛围中学习、活。
13.I surely will be your friend and help you learn and enjoy Chinese!我会成为您的朋友,让您在轻松快乐的氛围中学习并学好中文。
14.Relations between Achievement Goal Orientation and Class Motivation Climate, Learning Strategy, Academic Performance成就目标定向与班级动机氛围、学习策略、学业成绩的关系研究
15.Research of the Relationship Between the Achievement Goal Orientation and the Class Motivation Climate & the Academic Performance中学生成就目标定向与班级动机氛围、学习成绩的关系
16.Radio BBI arouse students' interest of English study and create a good atmosphere of English learning in Beijing Broadcasting Institute.“双语调频”激发了同学们学英语的兴趣,为广院的英语学习创造了良好的氛围。
17.Primary English is to create a lively atmosphere in the English classroom for students interested in learning motivation.小学英语的生命也就在于创造轻松活泼的英语课堂氛围,让学生产生兴趣,激发学习动机。
18.religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere; nonsectarian colleges; a wide and unsectarian interest in religion- Bertrand Russell.在无教派的氛围中的宗教学习;无宗派大学;对宗教广泛的无派别的兴趣-伯特兰·罗素。

study atmosphere学习氛围
1.This article proposed how to construct a harmonious experimental study atmosphere in the electronic technology experimental teaching reform to stimulate students study impetus and enhance students study interests,and presented some effective measures.就电子技术实验教学改革中如何营造出和谐的实验学习氛围,激发学生的学习动力和提高学生的学习兴趣,提出了看法,并采取的一些行之有效的措施。
3)learning climate学习氛围
1.The teacher’s autonomy-supporting could make students perceive good learning climate.教师的高自主支持能使学生感受到良好的学习氛围,在这种氛围中,学生具有较高水平的内部动机和较强的学习胜任感。
4)atmosphere of bilingual learning双语学习氛围
5)the atmosphere of university's entrepreneurial learning创业学习氛围
6)English learning enviroment英语学习氛围

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)