课外活动,Extracurricular activities
1)Extracurricular activities课外活动
1.Develop student s interest of studying biology in extracurricular activities;在课外活动中培养学生学生物的兴趣
2.A systematic study of the initiative-growing-type extracurricular activities;“自主成长”型课外活动系统性研究
3.Based on actuality and trend of our undergraduates′job-hunting,it is put forward that a platform of edifying sentiment,cultivating ability,contacting society and accumulating experience is established by developing rich and colorful extracurricular activities.在分析我国高校大学生就业现状和趋势的基础上,提出了通过开展丰富多彩的课外活动,给大学生提供一个陶冶情操、培养能力、接触社会、积累经验的平台,培养大学生的适应能力、表达与应变能力、创新能力、社交能力、独立工作能力以及团队协作能力,全面提高大学生的就业竞争力。

1.after-school center课外活动站(课外活动中心)
2.I want to keep the after-school programs我要保存这些课外活动——
3.I participated in several extra-curricular activities.我参加好几个课外活动
4.A wide variety of Extracurricular Activities (ECA) will be offered.丰富多彩的课外活动
6.The extracurricular activity is an necessary part of the school lives.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
7.After schol activity is a noblest part of school activity.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
8.Extracurricular activities is a sine quanon for school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
9.The after school activity is necessary in school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
10.Extracurricular activities is an indispensability part of school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
11.Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of shcool life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
12.Outside sports is can not lack of sport in school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
13.Extracurricular work is indispensible in school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
14.Extracurricular Actives of out classes is indispensability of school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
15.After-class activities are treated as a indispensable part of school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
16.Activities after school are a part of school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
17.Extracurricular activities are indespensible to school life.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。
18.Extracurricular Activities is one of the life on compus.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。

extracurricular activity课外活动
1.Teacher_student′s ability training as seen from biological extracurricular activity at middle school;从中学生物课外活动看师范生能力的培养
2.The English extracurricular activity is the extension of English classroom teaching, is the absolutely necessary auxiliary teaching form of English classroom.英语课外活动是英语课堂教学的延伸,是英语课堂必不可少的辅助教学形式。
3.The extracurricular activity is the inevitable extension of the athletics lesson.课外活动是体育课的必然延伸 ,在教师的指导下 ,有计划、有组织地开展好课外、校外体育活动 ,使学生具有体育锻炼的自觉性和自主锻炼的能力 ,是为学生终生体育打下基础的需要 ,是落实《全民健身计划》的需
3)extra-curricular activities课外活动
1.In order to train practical talent who has real communication capability in English,it advances such new ideas as arousing communication enthusiasm,cultivating study emotion,organizing flexible and diverse curriculum teaching and carrying out ample and various extra-curricular activities.针对新时期英语口语教学的目的及意义,以培养具有真正交际能力的实用型英语人才为目标,提出了引爆交际热情,培养学习情感,组织灵活多样的课堂教学,开展丰富多彩的课外活动这一系列的创新思路,对英语口语教学具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。
2.At present,university students\' extra-curricular activities are colorful and varied,but there is also deficiency in them.目前高校大学生课外活动丰富多彩、形式多样,但也存在着不足。
3.The practice of programs is connected step by step, rich in the form of extra-curricular activities, and is equipped with three-dimensional teaching materials, which makes the teaching view of "technology first"carry through.课程群中的实践教学环环相扣,课外活动形式丰富,并配有立体化的教材体系,使得"技术为先"的教学理念落到实处。
4)after-class activities课外活动
1.This paper analyzes the current situation of the students’ listening abilities and the elements that caused the listening obstacles in high professional colleges, and suggested ways out such as utilizing the classroom teaching and after-class activities, cultivating the autonomy of students , etc.如:抓好课堂教学;教给学生良好的学习方法;抓好课外活动的安排;培养学生学习的主动性等。
2.Sports clubs have resulted in significant impact on after-class activities in college life in that they, featuring the integration of knowledge, health, entertainment, competition and interest to the benefit of the development of students personality, function as an effective complementary means to collegiate after-class activities. 体育社团对课外体育活动的开展具有十分重要的影响,成为注重学生个性发展,集知识、健康、娱乐、竞技、兴趣一体的多元化课外体育教育的另一种有效的补充手段,并将逐渐发展成为高校课外群体活动竞赛和校园体育文化活动以及校际间体育交流的主力军,是我校课外活动中一道最为亮丽的风景线。
5)activity after class课外活动
1.Educational reform is not only in classroom but take fully advantage of activity after class to combine classroom teaching with activity after class.教育改革不仅仅是在课堂上,而且还要充分利用课外活动,使课堂教学和课外活动有机结合。
6)extracurricular sports activities课外体育活动
1.Management system of extracurricular sports activities at colleges;高等专科学校课外体育活动的管理系统
2.Investigation and analysis on extracurricular sports activities and sports related consumption of impoverished college students;对高校贫困生课外体育活动与体育消费的调查分析
3.A survey on extracurricular sports activities of sophomores;黄冈师院二年级学生课外体育活动现状调查

课外活动  学校在各科教学大纲范围以外,对学生进行的多种多样的教育活动。它是班级教学的必要补充,是全面发展教育的重要组成部分。正确组织和吸引学生参加各种课外活动,可以扩大学生的知识领域,丰富学生的精神生活。培养和发展他们的兴趣、才能与特长,为进一步学习和选择职业创造有利的条件。这也是对学生进行德育的重要途径之一。合理地安排学生的课余时间,使学生的旺盛精力在富有教育意义的活动中得到发挥,也有助于树立良好的社会风气。    课外活动的内容非常广泛,主要有社会政治活动、科学技术活动、 公益劳动、 艺术活动和体育活动等。课外活动的形式有:群众性的课外活动,如时事政治报告、节日纪念活动、文艺演出、体育运动会等。小组的课外活动,如学科小组、科学技术小组、运动小组的活动等。个人的课外活动,如课外阅读、栽培花草树木等。学校要注意选择和组织富有教育意义的、适合学生年龄特征的、内容丰富多采的、形式灵活多样的活动,吸引所有学生自愿参加。课外活动不是课内学习的延续,不能以补课和布置各科作业代替和排除课外活动。要让学生手脑并用,在实践中运用已有的知识,并借以巩固和补充课内所学的知识。在课外活动中要充分发挥学生的独立性和创造性,同时教师可会同学校中的共产主义青年团和少年先锋队一起,分工辅导学生的各项课外活动,帮助他们制定计划、选择内容和解决困难,使课外活动有目的、有计划、有成效地开展。