文化差异性,cultural difference
1)cultural difference文化差异性

1.Study on Cultural Differences and Culture Shock under Cultural Dimensions;文化维度下的文化差异性与文化休克研究
2.A Comparative Study of Cultural Differences between Chinese Idioms and English Idioms;英汉Idiom文化差异性比较研究
3.Brief Analysis of Some Cultural Differences between English and Chinese in Sympathy浅谈中英表达同情方式的文化差异性
4.The Cultural Diversities That Reflected in the Nobel Prize of Literature诺贝尔文学奖评选结果反映的文化差异性分析
5.Similarities on Language and Differences on the Social Culture Between Chinese and English Advertising;汉英广告的语言相似性与社会文化差异性
6.The Contrast on the Chinese and the Western Cultural Rhetorical Similarities and Differences;中西修辞文化相似性与差异性的对比
7.Respecting Gender Differences and Improving Cross Gender Cultural Communication尊重性别差异 促进跨性别文化交际
8.Views on Differences between Recessive Culture and Dominant Culture of Reflected Language;语言映射的隐性文化与显性文化差异之我见
9.Differences between Moral and Intellectual Cultural Traditions;试论德性文化传统与智性文化传统的差异
10.Cultural dissimilarity brings difficulty to language learning.文化的差异性为语言学习带来了困难。
11.Gender Differences and Discourse Styles in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的性别差异和话语风格
12.The Difference of Cultural Metaphon in Hong Lou Meng;从《红楼梦》英译本看文化隐喻的差异性
13.Original and Generative:A Review of Cultural Difference;原初态与生成性:对文化差异的考察
14.Difference in the officialdom culture--Taking the novel Promotion for example;官场文化中的差异性——以小说《升迁》为例
15.The Importance of Cultural differences on English Vocabulary Study文化差异在英语词汇学习中的重要性
16.The Study on The Differences of Characters of The Leaders with Low Performance under Different Organizational Culture;不同组织文化间差绩效领导者性格差异的研究
17.Cultural dissimilarities have made culture untranslatable.中西文化的差异导致了文化的不可译性。
18.On the Inevitability of Conflict in Cross-cultural Communication between the East and the West从东西方文化差异看跨文化交际冲突的必然性

cultural diversity文化差异性
1.Thus,cultural diversity may make intercultural communication very difficult and in some cases utterly impossible,because sometimes the meaning of the parole is determined not by the speaker but by the listener.这种文化差异性有可能让跨文化交际变得很困难,甚至在有些情况下会使得这种交际无法进行下去,这是因为有时话语的意思不是由说话人所说出的词语来决定的,而是由听话人来决定的。
3)cultural differences文化差异性
1.There exist all kinds of cultural differences in colleges because the students come from different regions.高等院校的学生由于来自不同地域,因而也具有不同程度的文化差异,高校的思想教育工作者,在学生管理工作方面也应重视文化差异性引发的“软性”问题,用“柔性”的方法解决好这个问题,才能使高校的思想教育工作有进一步的提高。
4)cross-sex cultural differences性别文化差异
5)cultural difference sensitivity文化差异敏感性
1.Through the new syllabus for college English majors,this article discusses that the cultural difference sensitivity is in direct proportion to the cultural difference sensitivity.本文结合新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》讨论了文化差异敏感性与跨文化交际能力的正比关系 ,探讨了文化差异教学的主要内容 ,并提出了文化差异教学的教学原
6)differences and similarities of cultures文化差异和文化共性

差异性发绀差异性发绀different cyanosis  表现为头颈及上肢无发绀,而躯干及下肢出现发绀,并可伴有杵状趾,是由于一部分静脉血经异常通道流入降主动脉而产生。多见于主动脉弓中断并发动脉导管未闭和室间隔缺损的病例,或复杂的主动脉缩窄及动脉导管未闭并发肺动脉高压出现双向分流或右向左分流的病例。