学习者培训,Learner Training
1)Learner Training学习者培训
1.Study of Learner Training in Web-based Education;网络教育中的学习者培训研究
2.Autonomous learner training, as one of the main aspects in the research of learner autonomy, has attracted great attention.由于自主学习的目标是促使学习者具有自我管理的能力,因此,学习者培训也就成了自主学习研究的焦点之一。
2)autonomous learner training自主学习者培训
1.As autonomy is not an absolute concept, it is an ability, which may be acquired and fostered through special strategy training, the studies on autonomous learner training attract more and more people’s interests in LA research.因而,自主学习者培训日益成为研究者的兴趣热点。
3)learner training学习者训练
1.An experiment on the development of learner autonomy through learner training;通过学习者训练培养学习者自主性的实验
2.As an effective way to foster learner autonomy,"learner training"has long been a hot issue in the field of linguistics both at home and abroad."学习者训练"作为促进学习者自主的有效途径之一,一直备受国内外语言学界的广泛关注。

1.Review of Research on Learner Training and Its Implications;促进学习者自主的“学习者训练”:综述及启示
2.An experiment on the development of learner autonomy through learner training;通过学习者训练培养学习者自主性的实验
3.Learning Strategy Training for the Development of Learner Autonomy;以学习策略训练培养外语学习者自主能力
4.Effects of Internal and External Image Training on Shooting Skill Learning of Skilled Basketball Players;内部和外部表象训练对篮球熟练者与初学者投篮技能学习的影响
5.Effectiveness of Monitor Training in Helping L2 Learners Self-Correct Errors in Writing;监控训练对二语学习者自纠写作错误的有效性
6.The Effect of Phonological Awareness Training for Child EFL Learners;儿童英语学习者语音意识训练效果研究
7.Cultivation of Learner Autonomy Based on Metacognitive Strategy Training;以元认知策略训练为基础培养学习者自主性
8.Strategy Training for Learners and the Role of the Teacher;语言学习者的策略训练研究与教师的作用
9.The College Students Player Should Pay Attention to the Motive and;浅谈大学生网球运动者练习动机及在教学与训练中应注意的问题
10.To Train High-Efficiency English Learners--On Training College Students in English Words Learning Strategies;培养高效率的英语学习者——大学生英语词汇学习策略训练
11.Empirical Study of the Training of Metacognitive Language Learning Strategies for College English Learners;大学英语学习者元认知语言学习策略训练的实证研究
12.The Influence of Metacongnitive Learning Strategies Training under the Interactive Oral English Teaching Circumstance交互式口语教学环境下元认知学习策略训练对英语学习者的影响
13.We learn by listening.我们以听力训练法学习。
14.lacking practical experience or training.缺乏练习的经验或者训练。
15.One who is being trained.受训者,实习生正在接受训练的人
16.One who fails to measure up to a standard, especially one who fails a course of training or study.被淘汰者不能达到某标准的人,尤指训练或学习中的被淘汰者
17.A Study on Improving Non-English Majors' Learner Autonomy Through Metacognitive Strategy Training通过元认知策略训练提高非英语专业学生学习者自主性的研究
18.In learning a foreign language, question and answer drills are good disciplines.学外语时,问答练习是很好的训练方法。

autonomous learner training自主学习者培训
1.As autonomy is not an absolute concept, it is an ability, which may be acquired and fostered through special strategy training, the studies on autonomous learner training attract more and more people’s interests in LA research.因而,自主学习者培训日益成为研究者的兴趣热点。
3)learner training学习者训练
1.An experiment on the development of learner autonomy through learner training;通过学习者训练培养学习者自主性的实验
2.As an effective way to foster learner autonomy,"learner training"has long been a hot issue in the field of linguistics both at home and abroad."学习者训练"作为促进学习者自主的有效途径之一,一直备受国内外语言学界的广泛关注。
4)the development of the learner学习者培养
5)emotion strategy training of English learner英语学习者情感策略培训
6)learning strategy training学习策略培训
1.There are a lot of papers focusing on learning strategy training in the listening field.国内关于听力学习策略培训的论文不少,但对农村中学初学者如何实施听力学习策略培训的介绍为数不多。
2.In order to help them, some English learning strategy training is needed.为了帮助他们改变这种局面,笔者通过多年的教学并结合自身的感受,透过对种种原因的分析,提出了学习策略培训法。

质量管理体系认证审核员培训课程提供者质量管理体系认证审核员培训课程提供者providers for quality management system certification auditor training course  zhiliang guanli tixi renzheng shenheyuan peixun kec随ngtlgC抑gZhe质一管理体系认证审核员培训课程提供者(provideofor甲ality mar碑罗叮吧nt system Certifi-侧拓onauditor画ningcou,)向质量管理体系认证培训课程批准机构申请,由该批准机构评价,而获得资格可以从事质量管理体系认证审核员培训的组织。在中国,批准机构为中国认证人员国家注册委员会(CRBA)。审核员培训课程提供者应具备的条件是:①建立课程管理体系文件化的程序并有效实施;②符合要求的培训课程内容,包括课时、课程设!、教材、案例分析和模拟练习材料;③符合教师选择准则的教师;④考试和连续评价;⑤课程本身的管理性文件,如招生、人学规定、收费标准、宜传资料等;⑥还应有相应的法律地位证明文件。 依据批准机构的申请程序,审核员培训课程的申请者在具备了相应条件后可向批准机构申请,批准机构派出评审员对培训课程提供者进行评审。评审包括管理体系文件、课程资料的文件评审;在合格后,进行现场评审,现场评审包括对培训管理体系运行的评审和课程跟踪评审两部分。根据评审结果,评审组将做出是否予以推荐批准的结论性意见。同时要求培训课程提供申请者对所存在问题予以整改。课程批准机构在对评审结果做出分析评审后,对合格者,批准成为培训课程提供者。批准机构每年就培训课程提供者是否连续符合要求分别对其课程、管理程序及运行进行为期一天的监督,每4年对全部活动及课程进行一次全面复审。当培训课程提供者不符合批准机构的要求,即暂停或取消课程提供者的资格。培训课程提供者也可就此决定提出申诉。 内审员是指在一个组织内部从事内部管理体系审核的有资格的检查人员。内审员须经过培训才可从事审核。国际上许多国家对内审员都有较严格的要求,而且一些国家对内审员采取了注册制度,如英国、澳大利亚等。中国也对内审员实施了注册制度,国家质量技术监督局对其做出了明确规定。可给予注册的审核员,须是经过课程批准机构批准的内部质量管理体系审核员培训课程提供者所培训的内部审核员。对质量管理体系内审员培训课程提供者的批准同质量管理体系认证审核员培训课程提供者的批准程序基本相同。批准机构是国家质量技术监督局。(石岩)