模糊词语,fuzzy words
1)fuzzy words模糊词语
1.Based on the diccussion of expressing the effect of fuzzy words, the paper expounds the specific application of fuzzy words to applied writings to express the will emotion of the principle part of the writing, subjective appraisal, level of propor limits for action and more practically explains the time quantity as well as the universality and changing process of the subject.本文在论述模糊词语表达效果的基础上,探讨了模糊词语在应用写作中对表达写作主体意志感情、主观评价、分寸、程度,更符合实际地表述时间数量以及表述事物的普遍性和变化过程时的具体运用。
2.Although precision is always a principle in legal writing and legal translation, accurate translation of legal texts is never easy because of the existence of fuzzy words.因此本文对于英语规定性法律文本中模糊词语的汉译研究旨在通过比较不同译者翻译规定性法律文本时对模糊语言的处理,探讨并归纳英语法律文本中模糊词语的汉译策略,以期为法律翻译者提供切实可行的理论指导。
3.This article attempts the fuzzy linguistics (fuzzy words and expressions) the theory applies middle the archives research, appears the table time fuzzy words and expressions to the archives in to carry on comprehensive and the thorough analysis.为此,怎样将模糊语言学(模糊词语)的理论比较全面、系统地应用于公文研究当中并且达到一定深度,这便是本文研究的重点。

1.There are precise words and obscure words in mo dern Chinese.现代汉语中,既有精确词语,又有模糊词语
2.Translation Techniques of Vague Expressions in Legal English Texts法律英语中的模糊词语及其翻译探析
3.Study on the Fuzzy Words Showing Degree in Modern Documents现代公文中表程度的模糊词语的研究
4.Research on the Fuzziness of English Legislative Language and Its Irremovability;论英语立法语言模糊词语的运用及不可消除性
5.A Study on Chinese Translation of Fuzzy Words in English Prescriptive Legal Texts;英语规定性法律文本中模糊词语的汉译研究
6.An equivocal word, phrase, or expression.含糊其词的短语意义模糊的、短语、表达
7.Analyzing the Use of Fuzzy Words and Fuzzy Restricted Words in Poems;“模糊词”与“模糊限制词”在诗歌语言中的例证分析
8.On the Semantic Vagueness and Pragmatic Ambivalence of the Indefinite Pronoun in the Cognitive Perspective;认知视域中不定代词的语义模糊和语用模糊
9.On Vagueness of Vocabulary──A Study of Linguistic Vagueness;语词边界模糊论略──语言的模糊性研究之一
10.To use equivocal language intentionally.含糊其词故意使用模棱两可的语言
11.He canceled an ambiguous phrase in the speech.他删去了讲稿中一个含义模糊的词语。
12.On Precision and Vagueness of Legal English Lexica;法律英语用词的精确性和模糊性研究
13.On Features of Fuzzy Words in Forensic English and Their Translation;法律英语词汇的模糊性及其汉译策略
14.A Study of the Fuzziness and Precision of Time Words;汉语时间词的模糊性与精确性之探析
15.Scales for the Degree of Membership of Function Words in Mandarin;现代汉语虚词模糊划分的隶属度量表
16.To Understand the Semantics Fuzziness of Verbs From “Qie,Ge,Jie”;从“切、割、截”看动词语义的模糊性
17.English Translation of Semantically Fuzzy Numerals in Plain Questions of Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine《黄帝内经·素问》语义模糊数词英译研究
18.The Cognitive Semantic Extension of Numerals:from Accuracy to Fuzziness数量词的认知语义扩展:从精确到模糊

ambiguous words模糊词语
1.The application of ambiguous words will improve the accuracy and simplicity of the expression in official documents,enhancing the flexibility and implicit of the expression.汉语词汇中存在大量词义不确定的模糊词语
2.Frequently using of ambiguous words is a common feature of law terms, by which one can deal with various situations.法律条文一般都具有一个特征,就是经常使用模糊性词汇(或被称为“模糊词语”)。
3)fuzzy word模糊词语
1.During daily communication,the fuzzy word can often express the modesty,kindness,courteous emotion more than the accurate words.在日常交际中,模糊词语往往比准确词语更能表达出谦逊、亲切、礼貌的感情色彩;在文学语言中,模糊词语以其语义的不确定性给读者提供审美再创造的广阔空间;在科技、公文、公关等语言中,模糊词语也以其语义的伸缩性和概括性,具有精确词语不可替代的修辞作用。
4)vague terms模糊词语
1.On vague terms in everyday spoken English;论英语日常口语中的模糊词语
2.On the basis of the theory of ambiguous language, this paper discusses the colorful style of vague terms through the analysis of the features of everyday spoken English and also classifies the vague terms in accordance with the situational context of everyday spoken English.建立在模糊语言理论研究的基础上 ,从分析英语日常口语体的特征入手 ,本文论述了日常口语中出现的大量模糊词语的文体色彩 ,并结合日常口语语境对模糊词语作了归
5)vague words and expressions模糊语词
1.The ambiguity features shown in vague words and expressions and its rich cultural connotation demonstrates those translations are connected with the cultural context whose confirmation is a new theoretical support to the vague words translation.模糊语词的模糊性特征及其丰富的文化内涵要求模糊语词的翻译必须借助文化语境,文化语境顺应为模糊语词的翻译提供了新的理论支持。
6)fuzzy quantifier模糊语言量词
1.The handling of equivocal statements is the main obstacle to the construction of a high-efficiency knowledge system,In this paper,some of the properties of fuzzy quantifiers caus-ing language to have fuzziness are discussed.首先讨论了导致语言具有模糊性的模糊语言量词的一些性质,然后重点探讨了模糊语言量词在语言综合和模糊推理中的处理问题,得出了一些有益的结论。
