话题熟悉程度,topic familiarity
1)topic familiarity话题熟悉程度
1.The Effects of Topic Familiarity and Question Type on EFL Listening Comprehension;话题熟悉程度和问题类型对EFL听力理解的影响
2.The analysis on different factors influencing an interpretation test and the follow-up students survey reveal that topic familiarity is the reason that accounts for students different interpreting quality when interpreting two topic-varied English passages into Chinese.通过对影响口译考试的各种因素的分析和对学生的调查,发现学生对口译语篇的话题熟悉程度是学生在两篇内容不同的英语语篇的口译成绩上存在较大差异的主要原因。
3.The present study investigates the topic familiarity factor and the vocabulary factor in Chinese listening comprehension.本文考察了图式理论中话题熟悉程度在对外汉语听力教学中的表现,结合语言知识中生词量水平这一自变量,讨论了这两个因素相结合对外国留学生听力理解的影响。

1.The Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Mechanisms of Topic Familiarity in Interpretation;英语口译中话题熟悉程度的心理认知机制
2.Effects of Topic Familiarity on L2 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition;话题熟悉程度对英语词汇附带习得的影响
3.The Influence of the Topic Familiarityproficiency Level and Question Type on Chinese Listening Comprehension of Korean Students话题熟悉程度、语言水平和问题类型对韩国学生听力理解的影响
4.The Influence of the Topic Familiarity and Vocabulary on Listening Comprehension of Intermediate-level Chinese Learners;话题熟悉程度和生词量对中等汉语水平留学生听力理解的影响
5.The Impacts of Topic Familiarity and Language Proficiency on EFL Listening Comprehension话题熟悉程度和语言水平对英语听力理解的影响
6.Interaction Effects between Topic Familiarity and Language Proficiency on Reading Comprehension;话语熟悉程度和语言水平交互作用对阅读影响
7.The Effects of Language Proficiency and Topic Familiarity on Non-English Majors Listening Comprehension;话题熟悉度和语言水平对大学非英语专业学生听力理解的影响
8.Exploring the Effect of Topic Familiarity on Chinese College English Major Students Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Through Reading;话题熟悉度对中国英语专业大学生通过阅读附带习得词汇的影响
9.The Effect of Topic Familiarity on Quality and Strategy Use of Long Sentence Interpretation in E-C CI;英汉连续传译中话题熟悉度对长句口译质量以及策略使用的影响
10.The Effect of Topic Familiarity on Intermediate Korean Leaner s Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition;话题熟悉度和词频对中级韩国学习者伴随性词汇习得的影响
11.An Investigation of the Effect of L2 Proficiency and Topic Familiarity on L2 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition话题熟悉度和二语水平对二语词汇附带习得的影响
12.Gaining Familiarity with the Variety of Questions That Follow Conversa-tion熟悉对话之后所提问题的种类
13.The Influence of Result Degree and Familiarity on the Willingness for Help;结果程度和熟悉性对助人意愿的影响
14.Familiar Wave soldering process. Familiar with assembly and packing process.熟悉波峰焊制程,熟悉组装和包装制程。
15.Students at all levels are encouraged to acquire familiarity with advanced research techniques and to participate in seminar activities.各种程度的学生都被鼓励去熟悉进阶的研究技术,并参与专题课程的活动。
16.An Experimental Study on Writing Speed with Different Difficulties;不同熟悉程度写作速度的一项实验研究
17.To acquaint(oneself)with knowledge of a subject.使熟悉使(自己)对某一主题的知识熟悉
18.The Effect of Subject Familiarity on Second Language Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Through Reading;主题熟悉度对阅读中二语词汇附带习得的影响

topic familiarity话题熟悉度
1.According to Nagy, Herman, and Anderson’s incidental vocabulary learning hypothesis and schema theory concerning background knowledge, an empirical study was designed to investigate the effect of topic familiarity on Chinese college English major students’incidental vocabulary acquisition through reading.根据Nagy, Herman,和Anderson(1985)提出的词汇附带习得理论,以及图式背景知识理论的观点,本研究主要探讨话题熟悉度这一因素对中国英语专业大学生通过阅读附带习得词汇的影响。
2.It is the aim of the present thesis to explore the effect of topic familiarity on quality and strategy use of long sentence interpretation in English-Chinese consecutive interpretation.本文旨在探讨英汉连续传译中话题熟悉度对于长句的口译质量以及应对策略使用的影响。
3.The study examines the effects of topic familiarity (more familiar, less familiar) and exposure frequency ( 1 exposure, 3 exposure, 6 exposure ) on intermediate Korean learner’s incidental vocabulary acquisition by reading Chinese.本文研究了在汉语作为第二语言的阅读过程中,话题熟悉度(话题熟悉,话题不熟悉)和词频(词语在文章中出现1次,3次,6次)对中级韩国学习者的伴随性词汇习得的影响。
3)Topic Familiarity话语熟悉程度
1.Interaction Effects between Topic Familiarity and Language Proficiency on Reading Comprehension;话语熟悉程度和语言水平交互作用对阅读影响
4)the degree of familiarity熟悉程度
6)text topics文章主题熟悉程度
1.The effects of text topics familiarity and reading level on the retention of text information were examined.结果表明,文章标记与文章主题熟悉程度存在显著的交互作用,文章标记对熟悉文章的信息保持无明显的促进效应,但对不熟悉文章信息保持的促进效应非常明显;文章标记对不同阅读水平读者的文章信息保持都有显著的促进效应,但对阅读水平高的读者的促进效应大于对阅读水平低 的读者的促进效应。
